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Aum Amriteshwaryai Namaha,

Guru Purnima is this Sunday, July the 16th without any doubts. In the Pune

ashram in India we have day long programs from 8AM till 10Pm to celebrate

the occasion.


In Amma's Divine Love,



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Guest guest

Aum Amriteshwaryai Namaha,

Guru Purnima is this Sunday, July the 16th without any doubts. In the Pune

ashram in India we have day long programs from 8AM till 10Pm to celebrate

the occasion.


In Amma's Divine Love,



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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Namah Shivaya,


> I am in total agreement with all of you. I was hoping someone who has met Amma

> in person could tell me some very inspiring stories about her or the

> experience of it.....I would appreciate this


Like all groups, this group has a history (which becomes apparent if you

read through the archives). Last year we had a passionate teller of Amma's

stories on our list and she encourage many others to share their stories. I

deeply regretted her departure and was afraid at that time that her leaving

would discourage other story tellers. That seems to have been true to a

large extent.


So, byAmma's grace, I would like to encourage the story tellers to

participate more. Many silent members love the stories, are here for the

stories and are fed by the stories. What better time than Amma's fall tour

to share stories? Please don't be shy!!!


In Amma's grace,


Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah

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Dear Divine Siblings

See below:


> So, byAmma's grace, I would like to encourage the story tellers to

> participate more. Many silent members love the stories, are here for the

> stories and are fed by the stories. What better time than Amma's

fall tour

> to share stories? Please don't be shy!!!


> In Amma's grace,

> premarupa

> Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah


Thank you, Kenna. I would love to hear Amma stories. Most often they

take me swooning into Mother's arms. This is a Satsang, No?

If I could think of any stories that I haven't already posted, I would

do so now, but my mind is a blank. I would love to hear some Amma

stories, so folks, please send them.


Jai Ma!


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Sister Premarupa,


I also agree. Personal stories are the raw material of devotion.

There can never be too many of those. I log onto this list and the

other one every day in the hope of knowing a little bit more about

Amma and Her 'lila' in the lives of Her devotees but my hunger is

rarely satisfied.


The few members of this list who take the trouble to share their

experiences with Amma (I regret that I am not one of them!) are to be

commended and encouraged for their 'seva'. Anecdotes trump analysis,

IMHO. While anecdotes are written indelibly in the hard drives of our

spiritual hearts, analysis/philosophy and the like are stored in the

volatile RAM of our intellects. Switch off the power and the analysis

is gone...poof!


All the same, I don't want to rubbish intellectual debate too much.

It does taste good, like icing on a cake. It is just useful to bear

in mind that too much icing may not be good for you.


Re the situation to which you allude, of a member who stopped

participating, I recall it too. I miss the simplicity and earnestness

of Sister Priya's contributions as well as the devotional fervour and

philosophical expositions of Brother Sucetas. I wish both parties

would come back and enrich this list with their input.






Om Amriteshvaryai Namah






Ammachi, Kenna <kenna@m...> wrote:

> Namah Shivaya,


> > I am in total agreement with all of you. I was hoping someone who

has met Amma

> > in person could tell me some very inspiring stories about her or


> > experience of it.....I would appreciate this


> Like all groups, this group has a history (which becomes apparent

if you

> read through the archives). Last year we had a passionate teller of


> stories on our list and she encourage many others to share their

stories. I

> deeply regretted her departure and was afraid at that time that her


> would discourage other story tellers. That seems to have been true

to a

> large extent.


> So, byAmma's grace, I would like to encourage the story tellers to

> participate more. Many silent members love the stories, are here

for the

> stories and are fed by the stories. What better time than Amma's

fall tour

> to share stories? Please don't be shy!!!


> In Amma's grace,

> premarupa

> Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah

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  • 2 months later...

Namah Shivaya All:


" Someone wrote: >>Lord Shiva, Father of Ammachi…<<

I would have thought it was the other way around:

Amma, Mother of Lord Shiva! "


Actually, Devi who merged in Ammachi is none other

than the universal mother. Also called Parashakti,

Durga, Kali or Parvati or by any of the 1000 names in

the Lalitha Sahasranama.


