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dear matthew, sat nam and it's very brave of you to share your pain with

us. i don't have any good advice but maybe counseling would help? it

sounds like you need some radical intervention somewhere.

i have a similar struggle but on a much smaller scale so my heart goes

out to you.

hold on, hold on, my prayers are with you.

seattle sue

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Firstly i would say it is absolutely necessary that you do an early morning

Sadhana 4.00 to 6.00.The Nahbi kriya is an excellent start.Buy guru Rattan's

"Transition to a heart centered world "and start practicing.There are no two

way's about it.Secondly for your overactive sexual activity i would

recommend Mantak Chia's book "cultivating male sexual energy."

Learn,practice and love.Good luck Mathew.

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Sat Nam, Matthew,


I am certain you will received many wise and kind responses, Wahe Guru! My

suggestion to add to these is 12 Step Program for sex and love addiction. You

may contact me outside the group if you would like further information.


I wish you the very best and send you my heartfelt support.


Guru Gopal Kaur

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> Dear Matthew,

> My advice for you would be: don't fight yourself. I know it can be

> difficult but I think a part of your tension will go away if you


> just accept yourself the way you are right now. Tell yourself;


> is who I am right now and I'm ok with myself. You are a spiritual

> being, there is nothing wrong with you.

> If nothing else helps, get help from somebody else.

> Breathe, do relaxing things, ground yourself, take a walk in the

> nature. Maybe a sport could help you, too.


> Blessings and much love


> Violette








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Dear Matthew:




Yes it is difficult! That's OK.




There is a yoga set you can do to help as long as you also use awareness of

what's happening inside as well and as long as you use a lot of self love,

meaning acceptance toward what you are going through.




The yoga set I suggest is "transforming the lower triangle to the higher





Also read my e-mail titled: Re: Kundalini Yoga quote from Martha Beck






Awtar Singh


Rochester, NY





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Sat Nam,


Just to add to the suggestions that have already been given...


Intention is what makes the world go round and all intention begins with a

desire. There are "true desires" and "false desires"...false desires are

"warped" true desires (soul desires) ....and true desires bring us forever

closer to our essence and experiencing our essence.


So when you're at you're worst and you feel the most overcome, realize in

that moment you are also sitting on a "power keg" of potential for



It's our weaknesses and the breadth of them, that gets transformed into our



All obsessive behavoir is false desire manifesting itself....the best thing

you can do with false desire is to question what it is that you are wanting,

underneath the immediate desire and to detox/transform whatever emotional

tension arises once you understand what you are truly desiring....and then set

intentions for what you actually are wanting in a soul sense.


Start asking yourself after meditation, what do I really, really want

......and then listen...your soul will speak to you...your mind will speak as

well...so let it all come without judgement....you can use your neutral mind to

discern what of the answers are soul yearnings after the fact.


Knowing what you want is a place to begin.


I know from personal experience, that obsessive behaviors can be alike a

monkey on your back and you wonder if you'll ever be free from it. It's like

being in prison. My experience has been that once I tapped into what I wanted

at a soul level and began pursuing that...then the monkey began to dissolve and

my essence began to blossom.


All Light and blessing to you,


Sat Sangeet kaur

AB, Canada







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I am also a recovering addict. I have been in AA for a very long


I want to echo what was already said about 12 step work on sexual

issues. If you have exhibited addictive behaviour in drugs, sex is

an understandable next step. I don't know if you are in a 12 step

prgram for drug addiction, but I would reccomend that also. Being

drug free alone does not remove our addictive tendencies. In fact,

if left untreated, many addicts return to drugs.

Good luck,



Kundaliniyoga, "madhatterart"

<madhatterart wrote:


> Sat Nam,


> Ive been struggling with some very serious issues lately and


> need some advice and awareness.


> Lately I have been over-sexualy active (and thats an


> and it is really eating me up inside. Because Im mostly against


> I am doing, it is degrading my sense of self and resulting in

> painful, split personalities. Ive struggled with this for years


> now its really getting bad, I cant control myself, no matter how

> hard I try. The struggle is starting to win me over and within I

> feel as though my last few drops of hope are ready to dry up... I

> could really use all the help I can get.


