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What to choose for 40 days

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I have a question. I have the book "Yoga For Properity". There are

several sections that I would like to do a 40 on, but I can not really

choose which one is best for me.


Is there any tried and true way to correctly choose a 40 day ritual?

I imagine that I can't go wrong doing any one of the others, as they

all appear helpful.


How do you others out there, that have done this for awhile, make a

choice. Also, do you need to choose ahead of time to decide to do

something for 120 days or can you just choose to go on, once you end

the 40 days and decide you would like to continue on til break

through. Is ones commitment considered any different from one

scenerio to another?


Also, If I do Shabad, is just a cap ok to wear.. I don't have a turban

and being in Montana, I don't know of any place to get one or how to

wrap one.


I am attracted to do the Prosperity Collection found in Chapter 11 but

use the Shabad - Jaa Too Mayrai Val Hai for Properity found in chapter



Anyone else experience these powerful Kriyas and Shabads first hand?


Thanks for your assistance.


Sat Nam


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Dear Ryphka:




Those are great questions!




1) In regards to choosing a yoga Kriya for a 40-day (or more) period:

Ask yourself what it is you know you need most in your life. What are you

trying to achieve or improve? Then choose a set accordingly and forget all

about improving, do the set as consciously and with discipline and simply

start being aware your life and how you live it. Keep a daily journal of

what you notice during the practice of the set and in your life. During a

40-day period we usually go from excitement of starting something new and a

lot of expectation that it will change our life. Then we lose the excitement

which is good because it is in the way (any judgment gets in the way). But

then we replace the excitement with boredom. We have to go through this and

learn to be real: no expectations, in the moment, in the experience, humble

and yet dignified. Let your joy soar no matter what. In a way it does not

matter what set you choose as long as you choose one because what I have

just described may be the most difficult part of the practice. In a way it

does matter because you will start learning about you. Then you will learn

from who you are discovering what you want to do next and how you want to do



2) How long you choose to do a set for? What matters is what you do,

not what you commit yourself to do. (Let me rephrase that: if you commit to

40 days and you keep falling short. that does matter. what does commitment

mean to you? But if you commit to 40 days and want to extend your

commitment, not a problem!) So it is fine to commit to a 40-day period and,

at the end, notice the effect it had on your life and extend your practice

to a 90 or 120 day-period. It is what you actually do that counts!


3) For Shabd, it is fine to simply cover your head. It does not have

to be a turban. Yet grace is important too. Wearing a cap serves the purpose

of having your head covered but the energy of a cap is not the energy I

would choose to bring. I would want something white and dignified (or a

color that is really meaningful to you) like a shawl.




Best wishes and blessings on your journey,


Awtar S.


Rochester, NY







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Dear Rebecca,


> I am attracted to do the Prosperity Collection found in Chapter 11 but use

> the Shabad - Jaa Too Mayrai Val Hai for Properity found in chapter 6.


So there is your answer. But do follow the sequence and the directions.

Don't substitute, but you can add on.


You have a lot of 40 days left in your life. You can do the others later,

after you feel complete with this one.


The important thing is to follow your own intuition. Let your soul guide

you. When you do, you will find you don't have so many doubts.





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sat nam ryphka and everyone else,

i just thought i'd add my two cents. i once decided to do 40 days of

sodarshan chakra kriya because i'd done it before and it felt familiar.

i started a 40 day kirtan kriya on january 16th because i desperately

wanted to do some yoga and was too sick to breathe deeply, and kirtan

kriya seemed gentle enough. i started another 40 day set of SCK on the

29th to help my friend ranjit kaur keep up with it. i chose one around

my birthday that seemed more gentle and healing because i was feeling

like i needed that. in other words, i've picked different kriyas at

different times for different reasons, and i've often wondered why i am

doing them, but i seem to be compelled, so i just go ahead!! then i

wonder if the things that come up are a result of the kriya or of other

things, but that isn't even really important, what's important is to be

aware of what's different or changing and let it happen!

it's better to do something than nothing, i figure! all will be revealed

eventually - or not! as the kids say, "it's all good!"

wahe guru!

i am so grateful for kundalini yoga! enjoy your 40 day, whatever it may be!

seattle sue

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Thank you for all these wonderful insights. I began my first 40 days

journey today, so I will report in and let you know what is happening.


I am familiar with 40 day spiritual rituals from a more christian

background from many moons ago, so I will be interested to see how

this is different. (I am still spritiual just not so christian any more.)


I was just mentioning to someone that Kundalini has brought something

refreshing in to my life. As I wait for pages to load on my computer,

or I sit in traffic, or stand in line at the store, I find my self now

humming Mantras and holding my hands in mudras (I find Sa-Ta-Na-Ma

Practice particularly great for standing in long lines)


I have this secret smile in place of my muttering and cursing under my

breathe. It is apparent that one is a spirit builder and the other is

a spirit drainer.


I hope I don't pop during my 40 day as the energy is building and I

feel like I am shining like a nuclear reactor. I am doing grounding

work so that I don't just float off the planet..though in my dreams

that is fun to do.


Thank you all so much for all your insights to all of us on this road

to freedom.


Sat Nam


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