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sat nam everybody!

i have been insanely sick for a week! i very rarely get sick, and if i

do it's like a cold that comes for a day or two than passes on. this

time, i think i got a flu; i was completely flat for a day and a half,

and emerged from that in a cold sweat with an ear infection and a

hacking cough that keeps me from taking a deep breath (i feel like i

have to cough at both the top and the bottom of every breath if i

breathe too deeply). the pain in my ear subsided after a couple of

excruciting days (i'll admit it: i took tylenol and ibuprofen in

addition to holding hot towels to my ear; the pain had me in tears), but

i can't hear out of it now for a few days. i went to a naturopath on

monday who prescribed garlic drops and belladone (homeopathic) for my

ear. at the time, my cough wasn't very bad, and he didn't hear anything

when he listened to my lungs. i'm sure he would if he listened today!

throughout this, except for that first flatttened day (last friday), i

have continued to work but am doing as little else as possible; i just

come home and put on my pjs and go to bed.

what i'm wondering is, what is this all about? i believe there are

emotional/psychological causes as well as whatever virus or bug i might

have picked up. is this just a cleansing/purging/get rid of the old make

room for the new kind of thing? is there anything to be learned from the

fact that whatever-this-is has seriously taken up lodging in my right

ear and my lungs? i've had ear infections before - about a year and a

half ago i had one in my left ear - what could be causing these to recur?

i have longed to do some yoga but i can't even breathe deeply enough to

do it. sometimes i just turn on the stereo and lie quietly listening to

snatam kaur khalsa and thomas barquee and guru singh... i have an

appointment with an MD tomorrow to - as i joked with a friend - make

sure i don't have bird flu haha, but i don't expect to get from that

appointment the kind of deeper understanding that i crave about what's

going on with my body.

oh, another thing: my ex-husband came and stayed with me and our son and

my father for 2 weeks over the holidays ... i wonder if that has

something to do with this...

any insights you, o wise ones, might have, would be most welcome. and

when i do feel well enough, any suggestions of kriyas and/or meditations

to get me rolling again would be soooo appreciated.

thank you in advance; i hope you all are enjoying extremely robust health!!!

sat nam, many blessings to all,

seattle sue

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