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Resolution of possible headaches and colds from practicing KY through the practice of Radiance

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Dear T,


Quite often people fall into a trap of thinking that ailments are due to

spiritual practice. Sometimes they may be, but it isn't useful to dwell on



Regarding colds and headaches from practicing KY, the body has a certain process

or flow of energy circulation, and quite often, when you start to build up

voltage in the body it gets blocked at the neck and throat or head. The result

of this are kind of energy cysts that cause the colds, bronchial problems and



What you need to do is to allow the energy to dissipate in these areas.


For one, you need to be sure that you understand that every KY exercise has an

active and passive aspect. The active parts of the breathing, posture and

movement, locks and so on generates the voltage. You should move into the

active part gradually, and not go full force right away. Then in the passive

part direct your attention throughout the body, going to the feet, legs first

and gradually moving the awareness of these areas upwards. This will help to

dissolve tension throughout the body, the neck and head, while balancing the

energy flows.


Second, you should do more exercises that require you to stretch one side of the

body or the other. For example, sitting cross legged with the spine straight,

put the right arm against the right side of your back with the palm of your

right hand pressed against the ground, with the intention to cause the left side

of the spine to arch to the left and forwards. Then stretch the left arm

straight up, palm facing inwards and stretch with the arm by the left ear. This

opens all the peripheral nerves on the left side, the ida or moon channel. Now

begin LAB, but being aware to breath deeply down to the bottom of the lungs to

that the lower abdominal muscles are pushed out, continue filling and expanding

through the middle and upper parts of the diaphragm and stretch the left arm up,

pushing the right arm down. Then squeeze the air out from the top to the very

bottom. Repeat this 10 to 15 times, then inhale pull the root lock, stretch,

pressing the shoulders back to open the pranic center in the chest. Keep the

left are stretched and slowly exhale. Then gradually lower the left arm and

bring the palms of both hands to the knees. You should feel a strong surge of

energy or radiance all along the left side of the spine, the left side of the

back of the neck and up over the left side of the top of the head down to the

point between the eyebrows - the moon channel. Watch then release attention and

the radiance will flow outwards and dissolve inwards.


Wait for 1 minute for the energy to complete circulation, then repeat on the

other (pingala/sun channel) side.


There are a whole number of these you can do that strengthen and balance the sun

and moon channels to reduce the possibility of energy cysts that cause headaches

and colds.


The third way to release these tensions in the neck, throat and head is to do

simple breath of fire for several minutes, but in a particular way that will

reduces tension, and also assist in dong breath of fire in a way that you are

able to keep the body relaxed, which allows the maximum effect on postures.


In this case, sitting cross egged, you clasp the hands together by interlacing

the fingers and stretch the arms out parallel to the floor and begin a light

breath of fire. Gradually increase the power of the breath and you will start

to feel a typical tension along the spine and neck, almost like a cramping.

What you do to get rid of this and relax the spine is that you begin with every

breath to turn and rock the head from side to side so that it brings about a

massaging effect through the next and upper back through the throat and rib

cage. At a certain point, the spine and neck al the way into the center of the

head will become very loose and open. The you bring the head straight and you

will notice that you can increase the power of the BOF considerably without

strain and for quite a while.. After you inhale, stretch the spine, shoulders

back, chest forward, light neck lock, with the root lock, then relax and squeeze

the breath out holding it out for a while feeing a sense of dissolving through

the neck and shoulders and center of the head.


There are also a number of variations of these.


Finally, you can do the following exercise which will help to slowly release

tensions in the shoulders neck and throughout the head so that the blood and

prana flow evenly.


This has 2 parts, the first is to swing the arms forward and back at the

shoulder level, almost like swimming, but you're standing straight, turning your

head in the direction of the arm going to the back. Inhale as the arms go

forward and back and exhale as the hands come even with the shoulders between

the motion. Continue this for a minute or 2 focusing your awareness on relaxing

the spine, ribcage, shoulders and neck. At the end, inhale deeply and lower

your arms to your sides palms facing forward, bring the shoulders back, chest

forward, suspend the breath and then easily let the air out. Stay standing to

let the energy circulate for 30 seconds to a minute.


The second part is where you will with each motion pay attention to the

releasing of pressure in the shoulders, neck, throat and head, which will

unblock any energy cysts and allow the natural polarization of energy to begin

to expand throughout the body evenly and flow upwards from the feet ad hands

through the shoulders, neck and head, like a pillar of light.


This is also relatively easy to do. You stretch your arms upwards, stretching

your spine and slowly arch back also pressing the shoulders back and then the

head back as you inhale. Then slowly start exhaling as you come straight

stretching your arms and spine upwards and begin the motion with your arms and

torso forward until the hands reach the ground. Then stretch the shoulders

downwards, so that you feel the whole area of your back stretching, contracting

the abdominals to complete the stretch as you squeeze the breath out.


Now what you will probably notice is that you will feel a pressure of the blood

saturating in through the neck and head, so you will only stay down for a

moment, then return to the first back arching and stretching position, which

opens the heart, neck and brain. Each time you go down, pay close attention to

the pressure in the shoulders, neck, throat and head to the expanding pressure

of blood flow. What you will notice is that the sense of "pressure" begins to

diminish with each arch and stretch up and back followed by the forward bend and

stretch down, until you will begin to feel a kind of a radiance expanding

through your whole body evenly and easily flowing and filling through the back,

shoulders, neck, throat and head.


After a few minutes, and when the whole flow of the circulation of blood and

prana are easy and pressure released and after the last stretch up ad back, as

you exhale, come to a standing position and remain standing for a minute or

longer being aware of the flow of energy/radiance up from the feet legs, torso,

arms, shoulders, neck and head, until you can feel the flow and radiance through

the whole body field at once without focused attention.


There are other similar exercises in KY, as well. But these are a few that help

with what you mention.







Message: 5

Fri, 03 Feb 2006 01:42:06 -0000

"T" <suprasmiles

New and Confused....


I am wondering, I just started doing kundalini yoga about a week ago. Never

felt better, was so energized felt on a high, wonderful. A few days later I

came down with a horrible cough, no precursor symptoms, few days later I came

down with a head cold. I understand all that could be exposure to viruses, but

the days I've come down with these symptoms so severely was after doing about a

30 minute session of kundalini yoga in the morning, followed by going to work.


Could it be related? Could it be the releasing of toxins that my body can't

handle? Emotionally I still feel great, don't want to go a day without doing

the kundalini yoga, but am wondering if I should stop till I get my physical

health in better shape? And what would be the best way to prevent from getting




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