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energy blockage

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well lately I have been having constant sinus attacks because of the

weather this is building up what I have read and things an energy flow

problem I have done some of the excersises for a cold and it helped

some but only for a temporary time so I was wondering if there are

some kind of stretches that can help this problem on a more permenent

basis thanks I read a posting from an individual in an herbal group

andshe said this can't be done by yourself and must need a massage

therapist or an accupuncturist to release the energy block. I believe

this can be done with the ky traing of yoga any suggestions would

greatly be appreciated

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  • 1 year later...


well lately I have been having constant sinus attacks because of the

weather this is building up what I have read and things an energy flow

problem I have done some of the excersises for a cold and it helped

some but only for a temporary time so I was wondering if there are

some kind of stretches that can help this problem on a more permenent

basis thanks I read a posting from an individual in an herbal group

andshe said this can't be done by yourself and must need a massage

therapist or an accupuncturist to release the energy block. I believe

this can be done with the ky traing of yoga any suggestions would

greatly be appreciated



Well, just the practices of few Pranayams could help you a lot. I too was suffering from same problem and I practiced pranayams just for a fortnight and lo !!!

Try some Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom Pranayams. But remember not to practice Kapalbhati in speed if are with Heart problems, high blood pressure.

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  • 5 weeks later...


does pranayam has side effects if not practised properly?????


Hi there,


well, it won't do any harm. But if you get a capable Guru then it's sure that your energy will rise above. Only a Guru with 7th Chakra can manage other's 7th chakra. SO try finding such and don't wander like the vagabond in the streets. No such perfect beings could be found in the crowd who are claiming to be perfect in the Kundalini. Be aware.


Keep practicing your stuffs and Celebacy...

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