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Thanks to all, especially Kalika, Kenna, and Sukumar Krishnamurthy

for their helpful and descriptive replies to my questions on 1000

Names. Especially loved reading description of the devotions at the

Ashram, since I've never been there. I promise myself, as soon as my

daughter is a little older, to go there to see Amma's Ashram.

I will definitely look into getting those books as well. They both

sound good ones to have.

I thought you may like to hear a dream I had some months ago with

Amma in it. In the dream, I was waiting at some great hall-like

place to go in to this large room and get some food (very like the

prasadam served at Amma's various stops in her tour). Most people

seemed to have eaten already, and there was that sense of emptiness

with just a few people remaining in a large space that has recently

served a lot of food. I was at the end of a straggly line that was

entering, and all I could think about was how terribly hungry I was.

I was irritable with hunger, and all I wanted (desperately) was to

feed myself. I was surprised to see Amma seated in one end of this

room, casually and with only a few people surrounding her to whom she

was talking. I would have thought she was long gone or not in a food

service room at all. The odd thing was that she was not dressed in

white or sweetly rounded as she normally appears to us, but dressed

in a indescribably shabby grey sari, and thinner--like a beggar woman

from India. But she was instantaneously recognizable in my dream to

me as Amma, the difference in appearance was noted only in passing.

When she saw me, she handed me a plate with no more ado, and

requested me as sweetly as she ever does, to begin serving food to

others. I was so overwhelmed by her presence, that I forgot my

irritation and need, and automatically began to do as she said.

Psychologically and emotionally, I can come up with non-Amma

related reasons for this dream, but I chose to believe a message from

Amma. Give love, rather than wait to be given it in this world?

Serve others, not oneself? One experiences anger and empty need when

one considers only oneself, and not others? Other interpretations

are also welcome and invited.

Also, I remember someone saying that Amma gives different messages

to each of her children, so what I need to practise more assiduously

in this life is not the same for somebody else. But I thought you

might like to hear it anyway.

Om Namah Shivayai,


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Dear Usha,


Thank you so much for sharing your dream. Reading your post was like hearing

from Amma. It what makes this list such a blessing.


Om namah shivaya





> Ammachi

> Sun, 23 Jul 2000 17:45:06 -0000

> Ammachi

> Thanks to all!


> Thanks to all, especially Kalika, Kenna, and Sukumar Krishnamurthy

> for their helpful and descriptive replies to my questions on 1000

> Names. Especially loved reading description of the devotions at the

> Ashram, since I've never been there. I promise myself, as soon as my

> daughter is a little older, to go there to see Amma's Ashram.

> I will definitely look into getting those books as well. They both

> sound good ones to have.

> I thought you may like to hear a dream I had some months ago with

> Amma in it. In the dream, I was waiting at some great hall-like

> place to go in to this large room and get some food (very like the

> prasadam served at Amma's various stops in her tour). Most people

> seemed to have eaten already, and there was that sense of emptiness

> with just a few people remaining in a large space that has recently

> served a lot of food. I was at the end of a straggly line that was

> entering, and all I could think about was how terribly hungry I was.

> I was irritable with hunger, and all I wanted (desperately) was to

> feed myself. I was surprised to see Amma seated in one end of this

> room, casually and with only a few people surrounding her to whom she

> was talking. I would have thought she was long gone or not in a food

> service room at all. The odd thing was that she was not dressed in

> white or sweetly rounded as she normally appears to us, but dressed

> in a indescribably shabby grey sari, and thinner--like a beggar woman

> from India. But she was instantaneously recognizable in my dream to

> me as Amma, the difference in appearance was noted only in passing.

> When she saw me, she handed me a plate with no more ado, and

> requested me as sweetly as she ever does, to begin serving food to

> others. I was so overwhelmed by her presence, that I forgot my

> irritation and need, and automatically began to do as she said.

> Psychologically and emotionally, I can come up with non-Amma

> related reasons for this dream, but I chose to believe a message from

> Amma. Give love, rather than wait to be given it in this world?

> Serve others, not oneself? One experiences anger and empty need when

> one considers only oneself, and not others? Other interpretations

> are also welcome and invited.

> Also, I remember someone saying that Amma gives different messages

> to each of her children, so what I need to practise more assiduously

> in this life is not the same for somebody else. But I thought you

> might like to hear it anyway.

> Om Namah Shivayai,

> Usha



> ------

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> ------


> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi-





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Happy to have entered this chat group...wonder how to access the previous

entries...Kenna's message was the first I received.


