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To much Yoga???

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when i first started doing meditation about ten years ago i started to

be pulled into trances which scared me a lot,the sensation of being

physically paralyized plug intense inner pressure.I eventually became

very paranoid and burnt out,experienced a three month migrain which

bedridden me


All i can recommend is learn how to be more emotionally detached,I

only became so after i recovered from my burnout



Kundaliniyoga, "water_faery_magick"

<water_faery_magick wrote:


> Ok my Yoga teacher told me to back off doing so much Yoga and reading

> so many Yoga related books. She said that I was using it as a crutch

> instead of focusing on my own mental health and healing. To me my Yoga

> was a safe place for me, where I could forget about everything for

> just a few moments, not as to hide but just deal with stress. As some

> of you know some pretty "odd" things can happen to one who does Yoga,

> so when things like that happend to me it threw me for a loop, freaked

> me out and started a downward spiral into depression (somewhat)and

> confusion.

> does anyone have any opinions or suggestions, Help to offer.

> Is there a such thing as too much Yoga and can Yoga hinder ones

> healing? I think Yoga is very healing and can help me cope, but I need

> some more advice..

> Thanks so much

> Sat Nam

> Namaste,

> WaterFaery


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Honestly, I don't know why anyone would recommend for you to stop

doing yoga...that's a new one for me!!! I would say for you to do

what is best for your body to stay healthy...this includes emotional

well being...plain and simple. If yoga does that for you then trust

your instincts my dear...Ask yourself...Do YOU feel like you are

using yoga and yoga books as a crutch? The flip side of this could

be that there is an imbalance of sorts..Maybe your teacher knows

you better then you know yourself? Does she?


Mr. Dover..how does one become emotionally detached? please








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"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical

substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed." Carl Gustav Jung



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Dearest WaterFaery,

first let me say that you've chosen a lovely name for yourself :) May

I ask how long you've been studying with your teacher? Do you have an

established relationship and do you trust her? It's possible to get

lost in many activities (or even addicted or overly attached). I think

the key here is that you say that you started to get confused and

depressed. If an activity is harming us rather than helping us then

it's always advisable to bring that activity back into balance in our

life and to find a healthy place for that activity. We also sometimes

need to pace ourselves so we can actually integrate the experiences

we're having and information we're taking in. If we overload ourselves

we can create a breakdown that is harmfull rather than healing. Not

all breakdowns become breakthroughs, it requires being conscious of

what we're experiencing to allow that to happen. If we just slow down

a bit and integrate our experiences we can have the breakthrough

without having the potentially dangerous breakthrough :)


What were the odd experiences you were having as a result of

practicing yoga? What form of yoga have you been practicing? Kundalini

or another form? Because yoga can be a powerful healing tool sometimes

we are brought to a point where we become aware that we have some

issues to deal with that require some extra help. All things that are

healing can be harmful in excess so the key is awareness, balance and

self moderation :) If you trust your teacher, and respect her

knowledge and experience, then isn't it important as her student to

listen attentively to her observations? She has brought you this far

has she not? :)



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I just meant that one has to learn how to stay calm when confronting

new stimuli,I burnt myself out with anxiety and fear when i first

started this stuff,I still get kind of freaked out when i find myself

in alerted states


> Mr. Dover..how does one become emotionally detached? please

> share...








> Visit your group "Kundaliniyoga" on the web.



> Kundaliniyoga


> Terms of










> "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two

chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed."

Carl Gustav Jung



> New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC

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hello rising people,


need some feedback...

well my instinct says that I'm not yet ready to get along with KY since there

is some house cleaning job still left

so these days...I'm sort of having cave&bat relationship with

Pranayam.......and its really something..


now im having exactly the same experience as magick put in to words


"a downward spiral into depression (somewhat)and



along with that there is extreme laziness..and mind is getting bombarded by

thoughts.(and all of them are useless )..they are so subtle that its almost

impossible to watch them......


there is another change.thou..i have started feeling more composed...


these are the following pranayams that i do every day..

