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RE: Lessons, Kundalini Rising, light meditation only?

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Dear Kristina:




1) Lessons: It is best to be taught by a teacher. Then you will know

if you do the postures and breathing correctly, and if you pronounce the

chants properly etc... Then you can practice on your own what you have been

taught. So pay for at least for one lesson and ask in advance if the teacher

wouldn't mind teaching a set that you already have access to. You will need

to learn Sat Kriya eventually. When your system is ready to go the next

level in strengthening your nervous system. It is hard to tell not having

you in front of me if you are ready for it or not. I had a student whose

nervous system was shattered he could not look at me in the eyes without

feel a burst of energy he could not handle. For him: no breath of fire, no

Sat Kriya. Start with slow breaths. Try inhaling through the curled tongue

(if your genetic make up allows you to do this), curl your tongue like a

straw and inhale, and exhale through the nose (It's called the Sitali

breath: it is good for calming the nerves it is good for digestion and it is

good for your 5th chakra and manifesting).


Money has a way to come when you make the decision that you really want





2) Kundalini Rising/light meditation with no yoga: Please don't

meditate without doing yoga 1st! Because you have a sensitive nervous

system: you must do the yoga before the meditation. Do the yoga gently and

with total awareness as a meditation. The yoga will strengthen your nervous

system. If you just do the meditation you will accentuate the imbalance you

are already experiencing. Meditation may release energy your system may not

be prepared to experience. I have heard too many cases of people trying to

meditate without doing Kundalini yoga and it hurt them. You have to already

have a strong enough nervous system to meditate.






Awtar Singh


Rochester, NY





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Dear Atwar,


Thank you so much for letting me know these things as

I had already been following the first lessons online

with the meditation. I have done the chin lock and

breath of fire as well as the other slow breathing. I

was having headaches and feeling more anxious than my

normal anxiety. I have an extremely sensitive nervous

system I mean extremely I can't even take advil

without side effects I am overly sensitive to

everything both emotional and physical. Mabe yoga and

meditation isn't for me :( I was so hoping I'd found

something to calm the anxiety and restlessness in me

and my mind.








































































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  • 1 year later...

Kundalini...lots of fascinations... ... ...but the world is far away the truth...

i agree that there were people like Yukteshora Maharaja and Yogananda... ... we must be thankful to them. They are the Yogis attached to the most sacred place called Siddhashram.

Only people from Siddhashram in our time could be with the Sahashrara awakening. And only with the enlightened one we can march forward...

Let's not fool around and try finding the real one with the full awakening.


I'm not agaisnt of the things going on. It is far more better than doing nothing and going into the drugs.

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  • 5 months later...

dear sir

i am from pakistan. i am writing you because i need your help. i am a normal human being. I got attuenment of 4th level of reiki. Now i am doing meditation after initation of reiki. during the session, my body starts trembling and experince convulsion. but i never lost my control. although meoments of my body extremly violent but everthing is in control and i am always aware about the surronding and all the event taking palce. I contacted my reiki master, he showed his disablity to help me out. he confirmed that my secrect power is awakeing. pl help me out how can i go further... i will be greatful.

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BY Tarmux - Now i am doing meditation after initation of reiki. during the session, my body starts trembling and experince convulsion. but i never lost my control. although meoments of my body extremly violent but everthing is in control and i am always aware about the surronding and all the event taking palce.


Dear friend there are many forces hidden within every human... some good and some destructive... meditation at times can unlock these forces... but unless u have proper guidance from someone (a guru or a upasak) who has "been there done that" you will never know which part of the energy u have inadvertantly tapped into. however if u feel that everything is in control continue what u are doing... however keep yourself alert... and if ever you feel urself slipping out of control (when u are awake ...OR even... if you begin having disturbing dreams) stop the meditation and go find yourself a teacher who has done what u are attempting...


A guru helps because these are turbocharged states of the human mind ... where the mind is like on a racing track and it is only a brief moment seperating everything under control from a dangerous crash...


best of luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, can you suggest me any book or site (illustration) for proper rules of activate Kundalini Chakras ?

mail me - sanjaydaisy@.co.in

Sanjay Arora




DEAR p Kristina:<>



1) Lessons: It is best to be taught by a teacher. Then you will know

if you do the postures and breathing correctly, and if you pronounce the

chants properly etc... Then you can practice on your own what you have been

taught. So pay for at least for one lesson and ask in advance if the teacher

wouldn't mind teaching a set that you already have access to. You will need

to learn Sat Kriya eventually. When your system is ready to go the next

level in strengthening your nervous system. It is hard to tell not having

you in front of me if you are ready for it or not. I had a student whose

nervous system was shattered he could not look at me in the eyes without

feel a burst of energy he could not handle. For him: no breath of fire, no

Sat Kriya. Start with slow breaths. Try inhaling through the curled tongue

(if your genetic make up allows you to do this), curl your tongue like a

straw and inhale, and exhale through the nose (It's called the Sitali

breath: it is good for calming the nerves it is good for digestion and it is

good for your 5th chakra and manifesting).


Money has a way to come when you make the decision that you really want





2) Kundalini Rising/light meditation with no yoga: Please don't

meditate without doing yoga 1st! Because you have a sensitive nervous

system: you must do the yoga before the meditation. Do the yoga gently and

with total awareness as a meditation. The yoga will strengthen your nervous

system. If you just do the meditation you will accentuate the imbalance you

are already experiencing. Meditation may release energy your system may not

be prepared to experience. I have heard too many cases of people trying to

meditate without doing Kundalini yoga and it hurt them. You have to already

have a strong enough nervous system to meditate.






Awtar Singh


Rochester, NY





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Dear Sir,

Hello, Can you Teach me Kundalini Yoga step by step online or by email, I promise I will definetely follow your rules, I tell you first, I know and practise of some yoga, and meditation.

email - sanjaydaisy@.co.in





DEAR p Kristina:<>



1) Lessons: It is best to be taught by a teacher. Then you will know

if you do the postures and breathing correctly, and if you pronounce the

chants properly etc... Then you can practice on your own what you have been

taught. So pay for at least for one lesson and ask in advance if the teacher

wouldn't mind teaching a set that you already have access to. You will need

to learn Sat Kriya eventually. When your system is ready to go the next

level in strengthening your nervous system. It is hard to tell not having

you in front of me if you are ready for it or not. I had a student whose

nervous system was shattered he could not look at me in the eyes without

feel a burst of energy he could not handle. For him: no breath of fire, no

Sat Kriya. Start with slow breaths. Try inhaling through the curled tongue

(if your genetic make up allows you to do this), curl your tongue like a

straw and inhale, and exhale through the nose (It's called the Sitali

breath: it is good for calming the nerves it is good for digestion and it is

good for your 5th chakra and manifesting).


Money has a way to come when you make the decision that you really want





2) Kundalini Rising/light meditation with no yoga: Please don't

meditate without doing yoga 1st! Because you have a sensitive nervous

system: you must do the yoga before the meditation. Do the yoga gently and

with total awareness as a meditation. The yoga will strengthen your nervous

system. If you just do the meditation you will accentuate the imbalance you

are already experiencing. Meditation may release energy your system may not

be prepared to experience. I have heard too many cases of people trying to

meditate without doing Kundalini yoga and it hurt them. You have to already

have a strong enough nervous system to meditate.






Awtar Singh


Rochester, NY





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