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Mung Bean classical story (Heavy menses: stopped!)

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Ayurvedic Treatment




A Yogi named Chaitanyananda lived about 200 miles from Bombay until his

death not long ago. His cures of serious diseases, extending even to the

first stages of cancer, were well documented, and people flocked from

all over India to receive treatment at his hands.


He would welcome with profuse greetings anyone who came to him, to

create in them a false sense of security. While they rested he would go

into the jungle to collect a certain herb whose juice was then

admin­istered to the unsuspecting patient. About fifteen minutes later

the poor sufferer would begin to vomit and purge. This vigorous

purification lasted for up to three hours. After the nausea and diarrhea

died down, the patient would be served split mung beans and rice cooked

together into the preparation known as khichadi. Into this porridge

Chaitany­ananda would add a mixture of mineral and metallic oxides in a

specific proportion according to the nature of the disease. After

repeating this process for thirty days, the patient was clean from top

to bottom, and the disease had disappeared.


Chaitanyananda never studied classical Ayurveda in a college, but his

treatment followed Ayurvedic lines:




Removal of the cause.




Purification to eliminate excess Doshas.




Balancing the Doshas and rekindling the digestive fire.




Rejuvenation to rebuild the organism.




Any therapy that does not follow these steps is not Ayurvedic, nor is it

likely to be permanently effective, because it fails to balance the

Do­shas. Even when your mind is unbalanced, that imbalance is either due

to Dosha imbalance or is being made worse by it.


Faith was also an important ingredient in Chaitanyananda's cures. People

came to him expecting relief because they had heard tales of all those

whom he had helped, and this faith helped cure them. Remem­ber that one

symptom of diseased Rasa Dhatu is "lack of faith." Faith is the single

most important aspect of cure because it enhances Ahamkara's ability to

self-identify with the body, and actively works to strengthen Rasa

Dhatu, which then nourishes the other Dhatus and Ojas too. Vi­malananda

always said that there are only two ways to cure a disease. You can have

faith in another being-a physician, a deity, your grandmother, or anyone

else-and putting yourself entirely in his or her hands, allow that

person to direct the force of your faith. Otherwise you must have faith

in yourself, in your own powers of self-healing, and heal yourself directly.


If you have no Chaitanyananda to force you to become healthy, you are

responsible for curing yourself. You must decide with all parts of your

being that you are tired of being imbalanced and that you are pre­pared

to undergo whatever discipline may be necessary to heal your­self. Until

you can say to yourself sincerely that you are ready to change your ways

healing cannot occur. A firm decision to heal yourself only happens when

your mind is ready to admit to willfulness and "crimes against wisdom,"

when it is willing to admit to its deviousness in blam­ing the body for

its own excesses. When your mind is truly contrite, and willing to

forgive itself for falling ill, it is sure to cooperate with your body

to do the job right.


Hopelessness or helplessness is dangerous because it deprives your

immune system of support from Ahamkara. If your mind decides that it is

fed up with any body part, that body part is likely to lose its

im­munity and become quickly devitalized. Be angry, be hostile,

experience any emotion, which wants to come out, but never fall prey to

hopeless­ness if you want to be cured.


Moreover, you have to want everyone to be healthy if you want to become

healthy. Nature's Law is that you get back whatever you put out, so you

will get health only if your activities and attitudes promote, or at

least do not interfere with, the health of those around you. Health is a

lot like disease: it is contagious, and can be passed from one per­son

to another over and over again.


The discussions below do not purport to be a guide to self-treatment of

serious diseases. They merely outline some aspects of the Ayurvedic

management of certain conditions. You should always seek expert

pro­fessional guidance for any serious disorder.




Elimination of Ama




When your tongue is coated, your feces are foul, and your urine is

turbid, Ama is present in your digestive tract and must be first removed

before anything else is done. The best way to do this is to do nothing:

allow the body to expel the Ama itself by fasting.


Fasting is the first and best of all medicines. When possible you should

fast for 24 to 48 hours on as little intake of anything as possible. If

you are acutely ill, as with a fever, this should not be too difficult

be­cause you will probably not want anything. Brew up some weak tea of

dried ginger (to 1 tsp. per quart of water boiled for 20 minutes) and

sip it, just enough to prevent you from becoming dehydrated. Add a few

drops of lemon juice if you like. As soon as your urine, feces, and

tongue are clear, your digestive tract is free of Ama and purification

can begin .................




saruj_kaur wrote:


> Thanks again to all of you giving me some support!


> I'll keep them in mind and in my heart!


> saruj







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