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feel so lost

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Sat Nam!

You are in my prayers today. Remember when you can't feel God it is because

you are experiencing God inside in a different way. God and Me, Me and God are

one. The dark night of the soul is when you are doing your greatest work!

Chant or listen to Ad Guray Nameh let yourself be surrounded in beautiful light.


will chant it for you. You might also try Gorse a Bach flower essence.

Blessings in the Light!

We are one!

Guru Ravi Kaur




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God heared your prey and send you on right adress. Find a teacher and start

with work and also practice Sadhana disciplined at home. Your negative

emotions will be changed in positive. Thats all. Work brig fruits.



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Just think, without dark there is no light. This dark place is not forever and

you know that there is joy for you to have. Every new day brings new choices

and new hopes, so tomorrow could be the the day everything changes; and you

experience a happiness greater than any you have ever had. Look forward to

every day with this hope and optimism at these new chances. Keep to the the

path, even though the way is steep and muddy now, the sun will dry your way and

you will find that the view when you reach the top is fantastic.




You have our best wishes and prayers






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Dear one,

sadness at loss is both healthy and normal. ALL emotions are a part of

the experience of life and sadness needs to be honoured and listened

to just as any other emotion does. There is, however, a big difference

between being sad and depressed. Depression is a result of repressing

emotions or a number of conflicting emotions battling it out which can

create a lack of emotional clarity. Do you know if what you're

experiencing is sadness or if it's depression?


if this is a case of mourning the loss of your guru then it's

important to be aware that mourning usually has a number of stages

that include emotions that many on the path have not yet made peace

with and accepted such as anger. Do you feel abandoned by your guru?

is feeling lost a result of not having an external guide to look to

for direction? Joy lives on within you, it's just that it will be hard

to find if you're blocking out another emotion for some reason. it's

not perfection that is needed for any of us to move forward on our

path, it is honesty with ourselves and compassion for our own being.

We can only truly know our own magnificence and beauty when we stop

measuring ourselves by outside markers and approval, and look within

ourselves so that we can see who we truly our and love ourselves...the

shadow and the light, the joyous and the sad. We are all imperfect but

we are all beautiful in our uniqueness.


Being able to feel sadness is essential for compassion action. To

honestly face our own suffering and that of others (with compassion :)

is perhaps one of the most profound and transformative experiences one

can have. Now, this is not to say that suffering is a virtue or that

martyrdom is desirable. it's just to say that joy and sadness are

inextricably intertwined and that the depths of your sadness suggest

to you the heights of joy you may achieve. Look for the gift in this

experience for there is gold being offered to you, though it may just

all look like hard rocks right now! :)


On a more mundane level there are certain things you can do to support

yourself as you return from the dark valley of death that is the

seeding ground of all rebirth. Exercise for at least 30 minutes every

day (vigourously but being consciously in your body), meditate upon

your sadness...don't judge, just observe and you may find an exquisite

beauty hidden within. if you've not being getting any sun and live in

winter climates supplement with vitamin D3 and Omega3 oils. And

finally, consider going to see a psychotherapist to support yourself

through this transition. Meditation and yoga are wonderful healing

tools but not all tools are appropriate for all jobs, and sometimes we

need a whole tool kit to get out of a particular valley. The most

potent healing triad there is...one that works on the level of body,

mind and soul...is that of nutrition/exercise that supports physical

happiness, yoga/meditation that support spiritual and mental health,

and psychotherapy that supports emotional and mental health.


i sincerely hope some of this helps, as well as the wonderful

suggestions from others. May this be a journey that forges the

strength of your soul, leads you to your passion and joy, and most

importantly helps you to find your own internal connection with the

divine and inner guru.

peace, love and a warm embrace





> :o(


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I'm really moved by your loss ... after ovasoul's reply I feel a bit

unconfident about attempting to add anything, the reply was so

resonant with how I felt, and I haven't written here before.


One thing you might wish to consider is looking again at just what

your guru is. My understanding is that a guru does not have to be a

person. When I started KY I was working to retain/regain some

balance in my life emotionally having come into contact with a

wonderful person who opened many channels of thought and spirit for

me. It felt like falling in love.


When I started KY my teacher there talked about a guru as being

something or somebody from which you could learn and walk with from

darkness to light. I selected the relationship I had with my new

friend, not the friend herself. As with all relationships, it has

ebbed and flowed. Through all this, though, the relationship has

remained and has been an enormous source of learning about myself

and life through meditation and through living. When we spend

time 'together' it's easy to give thanks for the lessons that arise,

but when 'apart' I can reflect on my own feelings and view myself

experiencing them. I can show myself sympathy and understanding;

love myself in other words. Then I can give thanks that the

relationship, even when strained by being 'parted', continues to

give me insights - the relationship never ends.


I don't know whether it will help you but you might consider your

relationship with the departed guru as a new guru. You sound,

indeed, that you are in a dark place or one where you are unable to

see the light around you. Meditating on your relationship while (re)

establishing your yoga may bring yourself and your views about your

relationship into the long time sun. :)


Of course, in genuine humility, I may be wrong - if this doesn't

sound right to you then it probably isn't right for you ... but

maybe someone else will benefit.


Sat Nam


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