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ram ram brenda


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The Possible Human in The Mul Mantra and Humanology



Humanology and Kundalini Yoga give you a different message, as do many

emerging spiritual therapies. It says, first, you are far worse off than

you possibly imagined you could be. You are an idiot, asleep, and this

that you think is awakening is a dream and all of this is a mental

masturbation. All your efforts are worthless until you [yelling] WAKE

UP!! And your future, when you wake up, is so much more vast than

anything you could possibly conceive of, all efforts are worthwhile.


When you consider the contrast of those two messages, you understand the

difference right there. Normative approaches to psychotherapy start from

what's wrong, what's bad, what's missing. The other approach presumes,

in the dimension of awareness, an existing perfection, and in the

dimension of consciousness, a possible evolution.


There is a mantra, called the Mul Mantra, given by Guru Nanak - a great

yogi, healer and founder of the Sikh lifestyle. It captures a complete

philosophy and psychology of Human potential in one highly compact

phrase. Let me share it with you briefly as a foundation piece for a

future psychology and as a relatively unknown resource in the West.


Guru Nanak disappeared one morning in a river while doing his yoga

sadhana. He disappeared for three days in an ecstatic awakening. When he

reappeared all observers said he seemed to have a glowing light all

around him - an aura so strong that most people could see what was

normally invisible to them. In this mystic state of realization he sat

with all his students and uttered this mantra. It was the first thing he

said to capture the fullness of his vision of the Human being and the



>From a psychological perspective, the pivot of this statement is

"Saibhung". It means that an individual is complete and self-illumined.

That state is realized by the first part of the mantra. You start with

the presupposition that everything is connected unless otherwise proven.

Everything can thus be used for change and growth. Each word, action,

food, vision, etc. You are an identity among this interwoven matrix of

life. Each thing you do is real and has a real impact. You are a

co-creator of your life and existence. Karta Purkh - you act under the

influence of a large Being that rises like tides for the sailor. So

cultivate contentment, acceptance and creativity in the face of change.


As you do this there are two guiding emotions: fearlessness and

revengelessness. It means you can have all feelings, including fear, but

do not become them. Be fearless to be your real self even in the face of

fear. It is a rule of the mature mind that a truth told in fear is equal

to a lie. To cultivate communication that is the norm of a balanced

Human, there must be a core of fearlessness. Act consciously and not

reactively. Do not blame and project your emotions and subconscious on

others. Take your self, your action and your prayer as the center of

your task.


The Mantra


Meaning ---- Comments


Ek Ong Kar ---- Everything is connected; there is a Unity

underlying all the diversity; Awareness is the ground of Being


Sat Nam ---- You are a truth, a reality; your identity

is Truth itself


Karta Purkh ---- You are part of a larger play; the greater

Being you are embedded in does all- your ego is not the center of



Nirbhao ---- Be fearless; the first quality of the

realm of spirit and the fulfillment of a Human being


Nirvair ---- Be without any blame or revenge;

accept responsibility for your own situation and potentials


Akal Moorit ---- Be the picture of the Timeless and Undying



Ajuni ---- Live in constancy without being born

and reborn; attached and detached; without cycles of entrancement

and awakening


Saibhung ---- Be autonomous and complete within your

own spirit as part of the Infinite


GurPrasaad ---- All this requires one more step: Grace,the

touch of the Infinite since no finite can be Infinite by any effort


Jap ---- If you attain all this what will you

do? Meditate and repeat. Repeat what?


Ad Such ---- The Truth that is Primal


Jugad Such ---- The Truth that is here through all and

every experience


Haibhee Such ---- The Truth that is here right now; the pulse

of existence


Nanak Hosee Bhee Such --- The Truth that any clear non-negative

mind sees for all the future







Then you can reflect the higher forms of yourself. You can act both now

and timelessly in a timely way. You can balance the personal with the



If you develop the self in this way, the sense of constant immersion

into trances, fears, worlds of fantasy- births and re-births will cease

and be replaced by a state of "sehej" or easy flow that is beyond time.



When you develop the self this way the only thing left is Grace. You

never escape this requirement for we are more than the mind. We must

transcend the concept of the self with the soul itself. Within the mind

and body we form a relationship to what is and what is beyond. That is a

center piece, though threatening to modern psychology, of a complete

approach to Human potential. We must not be frightened by the

unmeasureable nor the measurable.



When we attain this exalted state of awakening and function we do not

just cease to do. We act like a constant repetition or alignment with

the pattern of universal Truth. We live with the Kundalini risen,

Awareness as the guide and we act not from ego but from the deep

currents of the soul and life. We are awakened in intuition,

intelligence and instinct.



Less than this is too constricted a goal for the Human. The task of the

Humanologist is to encourage the processes that attain this vision of

Human potential and interconnectedness.



One thing we must have in contemporary psychology is a much better

concept of the Human being. We need robust, mature expectations of what

we are and can become. That may be one of the true gifts the perennial

philosophy and the experience of the spiritual psychologies can offer

our Age. There is a lot of work to do to make that real, but many

serious therapists are beginning to take up the challenge.



Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, PhD


"Carbonell, Brenda" <brenda.carbonell wrote:

Sat Nam all


I too understood it was a one day extravaganza. It was amazing on

Saturday although it did elicit a rage response for moments which I

found very odd. I just finished 40 days of Awakening the Ten Bodies

with the Laya Yoga meditation and decided that rather than start

something new I should continue with this for an additional 50 days to

make a total of 90 days. I have to say that as a meditator I find the

kundalini has a way of getting in and around aspects of myself that I

thought were comfortably addressed so to speak. I have decided to

continue with the 10 Bodies and the Laya meditation because I have such

a visceral resistance to some of the exercises. So I want to just be

with this set for a time and see what there is to learn there.


Does anyone know what the chant: Ek Kong Kaarah, Saa-Taa-Naa-Maa, Siree

Wha Hay Guroo means? Other than the Arm pumps I am most resistant to

this chant and I am curious as to its meaning.


Curious Brenna in Vancouver



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