So, Lord Shiva would be Devi's husband. :-)


(Im not referring to Ammachi's physical self, but the

Devi who has manifests herself through her and whom we

see more clearly during Devi Bhava!)




Here is a story and the scientific principle behind

the story. Lord Shiva represents matter. Goddess

Parvati represents pure energy. When matter and energy

combine, sound and light emerge.


Their two sons are Ganesha and Muruga. Lord Ganesha

represents the sound aspect. He is also called Omkara,

the auspicious one, who is synonomous with the word


Lord Muruga, also called Kartikeya, represents the

aspect of light, he dispels the darkness and provides

spiritual knowledge.


<End De-Tour>


I've also heard that Ammachi's own mantra is "Shiva

Shiva". Thought that was very interesting too.


Jai Ma,





--- "her_gabriel <her_gabriel"

<her_gabriel wrote:

> Brothers and Sisters,

> The excerpt from Ellen Lamb's diary was great.

> Thanks Ellen. I just

> want to point out one detail that wasn't explained

> properly to those

> who perhaps are not familiar with what used to take

> place. Mother

> would keep a pile of tiny pebbles next to Her during

> meditation.

> Because, as Mother has explained it, our minds have

> their existence

> within Her Mind, she knows at every moment what is

> going on in the

> mind of each person (wherever we may be). And so,

> whenever one of us

> would lose concentration during meditation –

> plippppp! – a dear

> little pebble would come flying through the air and

> hit that person,

> just to remind him or her to concentrate. I have

> experienced this

> myself – that at the very moment when I have lost my

> concentration,

> one of those utterly precious, sacred pebbles – a

> nugget of Grace –

> has come flying through the air as a sweet reminder.

> And so, it

> should be noted that Mother threw tiny pebbles, not

> ROCKS, at people!

> LOL!!


> Someone wrote: >>Lord Shiva, Father of Ammachi…<<


> I would have thought it was the other way around:

> Amma, Mother of

> Lord Shiva!



> Prasida (Carla) wrote: >>I mean Sri Haidakan Babaji,

> Guru of Lahiri

> Mahasaya, who is the Guru of

> Sri Yukteshwar, who is the Guru of Paramahansa

> Yogananda.<<

> This is incorrect. Prasida, I have, unfortunately,

> heard that one

> before, and just want you to know that you have been

> misinformed.

> Haidakan Babaji, who some may call guru, is

> certainly not what Mother

> refers to in many of Her books as a Mahatma or a

> Satguru. He died

> several years ago with not that much of a legacy and

> has nothing

> whatsoever to do with the great Mahamuni Babaji,

> Lahiri Mahasaya's

> guru and Yogananda's Rootguru. The real Babaji still

> lives in the

> Himalayas with a small circle of carefully chosen

> disciples, and is

> very rarely seen. He was born hundreds of years ago

> (he is said to

> have been Kabir's guru) and has never left his body,

> but keeps

> rejuvenating it through special siddhis and thus

> remains ever young

> (His biological sister, Mataji, is also still

> around, hidden away in

> a cave, in a constant state of meditation for the

> good of the world).

> Babaji continues to live on; it is his particular

> role – just as our

> Beloved Mother has an absolutely unique role to

> fulfill for the

> uplift of the world.

> If you have any doubts regarding my statement about

> Haidakan Babaji

> having nothing to do with the real Babaji, I suggest

> you contact

> Paramahamsa Yogananda's Self Realization Fellowship,

> as they will

> confirm what I have written here. The two

> organizations, SRF and

> Kriyananda's Ananda ashram, who are the direct

> spiritual descendants

> of the great Babaji, are very upset about the false

> comparison

> between the Mahatma Babaji and Haidakan.


> Also, I was quite amazed to read Maharishi's recent

> words: >>"If I

> had the

> support of money, I have all that is needed to

> completely stop all

> this

> violence."

> <<

> As if world peace could be bought! Why doesn't he

> spend that billion

> on houses for the homeless instead! If those 40,000

> really are yogis,

> what need have they of billion-dollar housing?