Usha's post reminds me of this morning's lesson from Amma...I had been a bit

despondent because of attention to others and what I considered slights to

myself, though there were wonderful moments in Rhode Island and Boston. My

usual connecting was cut short due to a family emergency...thus no DC or NYC

this year.


When I entered my meditation room I begged Amma to help me rid myself of my

ATTITUDE. I began intentionally surrendering my difficulty in surrendering the

vasana of jealousy...mild but truly that was it's ugly name. As my mental work

decreased and I began to go deeper, I found myself hearing birds and fluttering

of wings. The harder I tried not to be distracted the more birdly bustle I

heard. Finally I opened my eyes and looked at the skylight above my head and

there were five or six

sparrows all a twit. They hopped on the screen....chirped and chirped...I

talked to them asking their message then looked down at one of my pujas...to St.

Francis of Assisi and I knew. Amma gave me my name in Assisi in 1990 and again

in 1996 I had a very special time there with Amma. Even more than that Amma and

St. Francis are one...she demonstrated this on her arrival at the airport in a

powerful welcoming darshan. I was raised Roman Catholic on St. Francis...and

had recited the Simple Prayer as a mantra for the six months before meeting AMMA

in New Hampshire in 1988.


THE MESSAGE...the humble prayer...I had neglected it and the birds were a



Lord, Make me an instrument of our peace

Where there is hatred let me sow love

Where there is doubt ...faith

Where there is despair... hope

Where there is darkness...light

Where there is sadness...joy


Grant that I may seek not so much to






It is always much more profound to serve others...just look at Amma. Thanks

Usha and the birds for the reminder.





Kenna wrote:


> Dear Usha,


> Thank you so much for sharing your dream. Reading your post was like hearing

> from Amma. It what makes this list such a blessing.


> Om namah shivaya


> Kenna


> > DJUM

> > Ammachi

> > Sun, 23 Jul 2000 17:45:06 -0000

> > Ammachi

> > Thanks to all!

> >

> > Thanks to all, especially Kalika, Kenna, and Sukumar Krishnamurthy

> > for their helpful and descriptive replies to my questions on 1000

> > Names. Especially loved reading description of the devotions at the

> > Ashram, since I've never been there. I promise myself, as soon as my

> > daughter is a little older, to go there to see Amma's Ashram.

> > I will definitely look into getting those books as well. They both

> > sound good ones to have.

> > I thought you may like to hear a dream I had some months ago with

> > Amma in it. In the dream, I was waiting at some great hall-like

> > place to go in to this large room and get some food (very like the

> > prasadam served at Amma's various stops in her tour). Most people

> > seemed to have eaten already, and there was that sense of emptiness

> > with just a few people remaining in a large space that has recently

> > served a lot of food. I was at the end of a straggly line that was

> > entering, and all I could think about was how terribly hungry I was.

> > I was irritable with hunger, and all I wanted (desperately) was to

> > feed myself. I was surprised to see Amma seated in one end of this

> > room, casually and with only a few people surrounding her to whom she

> > was talking. I would have thought she was long gone or not in a food

> > service room at all. The odd thing was that she was not dressed in

> > white or sweetly rounded as she normally appears to us, but dressed

> > in a indescribably shabby grey sari, and thinner--like a beggar woman

> > from India. But she was instantaneously recognizable in my dream to

> > me as Amma, the difference in appearance was noted only in passing.

> > When she saw me, she handed me a plate with no more ado, and

> > requested me as sweetly as she ever does, to begin serving food to

> > others. I was so overwhelmed by her presence, that I forgot my

> > irritation and need, and automatically began to do as she said.

> > Psychologically and emotionally, I can come up with non-Amma

> > related reasons for this dream, but I chose to believe a message from

> > Amma. Give love, rather than wait to be given it in this world?

> > Serve others, not oneself? One experiences anger and empty need when

> > one considers only oneself, and not others? Other interpretations

> > are also welcome and invited.

> > Also, I remember someone saying that Amma gives different messages

> > to each of her children, so what I need to practise more assiduously

> > in this life is not the same for somebody else. But I thought you

> > might like to hear it anyway.

> > Om Namah Shivayai,

> > Usha

> >

> >

> > ------

> > Special Offer-Earn 300 Points from MyPoints.com for trying @Backup

> > Get automatic protection and access to your important computer files.

> > Install today:

> > http://click./1/6347/6/_/137543/_/964374314/

> > ------

> >

> > Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!

> >

> > Ammachi-

> >

> >

> >

> >


> ------

> BTW: Did you buy that new car yet?

> If not, check this site out.

> They're called CarsDirect.com and it's a pretty sweet way to buy a car.

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> ------


> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi-

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