1. brahastika PY

2. kapalbharti PY

3. alom-vilom PY

there are 3 more but i forgot the names.....



also can someone please give me the steps for breath walking and let me know

if i is possible to fuse swimming with yoga?


so could you please advise me that i should stop....or am i almost there..


peace and love













water_faery_magick <water_faery_magick wrote:

Ok my Yoga teacher told me to back off doing so much Yoga and reading

so many Yoga related books. She said that I was using it as a crutch

instead of focusing on my own mental health and healing. To me my Yoga

was a safe place for me, where I could forget about everything for

just a few moments, not as to hide but just deal with stress. As some

of you know some pretty "odd" things can happen to one who does Yoga,

so when things like that happend to me it threw me for a loop, freaked

me out and started a downward spiral into depression (somewhat)and


does anyone have any opinions or suggestions, Help to offer.

Is there a such thing as too much Yoga and can Yoga hinder ones

healing? I think Yoga is very healing and can help me cope, but I need

some more advice..

Thanks so much

Sat Nam



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Dear Ovasoul:


Thank you for your words of Guru wisdom about not overloading ourselves and

pacing ourselves to our own drummer then giving ourselves a chance to integrate

what we have learned.

Because there is so much to learn(always in everything)I was starting to feel

guilty about not doing enough.

Reading your words reminded me of my own wisdom and my own pace and

those words stopped me cold from laying any guilt trips. Thanx.





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Greetings brother on the path,

It may be that what you are observing , is arising in your consciousness as it

grows, arising as an impurity, and passing right through, the bombardment of

subtle , useless, thoughts, may be caught in the current - Spirit-Current,

Shakti, Kundalini, She does flow like a river, a river of fire sometimes, and

rivers are constantly picking things up and dropping other things, filtering, so

all kinds of things can come through the frontal, or waking,

consciousness...mental energy, emotional energy, physcial energy...old

patterns...old ailments...it all floods through.....

or that's my take on it anyway ? ....this is what I have observed though,

since I have been aware of the force of Kundalini in my body, and the force of

Shakti in the univere at large....observation is a virtue on the path I have


I hope these thoughts help you, or are at least entertaining .......


Sat Nam




bokojoo <bokojoo wrote:

hello rising people,


need some feedback...

well my instinct says that I'm not yet ready to get along with KY since there

is some house cleaning job still left

so these days...I'm sort of having cave&bat relationship with

Pranayam.......and its really something..

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Sat Nam,

one learns detachment as one realizes that we are not our emotions,

that our emotions are experiences that flow through us and will be

gone in an instant. We are the consciousness that can watch the sea of

emotions as they flow through us. Once we become comfortable with

understanding that we are not our emotions, and can watch them and

then choose how we will act in a situation rather than feeling

compelled to act out the emotions as a reaction to the situation, we

have learned detachment. I hope this helps :)




Kundaliniyoga, "Ben Dover" <blaster wrote:


> I just meant that one has to learn how to stay calm when confronting

> new stimuli,I burnt myself out with anxiety and fear when i first

> started this stuff,I still get kind of freaked out when i find myself

> in alerted states

> >

> > Mr. Dover..how does one become emotionally detached? please

> > share...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Visit your group "Kundaliniyoga" on the web.

> >

> >

> > Kundaliniyoga

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two

> chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed."

> Carl Gustav Jung

> >

> >

> > New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC

> and save big.

> >

> >

> >


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Sat Nam Mithum,

it strikes me that perhaps you're trying to do too many things at

once. Perhaps you can start focusing on one, more soothing and deeper

form of breathwork? That should calm and centre you. Perhaps choose

one meditation and focus on that for an extended period?


When we start to become conscious we realize how full our mind is of

essentially useless chatter, how many voices that repeat things in our

heads aren't our own but are like recordings of people we've known and

whose words we keep repeating to ourselves because we have taken them

in as our own. It is not that we have more of this than before we were

conscious, just that we are now conscious of the inner noise. If we

get angry, judge ourselves, or try to deny these parts of ourselves or

messages we have taken in from others then we will become conflicted

and depressed. Accept your current state and if you need to get help

working through some things, love yourself enough to get the help.