> This is the unique beauty of our Beloved Mother. She

> knows that Love

> Alone will do. Could you see Mother spending a

> billion dollars on

> building houses for her children to meditate in!!

> She'd spend that

> money on the poor and the suffering!


> Aikya, that's so beautiful and inspiring.


> Om Namah Shivaya

> Her Gabriel









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Hi! Ravi. This is what I was thinking. Ammachi is more

lile consort to Shiva,rather than she being mother to

shiva or shiva being father to Ammachi.


I personally view Ammachi as Kali. She is

prakriti("matter" or "energy" which again are not

different as Einstein proved with his E=mc^2). Shiva

is purusha(Pure Consciousness or awareness). Shiva is

static, while shakti is dynamic. This world is nothing

but combination of matter and consciousness. All the

pancha bhutas which compose both human body and the

nature are one form or other form of matter. But our

inner Self is purusha(atma, satchitananda). Shakti is

also said to be maya, for one to realise shiva or his

Self it is only by the grace of shakti it is possible.


All Kali devotees please visit this website


you can have online darshan, here the main deity is

replica of the one in Dakshineshwar temple, Calcutta.

Here shiva is lying on the ground, while Kali is

dancing on his chest. Shiva is static, while shakti

being energy is dynamic.







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  • 3 weeks later...

om amritesvaryai namah


well, John, i wasn't disputing anything Gabriel said...i was merely adding

information i thought people would be interested in knowing.


though i suppose i can see how it may have sounded as if i was boasting

about being privy to some special knowledge, so i apologize. i guess i

deserve a little karmic smack for my recent tirade against Avinash and Ravi,

so i accept it with a smile.


pranams all....





>Good for you, Sucetas mon!!!!!


>But Shantamrita told the story during a satsang on the Europe tour the way

>Gabriel said it.







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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Robin,


How nice that you are enraptured by our Mother's

singing! Could you post your address and

approximate dress size? I'm sure someone has

something they can send you. I have some bhajan

supplements that I no longer need.


In Amma's love,



--- Robin Wilson <lilymoonjewel wrote:

> Namaste Everyone,


> I have received the gift that childofdevi has

> sent. I cannot thank you enough. Only our mother

> truly knows how grateful I am to hear her sweet

> voice singing such beautiful music. I cannot make it

> past the Tamil tour as I am in such a state of bliss

> whenever I hear it. Amma has been singing in my head

> incessantly for two days now. The sweet words bring

> me to tears and put me in a blissful state every

> time. Does anyone have a list that I can sing along

> to these beautiful bhajans? Or perhaps I can find

> them on line somewhere? I wonder does anyone have

> any old salwar kameez or saris that I might have to

> meditate and run around in? They are looking so less

> constraining than modern day clothes, I find myself

> wanting to purchase a pair, but they are so

> expensive. Defiantly not necessary but would be very

> grateful if anyone has them to spare.


> At Amma's Lotus Feet,

> Robin







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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]









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Namaste Brothers and Sisters,


Thank you so much for your gift. I honestly don't know what dress size I

wear. I am small, but not petite. I think in a regular dress probably a 7 or 8 .

You are helping me out immensely as I am a single mother raising two little

girls. I am in the process of getting child support. Money is scarce. But our

mother has never let me down and always comes through when I need something. She

is still singing bhajans in my head incessantly. (grin) Its so blissful to hear

her voice over and over again. I hope one day to see Amma in person. I have

three CD's with Amma's sweet voice, with the help of my sisters and brothers and

I am deeply grateful. They are my cherished treasure. It is the only way to hear

her loving voice. I will leave my address down at the bottom.


At Amma's Lotus Feet,

Robin Robin Wilson


Campus Dr.


Charles, MO. 63301

"E. Lamb" <jyotsna2 wrote:

Hi Robin,


How nice that you are enraptured by our Mother's

singing! Could you post your address and

approximate dress size? I'm sure someone has

something they can send you. I have some bhajan

supplements that I no longer need.