> I used to be into LSD and Marijuana really deep and Kundalini Yoga

> was certainly one of the key factors that helped me finally make


> to victory, finally finding sweet rest in the joys of being sober.

> But that feeling of triumph slowly left me as I became once again,

> very very sexually active, wasting my sexual energy and falling


> depression.


> Its starting to develop into some sevre mental issues as well, I

> find myself daydreaming so much that I have become very

> idiosyncratic and withdrawn, much like schitzophrenia...


> Well if theres any magical kriya or just some really good

> advice....... I could really use you wonderfull people and your

> beautiful insight.


> Thank you ever so much


> May the long time sun shine upon you

> All love surround you

> And the pure white light within you

> Guide your way on!


> Namaste,

> -Matthew Kurtis Taylor.


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Dear Mathew,


First of all let me congratulate you on your strength

and ability to

overcome the use of Marijuana and LSD. That is a

victory that is not be



Having said that, you might need a little bit more

work to be able to

re-establish balance and a peaceful state.


It sounds that you have overcome your obsessive

dependence on mind altering

drugs only to find another addictive behaviour, this

in fact is a common

problem and has many solutions so do not despair. Your

deep desire to change

seems strong enough to transform you and make you even

stronger than the

average being that did not go through your

experiences. All that is left is

a methodology to follow.


Many wise and resourceful people on this list have

already supplied some

good suggestions for you to work with. May I only

suggest that you focus on

the methods one at a time because receiving so many

different ways might

dissipate or divide your focus if attempted



I've read Mantak Chia's "cultivating male sexual

energy" and I believe that

it's an amazing and resourceful book. Nabhi Kriya is

great too, as well as a

kriya for strengthening the kidneys will be very

beneficial for you at this



Most importantly, I believe that you need to learn a

technique to "circulate

your sexual energy" within the body since your

description might suggest

that your sexual energy is congested in your lower



Now, your mental state issues are not unknown for

previous LSD and marijuana

users. The chemical imbalances in brain

neurotransmitters cause such mental

states. There are many KY kriya's that address those

issues in Guru Rattans

"Relax and Renew". Check it out.


if you are more inclined towards technological

solutions, I would suggest

you check out Cranial Electric Stimulation CES. These

devices have been

known by the medical community to repair imbalances in

the brain caused by

drugs and alcohol. Light and Sound devices enhance the

experience as well

but are not absolutely necessary.


All the best and may healing energy surround you.


Sat Nam,

Sahib Singh

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Sat Nam Matthew,

You have a lot of courage bringing this issue up and in doing so

you have made a simple but profound step toward health.

Some thoughts below.


"madhatterart" <madhatterart wrote:


> Sat Nam,


> Ive been struggling with some very serious issues lately and really

> need some advice and awareness.


> Lately I have been over-sexualy active (and thats an understatement)

> and it is really eating me up inside. Because Im mostly against what

> I am doing, it is degrading my sense of self and resulting in

> painful, split personalities. Ive struggled with this for years but

> now its really getting bad, I cant control myself, no matter how

> hard I try. The struggle is starting to win me over and within I

> feel as though my last few drops of hope are ready to dry up... I

> could really use all the help I can get.


The language you choose to use is very telling! You say "I feel as

though my last few *drops* of hope are ready to dry up".

Yogi Bhajan used to say it takes 100 drops of Blood to create one drop

of Semen...and it takes 100 drops of semen to create one drop of Ojas".


Put another way, when semen (shukra)*** leaves our body before we have

had an opportunity to transmute some of our lust into a more

compassionate energy, we lose a big chance to create this Ojas. IT'S

ALL ABOUT THE OJAS! Without a reasonable level of Ojas; Body, Mind,

Spirit all fall apart as Ojas is the glue that keeps it together.

Proper diet and proper life style help in maintaining the balance of

doshas and in producing healthy dhatus.