Helping ourselves does not mean doing everything on our own (the ego

to think we can teach ourselves what we do not know! ;), it means

taking responsibility for ourselves and seeking assistance when



It sounds as if you also need to practice being gentle and nourishing

with yourself. Moderate your practice so that you are moving at a

comfortable rate for yourself at this point in time, listen to

yourself and honor yourself. There is no urgent race to get back to

ourselves, we are already here....we just have to be quiet enough to

notice. There is no there to race towards, we are already here :)



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Dearest Teresa,

it is always a pleasure to be of service :) We so often forget what we

already know that it is good to have friends to remind us. I am happy

to have been able to remind both you and myself to have patience and

compassion with ourselves.

A wise person, and please excuse me for not remembering who, once told

me that the difference between guilt and shame is that with guilt we

are struggling against what we feel we SHOULD and that shame is when

we know we have gone against who we are. Guilt is very much about

feeling that we are not living up to some external standard. It is a

most useless state of being since it teaches us nothing and keeps us

striving to be someone's SHOULLD BE and prevents us from being who we

really are (even if that is momentarily less than gloriously perfect

to the outside world or doesn't meet someone else's approval! ;) Shame

is very useful, it tells us that somehow we are going against who we

truly are. Not who we think we should be, or someone else thinks we

should be, but we are in our essence (our soul not our personality).

When we feel shame we understand that we have healing to do to come

back to our true selves, that we need to require respect for

ourselves...be it our body, our mind or our soul. Shame means we need

to make restitution to ourselves or the other we have harmed to be

able to heal and become whole again.



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Dear Water_Faery_Magick ;o),

If you're doing Yoga and Meditation, you ARE "focusing on my own

mental health and healing". So the question is What is your practice?

If you're approaching this Tantrika(householder's yoga)path as a Hatha

yogi renunciate would, then you might be accused of using it as a

crutch. A look at your numerology (what is your full birthday?) might

help determine something about your approach and mode of operation.

You might be an "All or Nothing" kind of person. You might be one who

is married to the sacred. You might be light a camel taking a long,

slow drink in the one oasis you've ever seen. You might be one with a

Five Projection or Confidence, as many dancers have, and/or this might

be a little bit of an indulgence but a totally understandable one.

Nonetheless, the yoga is often the tool that heals the body and

Meditation the tool for working through the problems of the mind.

Using Tantric Numerology you can design a Sadhana that will address

your core issues. One other option is the traditional Sadhana (

http://amritvela.org/ ). Are you near an ashram/yogic community?

Sat Nam,

Dharam Singh

Millis, MA <-> Oregon


Kundaliniyoga, "water_faery_magick"

<water_faery_magick wrote:


> Ok my Yoga teacher told me to back off doing so much Yoga and reading

> so many Yoga related books. She said that I was using it as a crutch

> instead of focusing on my own mental health and healing. To me my Yoga

> was a safe place for me, where I could forget about everything for

> just a few moments, not as to hide but just deal with stress. As some

> of you know some pretty "odd" things can happen to one who does Yoga,

> so when things like that happend to me it threw me for a loop, freaked

> me out and started a downward spiral into depression (somewhat)and

> confusion.

> does anyone have any opinions or suggestions, Help to offer.

> Is there a such thing as too much Yoga and can Yoga hinder ones

> healing? I think Yoga is very healing and can help me cope, but I need

> some more advice..

> Thanks so much

> Sat Nam

> Namaste,

> WaterFaery


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Sat Nam

Thanks to everyone for their loving opinions and support. I have

been doing Yoga with my teacher for about 4 years now. It is mostly

viniyoga, Iyengar----We have a good relationship and yes I do trust

her and have a great deal of respect for her.

Depression/stress/anxiety has always been a part of my life and

honestly due to my own self, I seem to not be happy unless I am

depressed-(about .25%of the time)--yea an oxymoron I know but I can't

explain it. I have a

great life but I have a hard time seeing most of the good things

(some of the time) I strive for perfection in what I do, I also

strive to make people happy. I guess I felt I was not making my

teacher happy/proud and I thought she was disappointed so that was

number 1. I tried so hard, practicing, reading (as I want to teach)

to help me overcome what was holding me back. So what really set the

ball in the downward motion was one night in class we were doing a

very normal routine and we were in tadasana and I felt my heart

center open--like an explosion...Now I have broken out in tears in

class before so it's no biggie but I held the emotions back. I have

also experienced the ear popping, ringing, buzzing, cold/warm rushes

like waves, sometimes almost bursting out laughing.