In Amma's love,



--- Robin Wilson <lilymoonjewel wrote:

> Namaste Everyone,


> I have received the gift that childofdevi has

> sent. I cannot thank you enough. Only our mother

> truly knows how grateful I am to hear her sweet

> voice singing such beautiful music. I cannot make it

> past the Tamil tour as I am in such a state of bliss

> whenever I hear it. Amma has been singing in my head

> incessantly for two days now. The sweet words bring

> me to tears and put me in a blissful state every

> time. Does anyone have a list that I can sing along

> to these beautiful bhajans? Or perhaps I can find

> them on line somewhere? I wonder does anyone have

> any old salwar kameez or saris that I might have to

> meditate and run around in? They are looking so less

> constraining than modern day clothes, I find myself

> wanting to purchase a pair, but they are so

> expensive. Defiantly not necessary but would be very

> grateful if anyone has them to spare.


> At Amma's Lotus Feet,

> Robin







> SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site

> design software


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]











Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!














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  • 2 weeks later...

Om Namah Shivayah,


Here is an excerpt from my friend Manoharan's

book, "Amma and Me," which was published this

year. I recommend it as the most candid, down-

to-earth read about Amritapuri.




"Except for swamis who wear ochre, and the

official brahmacharins who wear yellow, almost

everyone at Amritapuri wears white. It's not

an enforced rule; it just seems to be the ashram



It took me a while to learn the distinctions

between the different categories of people who

live at Amritapuri. In addition to the

brahmacharis and brahmacharinis there are the

western monastics, usually referred to as

"renunciates." (There are also a number of

married renunciate couples.) Westerners who live

here for longer periods but have not made the

monastic commitment, are referred to as "residents."

Many of them now live in the ashram apartments that

have been costructed these last few years. Another

Amritapuri sub-community consists of "householders,"

an Indian term denoting married couples and families.

Sometimes the word "inmate" is used for all who

live here. To me this seems an apt description,

because at times this place reminds me of a mental

institution. (Joke, joke--sort of.) There are

also many thousands of visitors hailing from every

part of India and around the world rotating through

Amritapuri for various lengths of time.


Amma has likened the ashram to a polishing machine

where you take some stones, put them in the

canister with some abrasive powder, and let them

tumble and grind against each other, smoothing out

the rough edges, until they emerge looking like

sparkling gems. And after my own experience of

over seven years in the tumbler, I have to say that

I think it's a good thing stones can't speak, because

you probably wouldn't want to hear what they have

to say while they're tumbling around inside of a

polishing machine."


Excerpted from "Amma and Me" by Manoharan



--- MSoliz <msoliz2000 wrote:

> Namaste,


> Can anyone explain the difference between sanyasin,

> bramachari, and

> priest under Amma?


> Can one be a priest and not be a sanyasin? I read

> that sanyasins in

> Amma's ashram are celibates and live with her, but I

> know that Hindu

> priests can be householders as well. I guess I'm

> wondering if someone

> can go there and train to be a priest, then return

> to the "world" and

> be a householder and priest-on-demand in their

> community.


> Is bramachari a higher, graduated form of sanyasin?

> I guess they

> practice total renunciation as opposed to sanyasins

> who are celibate

> students...


> Thanks to anyone who can help.


> Namah Shivaya,

> Gabriela










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Thank you Omana....


--- Omana <eveningstar8 wrote:

> It is my (limited) understanding that a bramachari

> is one who has

> taken a vow of celibacy, studies under the guidance

> of a guru, and

> wears safron colored cloth. A sannyasi is one who

> has taken further

> vows of complete and perfect renunciation and wears

> ochre colored

> cloth. There are others who are trained to be

> pujari's, or priests,

> who perform sacred rituals.

> Jai Ma!

> Omana

> Ammachi, "MSoliz"

> <msoliz2000> wrote:

> > Namaste,

> >

> > Can anyone explain the difference between

> sanyasin, bramachari, and

> > priest under Amma?

> >

> > Can one be a priest and not be a sanyasin? I read

> that sanyasins

> in

> > Amma's ashram are celibates and live with her, but

> I know that

> Hindu

> > priests can be householders as well. I guess I'm

> wondering if

> someone

> > can go there and train to be a priest, then return

> to the "world"

> and

> > be a householder and priest-on-demand in their

> community.

