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Full Moon Meditations

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Sat Nam Everyone,


Happy New Year! I wish you all

12 months of HAPPINESS

52 weeks of FUN

365 days of SUCCESS

8,760 hours of GOOD HEALTH

525,600 minutes of LOVE

3,153,600 seconds of GODS BLESSINGS


Can anyone suggest a meditation to teach for the Full Moon on the 12th Jan.


Love and Divine Blessings


Debbie/Siri Ram




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Dear Siri Ram Kaur,


Thank you for the wishes!


> Happy New Year! I wish you all

> 12 months of HAPPINESS

> 52 weeks of FUN

> 365 days of SUCCESS

> 8,760 hours of GOOD HEALTH

> 525,600 minutes of LOVE

> 3,153,600 seconds of GODS



> Can anyone suggest a meditation to teach for the Full Moon on the 12th

> Jan.


Do you have 11 including yourself? If so the Tantric Healing Ring is the

best. Would anyone like to post the directions?


If not, RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG healing meditation is great. Two

versions are in Transitions to a Heart Centered World. You can chant this

mantra in an ascending scale with the arms up at 60 degrees. You can do

this two times with half the class lying n the floor receiving the energy

each time. Do for 5 minutes for each group and then sit quietly and let the

healig take place.


Many blessings,


Gururattana :+)

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Dearest Siri Ram,


Thank you for your new year blessings. Regarding the full moon

meditation I have find two. The first one can be done alone and the

second one is done in a group circle with a min. of 11 people- which

can also be done on a New Moon, and 11th day of the New moon.


The first one is called- Antar Naad Mudra as a Full Moon Meditation

and the second group one is called the Healing Ring of Tantra. Both

meditations details can be found on the Kundalini Research Institute

website where I have just posted the link on the Group page. Just go

to Resources and click on the meditation and yoga index, then type in

the title using the search feature.


Regarding the date of the full moon I'm sure it's the 14th according

to the moon calendars on the internet- I checked for the UK, USA and

Australia and it was the 14th for all of them!


I will be doing the Healing Ring of Tantra meditation on the 14th in

the teacher training class.


Peace and blessings to all,







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Here is a powerful full moon meditation.

It's said if you do this once in a lifetime you will


Prodigous emotions...


This needs to be done in solitary, sitting in the

light of the full moon. No windows etc. between you

& the moon.


Your hands are in prayer pose

Fingers pointing straight up


Mentally recite the Mantra:


Sat Narayan

Wahay Guru

Hari Narayan

Sat Nam


For the full effects: 2 1/2 hours!

This mantra means: Clear perception of Truth,


Beyond Words, Creative Essence of the Infinite,

Truth Everlasting.


It can help make your mind clear as a crystal & help

you see into your inner depths.

It is also for blessings & is said to resolve

deep-seated guilt.


Sat Nam,

Jiwan Shakti Kaur
















--- i_samina74 <i_samina wrote:


> Dearest Siri Ram,


> Thank you for your new year blessings. Regarding the

> full moon

> meditation I have find two. The first one can be

> done alone and the

> second one is done in a group circle with a min. of

> 11 people- which

> can also be done on a New Moon, and 11th day of the

> New moon.


> The first one is called- Antar Naad Mudra as a Full

> Moon Meditation

> and the second group one is called the Healing Ring

> of Tantra. Both

> meditations details can be found on the Kundalini

> Research Institute

> website where I have just posted the link on the

> Group page. Just go

> to Resources and click on the meditation and yoga

> index, then type in

> the title using the search feature.


> Regarding the date of the full moon I'm sure it's

> the 14th according

> to the moon calendars on the internet- I checked for

> the UK, USA and

> Australia and it was the 14th for all of them!


> I will be doing the Healing Ring of Tantra

> meditation on the 14th in

> the teacher training class.


> Peace and blessings to all,


> Samina.



> >

> >

> > Send instant messages to your online friends

> http://au.messenger.

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >













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