I also have a closeness with spirits, I can sometimes see but mostly

feel and communicate with them, and after my heart center opened, all

my senses became very active, things I saw were sharper/clearer, my

hearing has always been sharp but it was more intense, smell to.

So on top of it all it just got to overwhelming.

The pressure to please my teacher

wanting to learn all I could

Having anxiety

Highten senses

was to much for me at the time.

Now I feel we are not given anything we can't handle so I don't

understand why i could not handle this. I so desperately want my

teachers attention/love/acceptance and to believe in me and not hold

me back.

She suggested going back to my therapist which I have.

I want to quit this downhill path before I ultimately break.

One thing I must say is when I read my books or do my practice here I

feel powerful and strong and so encouraged.

I personally don't think I was using my studies as a crutch like she

said, I was just "enlightening my load" as the saying goes, filling

my brain with great things....I just don't get it.

I have done as she suggested, backed off to let my brain relax, my

body heal and deal with what it is I need to deal with to finally be

able to let go. I hope I have answered most of the questions the

members have asked. And again I appreciate all your advice and






Kundaliniyoga, "ovasoul" <ovasoul wrote:


> Dearest WaterFaery,

> first let me say that you've chosen a lovely name for yourself :)


> I ask how long you've been studying with your teacher? Do you have


> established relationship and do you trust her? It's possible to get

> lost in many activities (or even addicted or overly attached). I


> the key here is that you say that you started to get confused and

> depressed. If an activity is harming us rather than helping us then

> it's always advisable to bring that activity back into balance in


> life and to find a healthy place for that activity. We also


> need to pace ourselves so we can actually integrate the experiences

> we're having and information we're taking in. If we overload


> we can create a breakdown that is harmfull rather than healing. Not

> all breakdowns become breakthroughs, it requires being conscious of

> what we're experiencing to allow that to happen. If we just slow


> a bit and integrate our experiences we can have the breakthrough

> without having the potentially dangerous breakthrough :)


> What were the odd experiences you were having as a result of

> practicing yoga? What form of yoga have you been practicing?


> or another form? Because yoga can be a powerful healing tool


> we are brought to a point where we become aware that we have some

> issues to deal with that require some extra help. All things that


> healing can be harmful in excess so the key is awareness, balance


> self moderation :) If you trust your teacher, and respect her

> knowledge and experience, then isn't it important as her student to

> listen attentively to her observations? She has brought you this far

> has she not? :)

> blessings

> ovasoul


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You are in the midst of incredible changes in your life. One thing I would

encourage you to do is follow the advice of Yogi Bhajan:




Don't try to please anyone but yourself!




I would add: Your teacher is there to serve you, not the other way around!






Awtar S.


Rochester, NY





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Hello again,

Are you wanting to practice Kundalini Yoga? You've been drawn to this

Group for some reason. Is it by referral? or is this some kind of Happy



Welcome. If you have specific question feel free to go through the Archives

at Kundaliniyoga/messages

A quick check reveals that the very first message appears to have been sent

on Nov 9, 1998 at 8:20 pm.

We have some history.

You haven't said if you meditate or what your birthday is.


(We're not creepy here nor do we do goat sacrifice)


My take on your words is that although your trust your teacher and respect

her (your words), you have managed to "transfer" some your inner dialogue

onto her, and she maybe some of her's onto you (

http://www.sahej.com/Code_of_Ethics.html ). This is what a therapist is good

for. This relationship needed to be with someone who has the skills to help

you sort through and resolve some beliefs you are operating under and sounds

like an opportunity for some deep work. I don't want to say much more except

that you're really close to your truth. I wouldn't want to deprive you of

your own process by writing about it. I hope your therapist is one skilled

in a Body Centered/Tntense Feeling Psychotherapy (

http://thepositivemind.com/HTML/WhenPsychotherapyIsNecessary.htm ). By the

way, I find that a good Sadhana in the Amrit Vela sometimes feels very much

like a good Bio-Energetic Therapy session and this is because....... the

entire subconscious is floating and fluid between the hours of 2am and 6am,

with 4am being the most powerful time. Simply being awake, breathing and

vertical is Yoga. Sometimes I just sit up and chant Wahe Guru, richly, 16

times and then go back to sleep.