Yogiji has spoken many words that have really found a home in my heart

and mind. Amongst them are "never approach the woman you love from

place of emotional, mental or sexual weakness. You will become a

nuisance to yourself". This I understand.


He has also said, and I quote roughly "it's not the sex that men need,

it's the pillow talk".


One other thing - the emotions of fear and anger have the effect of

drying up our Ojas. These emotions have correlates in the Vata (wind)

and Pitta (heat) Doshas. Deal with your emotions as they will

influence your choices and behaviour, unconsciously.




> I used to be into LSD and Marijuana really deep and Kundalini Yoga

> was certainly one of the key factors that helped me finally make it

> to victory, finally finding sweet rest in the joys of being sober.

> But that feeling of triumph slowly left me as I became once again,

> very very sexually active, wasting my sexual energy and falling into

> depression.


Kundalini students often have an excited libido (ask me how I know).

Yeah, it gets wild.

Doing the below Kriya (or whatever you choose to do) in the Amrit Vela

(2am to 6am) is your best chance to bring this tiger under control

without it feeling like you are "controlling" anything. Be smart!

Enjoy *your* skin, breath and flesh through "Kriya for Pelvic Balance"

( go/start.cgi/store/shop.html?showprod=P01003


go/start.cgi/store/shop.html?showprod=P18001 )

and chanting Wahe Guru in a way that embraces your mind and being.

This will be a good foundation for the change you want to make. All

will be still.

Are you anywhere near an ashram? What country? city?

Be well,



*** In Ayurvedic thought there are seven levels of tissue in our body.

They are called the Dhatus (Google it) and they begin with life

sap(rasa), then blood(rakta), muscles(mansa), fatty tissue(med),

bones(asthi), bone marrow and nervous tissue(majja) and culminate

with Shukra(semen and reproductive system). They are responsible for

our immune mechanism( http://www.sahej.com/Ahamkara.html ). Shukra is

the essence of all the body tissues and is that creation of mother

nature which has the capacity to produce new life, either outside you

or within you. If there is enough wasting of dhatus then the body

construction collapses and ultimately life ends.



> Thank you ever so much


> May the long time sun shine upon you

> All love surround you

> And the pure white light within you

> Guide your way on!


> Namaste,

> -Matthew Kurtis Taylor.


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Sat Nam,


First of all, thank you all for your support, you have always been

such a compassionate people and I thank you.


I have heard the quote about the ojas, and as I have been on a

certain spiritual journey for a few years now, it has been

disturbing to think about how much my mis-use of sexual energy is

actually slowing my progress... SPIRITUALITY DEPENDS ON IT!


Im just turned 17 two months ago (Im a capricorn) and I am aware

that I am still developing, most of all in relation to the glands,

and therefore sexuality.


I have been trying hard to wake up at 4 in the morning for the past

couple weeks, I have failed. I seem to be overwhelmingly tired at

these hours and as I try to gather will to wake up, I usually fall

asleep. Does anybody have a specail technique to wake up early? I

have heard that not drinking milk helps, but its one of my sources

of protiens since I am a vegaterian.


I really wish there was an ashram nearby, but even if there were, I

dont have enough money to pay for classes.


I live in Apple Valley, California.


Since I havent been able to attend a group sadhana, I have bought

plenty of books from yoga-tech including, "Relax and

RenewTransitions...Sexuality and SpiritualityThe MindThe

Masters TouchSadhana Guidelines" and my latest purchase "The Life

and Teachings of Guru Nanak". I love reading so much, I plan on

continueing my collection of these beautiful books from a most

beautiful organization.


Well I know one thing, I will never give up on my gaol of reaching

the higher self.


Thanks Again.


-Matthew Kurtis Taylor.

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Greetings and Blessings Matthew


Your success so far is an inspiration. Being a Capricorn would help

you maintain the tenacity to get through difficulties. Your

determination to never give up on your goal of reaching the higher

self will also help get you through. Remember: You ARE the higher



Some simple suggestions for you to complement suggestions already



1 When your thoughts feel "squirrely", like all over the

place, disconnected: Try `Alternate nostril breathing'. Be aware

of the breathing, rhythmical, steady. Also, breathwalk, described

in the book "Breathwalk" by Yogi Bhajan and Gurucharan Singh

Khalsa. Focusing on your breathing takes the attention away from

the thoughts, stops you following the thoughts around, is calming.

