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Kalika's Amma story

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Wow! Jai Ma! What a blessing this list is.


Thank you, Kalika and thank you Ma!




> "kalika flores" <kalika108

> Ammachi

> Thu, 13 Jul 2000 15:45:44 GMT

> Ammachi

> Re: Hello


> Dear Raven,

> you emailed the group I just wrote you back personally but if you are more

> comfortable going through the group we can do that.


> You know Toronto isn't so far from where Amma is now. If Jesus were alive

> and in N.Y. or Boston would you go? There is a really sweet group of Amma

> devotees in Toronto. I am kind of busy today so I am going to send you a

> story that I already had typed for one of Amma's magazine. This story

> actually took place before I met Amma. I was only 16. It's a good example

> though of how She knows our every thought and prayer. I invited the rest of

> you to share your miracle stories with Raven and the rest of us because as

> you know, one never tires of hearing of Her sweet bliss and grace! I will

> tell you more recent stories when I have more time to type. But in answer to

> your other question my more recent stories are still miracle stories but

> Amma and I have now a different relationship as it has matured. So my more

> recent stories are much more about how She is removing my ego.


> There is a few questions that I have still on her page it mentioned

> that you have to Pick a Guru to pray to and obey.



> You know often this type of thing happens around Amma. It is fortunate and

> unfortunate that Her words are written. Fortunate because we will all always

> have them and unfortunate because Amma teaches each individual differently

> She may say one thing to you and another to me because our situations, our

> egos, everything is different about us. I have also heard that She said the

> Guru picks you. My advice is don't get caught in the snare of the words go

> straight to Her HEART and know Her there. Most of the words written were

> written many years ago to teach those who are now Swami's and may not be the

> advice She would give householders today.


> Well Love here's my story:



> By Kalika

> Flores


> My story begins in 1972, when I was 16. My husband (who at that time

> was my boyfriend) and I were coming home late from a concert. We lived way

> up in the mountains, and it was snowing very hard. The road had at least a

> foot of snow on it and we were in a Volkswagen which did not have much

> clearance. Since it was late, probably around 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning,

> there were no other cars on the road. This was also long before cell phones

> and there were no houses in the area. We were truly stranded in the middle

> of nowhere. We had another couple with us and the two guys began to bounce

> on the back bumper, for more traction, as I attempted to drive the car. It

> was clear the car wasn't going anywhere. This is when I became aware of the

> seriousness of the situation. I realized that we could actually freeze to

> death here. We didn't have anything you should have in your car to be

> prepared for a situation like this.

> Luckily even though I was your average simi-wild teenager, I had an

> ingrained knowingness to sing to God everyday, and to ask Him for what ever

> I needed. So that night was no exception. I said a prayer, I said "Please

> don't let us freeze to death here."

> About 10-15 minutes later a guy and a girl came in a green Toyota

> Landcrusier. The guy was yelling out the window "Hey Ham and Eggers." They

> helped us to pull our car off the road and took us back to their cabin. We

> spent the night and the next morning, had the best whole wheat pancakes for

> breakfast. After which they took us back to our car. By this time the plows

> had gone by and we were able to drive home. This story was always like one

> of those angel stories where we never saw them again even though I always

> wanted to thank them.


> [ [ ]


> We met Amma in 1990, and in 1991 I gave her my cigarettes (as an added

> note I never smoked again, its really the only way to quit for those who are

> interested.) That was one of the best darshans, She was so excited, She was

> hugging me and kissing me. It was wonderful. In 1992 I was wishing we could

> move to Sante Fe so we could go to their satsang. But I really love where I

> live so I was torn. Then the idea came to start a satsang in Colorado. I was

> secretly hoping when I asked Amma She would get as excited as She did the

> last year when I gave her the cigarettes. This was not the case She just

> said very matter-of-fact "Yes if you wish."

> I told the M.A. Center that Amma had given her blessing for us to start

> a satsang group and they sent me a paper on how to run it. We had no

> musicians so our bhajans were tapes. We were a small group, but the love and

> dedication was great. I no longer felt alone in my love for Mother.

> One day I was feeling like the little finger that the hand doesn't know

> exists. I was in Denver and I just had this passing thought, I couldn't even

> call it a prayer, I thought " Mother please connect us to your inner core

> group I don't know how to do it." That night I received a call....the guy

> on the other end of the phone said "Hi my name is Mark, I'm from the Sante

> Fe satsang group. We are here in Colorado visiting a friend and skiing. We

> were wondering if you wanted to get together and play bhajans tomorrow

> night?" I said yes, of course, and we set it up for the following night.

> The next morning I was meditating and I began to think of these people

> who were coming over tonight. Tears began to roll down my cheeks. Were

> these tears of gratitude to Amma for answering my thoughts or more? I was

> very excited about this night.

> Mark had not planned this night so he had left his harmonium in Sante

> Fe, but the friend they were staying with had a keyboard. This was so much

> nicer then the listening to tapes which is what we were use to doing. The

> live music was so wonderful. Mark and his wife Dawn had told us they were

> going to India for the first time in December. I so much wanted to go also,

> but it was not yet my time.


> After they left I wrote Mother a thank you letter (which I never

> mailed.) I said thank you Mother so much for such a wonder night. And thank

> you for letting us meet Mark and Dawn. The music was so wonderful, but

> now..... (there's always another desire) we need a harmonium so we can have

> live music at satsang.

> Mark and Dawn called after they returned from India. Mark said that he

> had bought a harmonium. He went on to explain that the first time Amma had

> come there was a mix up with the harmoniums and the one Amma and the Swami's

> had brought had been left behind. He said that Amritapriya loaned it to him

> to learn on and since he had bought one he would check with her and see if

> it would be okay for me to borrow. Amritapriya graciously consented to

> loaning it to me so we planned a trip to Sante Fe.

> We stayed with Mark and Dawn on this trip. Dawn and I were sitting at

> the breakfast table enjoying scones, when she told me she use to live in

> Colorado. This has never happened to me before or since, but as she was

> talking I saw the main street of Evergreen in front of her face. Evergreen

> is a little town close to the one I live in. I thought... Evergreen I wonder

> if I knew her, she seems so familiar. Just after thinking this, that night

> 20 years ago that we were stranded in the snow flashed in my mind. I think

> that girls name was Dawn. While all of this was happening in my mind I

> realized that I was spacing out and when I came back to physical reality

> Dawn was talking about the winding roads of Connecticut I thought to myself

> she said Connecticut not Colorado. So I left it alone. But the thought kept

> nagging me, so finally we were standing on their doorstep ready to go back

> to Colorado and I asked her "Did you say you use to live in Colorado?"

> She said "Yes."

> I asked her "What part of Colorado?"

> She said "Idledale"

> This is a little town just outside Evergreen so I got brave enough to

> go on.

> I said " I think we spent the night at your house 20 years ago."

> Then my husband said "Do you know the Ham and Egger?"

> And Dawn said "That's my brother!"

> He use to use this term a lot because of a Ham and Egger restaurant he

> would go to. The two of them lived together in the cabin in Idledale.

> I will leave it up to each reader to answer my question in their own

> way.

> Was Mother the God I prayed to?

> And Dawn the devotee She sent, long before either one of us had ever heard

> of Her. I would also like to add.....since I was 16, Amma was only 18

> years old.







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> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi-





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