More on the Teacher-Student relationship.

In Kundalini Yoga (as taught by Yogi Bhajan) before our practice we Tune

In to the Golden Chain of Teachers with the Adi Mantra (there is a complete

online course at kundalini yogaprep.html ). When I am "right"

in my relationship with my teacher and have Tuned In to this relationship,

then I can be a channel, both consciously and unconsciously, for others - if

a student comes to me with a question (whether spoken or not), then that

student will benefit from that relationship as I simply defer to the subtle

connection I *hopefully* have with Yogi Bhajan, Rolling Thunder, the 16th

Gyalwa Karmapa, Gurucharan Singh and so forth. If, however, I go in and

teach from a limited, contracted, personal (neglecting the infinite,

impersonal, non identity) sense of myself, also known as EGO, then what my

presence can offer is very limited also.

Yogi Bhajan used to say "When you establish your Identity in Non-Identity,

then god establishes in you, YOU".

Without the humility that Tuning In and honest self assessment provides, I

am a complete idiot and I may as well be teaching Gym. So ask your teacher

who her teacher is and what that relationship is about, and then what that

teacher's relationship is with their teacher and s forth. It's a Chain. Any

teacher worth their salt would want their students to ten times greater than

them self. "A good Shepherd lays down for his sheep".


Sat Nam,


Millis, MA <--> Oregon



Below is a variation of the Adi Mantra that we use for Tuning In.




To center yourself before a set of Kundalini Yoga we chant the Adi Mantra 3

- 5 times. Adi means the first or primal; Mantra is the creative projection

of the mind through sound. This mantra is the first creative action. It

centers you into the higher self and reminds your lower minds that it is not

your ego that will practice or teach Kundalini Yoga. Technically it is the

linking mantra for the Golden Chain. The golden chain is the inner spark of

Kundalini that is passed person to person; teacher to student; guru to

teacher; cosmos and God to guru. By chanting this and linking, the exercises

and meditations that you practice are guided by your higher consciousness

and all the teachers that have brought this opportunity to you. It makes you

very receptive and sensitive to the messages of your body, mind, and

intuition. HOWEVER, it is only to be used as a link when you are to teach.

It is not like an individual mantra which is complete in itself. It is a

hook that creates a flow which you serve. If your need is spiritual linkage

and guidance then there is another form that is used: the complete Adi

Mantra. The complete individual form of the mantra immerses you in awareness

and guidance for your personal situation. It establishes a guiding beam

between you in your immediate state and your higher consciousness that is

true through all states. It is very useful if you are entering Shakti Pad in

Kundalini Yoga. It is also excellent as a means to gain perspective and

direction. Yogi Bhajan explained this when he said, "Use this mantra in its

complete form anytime you have a lack of faith or any similar thing: Many of

you will enter Shakti Pad, or you are in it, this mantra will help: With the

grace of Guru Ram Das, when this mantra is chanted five times on one breath,

the total spiritual knowledge of all teachers who have ever existed or who

will ever exist on this earth is beseated in that person."


HOW TO RECITE: Sit in an easy pose with your spine erect. Bring both palms

in front of the heart center of the chest facing upward. Touch the sides of

the palms along the little fingers and sides of the hands, as if you will

receive something in them. Form Gian mudra in each hand by gently touching

the tip of the first finger to the tip of the thumb. Focus your eyes on the

tip of the nose. Inhale deeply and chant the words as you exhale. Chant the

entire mantra three to five times on one breath. Keep the number of

repetitions per breath constant. The sound Dev is chanted a minor third

higher than the other sounds. The sound of devaa carries slightly on the

'aa' sound.