If you aren't in a position to do these specific exercises at the

time, do and be aware of the deep abdominal yoga breathing. Feel

it. These are things you can do when not practicing sets etc.

2 Do Sat Kriya daily.

3 As has already been suggested, keep it simple and don't try

to do too much at once.


Just to clarify some points:


As you will notice in the meditations and kriyas, e.g. Sat Kriya,

Elevation of Consciousness Meditation – Sahaj Yoga, and Ek Ong Kar

Sat Nam (where the effects of the sounds start lower down, gradually

bringing the conscious up to the higher centres on Sat Nam) a

conscious effort is made to raise the kundalini energy up.


This you need to do, and to not give up. The lower centres are

a "familiar place" in this physical existence of ours. However, with

regular practice of the sets and meditations that also develop the

higher centres and raise the energy up, the higher centres too

become more familiar, more vivified. As issues are dealt with and

blockages cleared, your energies become more balanced and you learn

to express yourself at subtler levels of consciousness.


With regard to raising early, I too struggle with getting up during

the 'ambrosial hours'. I find it is just a matter of 'training' the

body to get up (though I have at times contemplated just throwing

myself out of bed, then there is nothing for it but to get up!).

It is heavenly during the peace and relative stillness of that

time, compared to later when everything is more active. You can

tune in more easily to your feelings and energies at this time. You

can think if this as a treat for getting up early...


With KY you are creating new pathways in your bodies, in your life,

clearing the way. It's a gradual process. It's OK. Shanti.





Kundaliniyoga, "madhatterart"

<madhatterart wrote:


> Sat Nam,


> First of all, thank you all for your support, you have always been

> such a compassionate people and I thank you.


> I have heard the quote about the ojas, and as I have been on a

> certain spiritual journey for a few years now, it has been

> disturbing to think about how much my mis-use of sexual energy is

> actually slowing my progress... SPIRITUALITY DEPENDS ON IT!


> Im just turned 17 two months ago (Im a capricorn) and I am aware

> that I am still developing, most of all in relation to the glands,

> and therefore sexuality.


> I have been trying hard to wake up at 4 in the morning for the


> couple weeks, I have failed. I seem to be overwhelmingly tired at

> these hours and as I try to gather will to wake up, I usually fall

> asleep. Does anybody have a specail technique to wake up early? I

> have heard that not drinking milk helps, but its one of my sources

> of protiens since I am a vegaterian.


> I really wish there was an ashram nearby, but even if there were,


> dont have enough money to pay for classes.


> I live in Apple Valley, California.


> Since I havent been able to attend a group sadhana, I have bought

> plenty of books from yoga-tech including, "Relax and

> RenewTransitions...Sexuality and SpiritualityThe


> Masters TouchSadhana Guidelines" and my latest purchase "The


> and Teachings of Guru Nanak". I love reading so much, I plan on

> continueing my collection of these beautiful books from a most

> beautiful organization.


> Well I know one thing, I will never give up on my gaol of reaching

> the higher self.


> Thanks Again.


> -Matthew Kurtis Taylor.


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Matthew -

> Here's what really helps me to wake up early -

> eliminate/limit refined carbs from your diet (sugar


> flour)

> and don't eat past sunset (or if you must, just eat

> something very light and easy to digest like fruit -

> no heavy meals). digestion takes a huge toll on the

> body, and the body uses solar energy to help it

> digest. so after sunset, food tends to stagnate.


> you're used to heavy meals at night, try eating your

> heavy meal 2 hours before sunset instead. You might

> be surprised to see you don't get that hungry later,

> and that you wake up easier. Also, as you settle in

> bed for the night lovingly ask your body to wake up


> the most appropriate time for you to start your


> Then it's just a matter of actually getting out of


> when the body wakes!

> Ardas








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