> >

> > Is bramachari a higher, graduated form of

> sanyasin? I guess they

> > practice total renunciation as opposed to

> sanyasins who are

> celibate

> > students...

> >

> > Thanks to anyone who can help.

> >

> > Namah Shivaya,

> > Gabriela









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Om Namah Shivaya!


On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 13:01:53 +0000, MSoliz <msoliz2000 wrote:


> Can anyone explain the difference between sanyasin, bramachari, and

> priest under Amma?


Not sure about the "under Amma" part, perhaps others can add more details

about that, but in general usage a sannyasin is a vowed monastic

renunciate; "taking sannyas" = becoming a swami. These are the folks you

see wearing orange-colored robes.


A brahmacharin is essentially a celibate religious student studying under

a guru, in practice one of the preliminary stages in becoming a swami.

Usually these wear yellow robes.


A priest is someone who performs temple rites. One of Amma's very

significant actions was the step of allowing women to be priests. The

discussion in "Amma: Healing the Heart of the World" pg. 135ff indicates

that these were brahmacharinis.


> Can one be a priest and not be a sanyasin?


Yes. For example, Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was a priest and

was married (although he lived a celibate life). However, it seems to me

that I read somewhere that a swami could not or should not be a priest

because a priest is necessarily involved with many of the things a swami

has sworn off of such as birth, marriage, and death; perhaps someone could



> I read that sanyasins in

> Amma's ashram are celibates and live with her, but I know that Hindu

> priests can be householders as well. I guess I'm wondering if someone

> can go there and train to be a priest, then return to the "world" and

> be a householder and priest-on-demand in their community.


> Is bramachari a higher, graduated form of sanyasin? I guess they

> practice total renunciation as opposed to sanyasins who are celibate

> students...


I think the reverse is the case - the brahmacharin is the celibate

student, the full-fledged sannyasin is the total renunciate.






Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah!

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Thanks, Ramlal, all very good information. I

have heard that "under Amma" one who is

brhamacharya must be "offered" yellow. In

other words, the brahmacharis and brahmacharinis

will be in white until Amma offers them yellow.

This can take years.


There are also

computer students who live at Amritapuri now,

as well as young girls who come to live there

for a year or two before going on to live a

householder's life. Just think what our Amma is

doing for the future families of those girls!

Is She amazing or what!


In Her love,




--- Ramlal <conte wrote:

> Om Namah Shivaya!


> On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 13:01:53 +0000, MSoliz

> <msoliz2000 wrote:


> > Can anyone explain the difference between

> sanyasin, bramachari, and

> > priest under Amma?


> Not sure about the "under Amma" part, perhaps others

> can add more details

> about that, but in general usage a sannyasin is a

> vowed monastic

> renunciate; "taking sannyas" = becoming a swami.

> These are the folks you

> see wearing orange-colored robes.


> A brahmacharin is essentially a celibate religious

> student studying under

> a guru, in practice one of the preliminary stages in

> becoming a swami.

> Usually these wear yellow robes.


> A priest is someone who performs temple rites. One

> of Amma's very

> significant actions was the step of allowing women

> to be priests. The

> discussion in "Amma: Healing the Heart of the World"

> pg. 135ff indicates

> that these were brahmacharinis.


> > Can one be a priest and not be a sanyasin?


> Yes. For example, Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna

> Paramahamsa was a priest and

> was married (although he lived a celibate life).

> However, it seems to me

> that I read somewhere that a swami could not or

> should not be a priest

> because a priest is necessarily involved with many

> of the things a swami

> has sworn off of such as birth, marriage, and death;

> perhaps someone could

> clarify?


> > I read that sanyasins in

> > Amma's ashram are celibates and live with her, but

> I know that Hindu

> > priests can be householders as well. I guess I'm

> wondering if someone

> > can go there and train to be a priest, then return

> to the "world" and

> > be a householder and priest-on-demand in their

> community.

> >

> > Is bramachari a higher, graduated form of

> sanyasin? I guess they

> > practice total renunciation as opposed to

> sanyasins who are celibate

> > students...


> I think the reverse is the case - the brahmacharin

> is the celibate

> student, the full-fledged sannyasin is the total

> renunciate.