* to listen to an audio clip of it,





Continue 11 to 31 minutes for a powerful meditation and guidance. He did not

restrict longer periods of practice if you desire it.


The sound of Ong is created in the inner chambers of the sinuses and upper

palate. It is the "ng" sound that is emphasized. The first part of Namo is

short and rhymes with "hum". The first' syllable of the word Guru is

pronounced as in the word, "good." The second syllable, "ru", has a sound

that rhymes with the word "true." The word Dev rhymes with "save." The aa in

Devaa is chanted with the mouth open and the sound vibrating as ah from an

open throat.


THE MEANING: Ong is the creative energy of the total cosmos and

consciousness of the creator as experienced in this creation. It has the

connotation of energy and activity. It creates involvement without

attachment. It generates shakti, the generative force of life. Note that the

sound is not Om. That sound is for withdrawal and relaxation.


Namo means to bow to or to call on. The connotation is one of respect and

receptivity. It is the type of bowing that grants dignity through

acknowledging a higher consciousness and discipline.


Ong Namo calls on your consciousness to become subtle and receptive to its

own higher resources. It instructs the conscious and the subconscious to let

go of the normal restrictions to functioning that is imposed by our limited

ego. Guru means wisdom or teacher. It does not mean a personality. It refers

to a source of the knowledge. Not just any knowledge. It is the kind of

knowledge which transforms you, that alleviates pain and that increases your

awareness. Guru in the spiritual context is the embodiment of the infinite.

The word can be broken into parts: Gu means darkness or ignorance; ru means

light or knowledge; Gur means a formula to systematically attain a goal; so

a guru is something which can give you a gur to transform your gu to ru! Dev

means subtle, etheric, divine or belonging to the realms of God. It implies

sophistication and wisdom.


Guru Dev Namo calls on the subtle wisdom that guides you in an impersonally

personal manner It is a wisdom that is stored and transmitted through the

subtle and radiant bodies of the aura. It is the realm and guidance of Guru

Ram Das.


If the limited individual ego in which we normally live is a small pond,

then Ong Namo release us into a vast and endless ocean. Guru Dev Namo gives

us the experience of the wisest seer and all of his charts to guide us to

the many ports we are to serve and experience.



* if this link doesn't play for you then you need "Realplayer" software. To

download the free version just below and do the











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Sat Nam water faery,

it's entirely normal to feel overwhelmed when we start to really be

conscious of our environment and what's going on within us (btw,

there's nothing supernatural about heightened senses, it's just that

most of us don't learn how to be in the moment and actually experience

things as they are without some help and practice...so there's no

reason to fear these developments :). What we generally need to do at

this point isn't push further (more, more, more is such a needy and

difficult place to be! :) but to surrender to what is and take the

time and space to integrate our new awareness. Once this new awareness

feels normal and easy to manage then we're ready to start taking in

more. There is a time and a season for all things and part of

accepting the divine is, well, accepting :) Being receptive...allowing

rather than pushing or forcing so at to try and be some future

"perfect" self now.

It sounds like you're struggling with some emotional and psychological

issues around self esteem (no judgment from me! most of us westerners

have them in some form), perfectionism, self acceptance, and wanting

outside love and approval. These are things that a therapist can

really help with. Even the Dalai Lama thinks psychotherapy can be

useful for westerners because of our culture's relationship to the

self and the whole. If you continue to do yoga and to meditate - at a

gentle, self loving pace that is nurturing rather than a frantic pace

that is self negating - and then combine it with psychotherapy of some

kind you'll find that it will ease the process on both sides of the

equation. Sometimes we need more than one kind of healing....and

sometimes we can't do it all by ourselves.


There is no glory in suffering needlessly, only folly and despair. To

heal, it is not our brain that needs to be full but our heart.

Information and wisdom are not the same things, wisdom needs time and

space to be integrated and them implemented in our lives. Wisdom is

the heart and mind working in synchronicity, and the heart cannot be

rushed or ordered around by the mind :) Bless yourself with some

kindness and be generous enough with yourself to get as much help as

you can as you move through this experience. You're worth it, we all are.



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