> Regards,

> Ramlal


> --

> Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah!


> ------------------------ Sponsor


> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi



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Om Namah Shivayah,


> Amma has likened the ashram to a polishing machine

> where you take some stones, put them in the

> canister with some abrasive powder, and let them

> tumble and grind against each other, smoothing out

> the rough edges, until they emerge looking like

> sparkling gems.

> Excerpted from "Amma and Me" by Manoharan


It occurred to me that Amma uses our satsang groups, not to mention tour

programs to do the very same thing!


In Her grace,


Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanx for posting the link. That was FUN.






"Vallath Nandakumar" <vallathn

<Ammachi>; <amma-l

Thursday, September 18, 2003 12:15 PM





> Hi list members,


> I like philosophy, and I like games, so I was pleased to check this one


> on the web:


> Faith Is a Battlefield


> A British philosophy site features an interesting online game that tests


> intellectual rigor of players' religious beliefs. In a series of


> "Battleground God" determines whether your beliefs about God follow a

> logical pattern. When your logic fails, the game spits out reprimands like

> "The intellectual sniper has scored a bull's-eye!"


> http://www.philosophers.co.uk/games/god.htm



> Vallath Nandakumar

> vallathn

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  • 2 months later...

Om Amriteswarye Namaha


Could you please share with us the dates Amma will be in NYC? Rhode Island?


Thank you,




iswari wrote:

I am in a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology, and last year, the dates of the

comprehensive exams were very close to to Mother's visit to NYC (where I live).

I was

SO afraid that this year, they would overlap, and I wouldn't be able to see


here, or co-coordinate the lines seva again -- the thought of which made me feel

indescribably sad! However, the dates of the comps were just announced, and they

are the week BEFORE She arrives in NYC! While this means I probably won't be

able to

go and see Her (or Erica/Niseema) in Chicago this summer, I'll be all finished


these dreaded exams by the time she comes to NYC and Rhode Island! Jai Ma!!!



By Her grace,

Iswari =)





Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!
















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I do not know any dates other than NYC (indeed, I do not even know if all of the


have been worked out yet). Unofficially, I have heard that Amma will be in NY


17th - 19th (Saturday - Monday night/Tuesday morning). Usually, the Rhode Island

retreat is the week-end after that (Thursday - Sunday), but I don't know for



I hope this helps at least a little! =)


Namah sivaya,



Ammachi, George4Mata <leokomor> wrote:

> Om Amriteswarye Namaha


> Could you please share with us the dates Amma will be in NYC? Rhode Island?

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Thank you Iswari:


I am getting tingles thinking about Bryant College.


Namah Shivaya,




iswari wrote:

I do not know any dates other than NYC (indeed, I do not even know if all of the


have been worked out yet). Unofficially, I have heard that Amma will be in NY


17th - 19th (Saturday - Monday night/Tuesday morning). Usually, the Rhode Island

retreat is the week-end after that (Thursday - Sunday), but I don't know for



I hope this helps at least a little! =)


Namah sivaya,



Ammachi, George4Mata <leokomor> wrote:

> Om Amriteswarye Namaha


> Could you please share with us the dates Amma will be in NYC? Rhode Island?





Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!
















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I have a similar experience when I think about Bryant College because it's where

I received my initiation from Amma and had the most profound experiences of my

life.....I spent most of that weekend sobbing in total bliss. It will always be

dear to my heart.









Thank you Iswari:


I am getting tingles thinking about Bryant College.


Namah Shivaya,






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Have they already announced the tour dates for the




--- iswari wrote:

However, the dates of the comps

> were just announced, and they

> are the week BEFORE She arrives in NYC! While this






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As I said, this was just something I was told unofficially regarding Amma's

visit to

NYC. The official tour dates have not yet been announced. I believe they usually

announce the schedule later in the wintertime. Sorry about any confusion. Iswari


Ammachi, Miranda Soliz <msoliz2000> wrote:

> Have they already announced the tour dates for the

> summer?????


> --- iswari@n... wrote:

> However, the dates of the comps

> > were just announced, and they

> > are the week BEFORE She arrives in NYC! While this

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