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Fw: Sri Lalita Sahasranam

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+AD4APg-Hi everyone,


+AD4APg- Several weeks ago I promised to send out an article that appeared in


+AD4APg-issue of Matruvani regarding the benefits and practice of chanting the





+AD4APg- From Matruvani June 1996:


+AD4APgAi-Sri Lalita Sahasranam +ACY- Sakti Worship+ACI- - by Br. Brahmamrita



+AD4APg-The Benefits of Chanting the Lalita Sahasranam


+AD4APg- The real aim of all the rites and rituals enjoined by the Nigamas


+AD4APg-Agamas is to inculcate dispassion and love for God in the people.



+AD4APg-enumerating the benefits of practice, such as removal of the miseries of

+AD4APg-life, and the attainment of prosperity, it is intended to strengthen the

+AD4APg-practitioner's faith, to generate an aspiration for Self-liberation, and

+AD4APg-make him fit for higher spiritual practices. The main benefits accrued


+AD4APg-chanting the Lalita Sahasranamam as described in the Brahmandapurana are

+AD4APg-listed below:


+AD4APg- 1) The rosary of a thousand names, which is most abstruse and


+AD4APg-is supremely favored by the Divine Mother, Lalita Parameswari. There is


+AD4APg-other hymn which is equal to this in the Agamas and Tantras.

+AD4APg- 2) Through the daily chanting of the hymn, one earns the same merit

+AD4APg-that is obtained by bathing in the sacred waters, or by giving away land


+AD4APg-cows, or offering food articles.

+AD4APg- 3) The sins arising from incomplete rituals and irregular observance


+AD4APg-spiritual practices, are expiated by the chanting of this hymn. This


+AD4APg-can be chanted as a substitute for all expiatory rituals.

+AD4APg- 4) By chanting the hymn regularly, one is blessed with a long life


+AD4APg-sound health, and untimely death is averted. If the hymn is chanted


+AD4APg-devotion by a person, keeping his palm on the head of an ailing patient,


+AD4APg-disease will be cured. This can also be done by the patient himself by

+AD4APg-keeping his palm on his own head. The more severe the disease, the more

+AD4APg-number of times the hymn should be chanted. The sacred vibhuti (ash)


+AD4APg-for the Lalita Sahasranama archana is a panacea for all diseases.

+AD4APg- 5) The water into which the Lalita Sahasranamam is chanted, when

+AD4APg-sprinkled on the head of a suffering person, removes the effects of evil

+AD4APg-spirits and malefic planets.

+AD4APg- 6) If the Sahasranamam is chanted visualising Lalita Devi positioned


+AD4APg-an ocean of nectar, the effects of all poisons are removed.

+AD4APg- 7) By partaking of the ghee into which the Sahasranamam has been

+AD4APg-incanted, women are cured of sterility.

+AD4APg- 8) The effect of black magic is removed by chanting the Sahasranamam


+AD4APg- 9) The Divine Mother protects the one who chants the Sahasranamam


+AD4APg-from accidents and attacks by the enemy.

+AD4APg- 10) Chanting the Sahasranamam daily bestows prosperity, felicity of

+AD4APg-expression and public acclaim. Chanting the Sahasranamam on Fridays is

+AD4APg-especially beneficial for achieving prosperity.

+AD4APg- 11) The brahmacharis, grihastashramis, vanaprasthashramis and


+AD4APg-alike are qualified to practice the chanting of the Lalita Sahasranamam.

+AD4APg-Chanting of the Lalita Sahasranamam desiring fame confers fame. If


+AD4APg-is wished for, it confers wealth. And if it is chanted with love,


+AD4APg-desiring anything, it confers Brahmagyana (knowledge of the truth).

+AD4APg- 12) The name of Lord Siva is equivalent to a thousand names of Lord

+AD4APg-Vishnu. The name of Devi is equivalent to a thousand names of Lord


+AD4APg-The Lalita Sahasranamam is the supreme among the thousand names of Devi.

+AD4APg- 13) In this dark age of Kali, performing the Lalita Sahasranama


+AD4APg-contributes to the flourishing of dharma (righteousness). The chanting


+AD4APg-these thousand names of Devi is excellent also for cleansing the effect


+AD4APg-the Kaliyuga in individuals. Differences of place, religion and caste


+AD4APg-not disqualify anyone form chanting the Lalita Sahasranamam.

+AD4APg- 14) It is difficult to please the Divine Mother except through


+AD4APg-the Lalita Saharanama. By its chanting, the accumulated sins of all


+AD4APg-births are absolved.

+AD4APg- 15) There are many Sahasranamas in praise of the Divine Mother.


+AD4APg-them, ten are of greater importance. They are the Ganga stava, Bhavani

+AD4APg-stava, Gayatri stava, Kali stava, Lakshmi stava, Sarasvati stava,

+AD4APg-Rajarajeshwari stava, Bala stava, Syamala stava, and Lalita stava. Of


+AD4APg-the Lalita stava or Lalita Sahasranamam is the most excellent.





+AD4APg-Sri Chakra worship, the chanting of the Panchdasakshari mantra and the

+AD4APg-Lalita Sahasranamam are the integral parts of Shakti worship. The


+AD4APg-of the Sahasranama stotra is imperative for those who worship Sri Chakra


+AD4APg-chant the Panchadasakshari mantra. However, the Lalita Sahasranamam can


+AD4APg-chanted even without any other associated worships. The Brahmanda


+AD4APg-states that chanting the Sahasranama alone bestows the benefits of all


+AD4APg-worships. The best time for chanting this hymn is the time after the

+AD4APg-morning bath. The daily chanting yields the best results, but those who


+AD4APg-unable to do so are especially enjoined to chant this hymn on the


+AD4APg-days (the first dates of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), on the


+AD4APg-(the 9th day moon), Chaturdasi (the fourteenth day moon), Pournami (the


+AD4APg-moon day), Fridays, birthdays of family members, and the days of solar


+AD4APg-lunar eclipses.

+AD4APg- The chanting of the Lalita Sahasranamam, which bestows devotion and

+AD4APg-dispassion, can be practised by all, by men and women, young and old


+AD4APg-at all times. It is advisable to have a fixed time for the daily

+AD4APg-Sahasranama archana and the chanting of the stotra. If it is not


+AD4APg-to chant the archana at the stipulated time, it should be performed as


+AD4APg-as possible at a convenient time and thus the daily practice should not


+AD4APg-broken. While pronouncing the mantras, clarity should be strived

for+ADs- but

+AD4APg-the archana need not be give up in case of inability in this regard.


+AD4APg-knows our heart. Amma reminds us, +ACI-if a small child calls his


+AD4APg-'Pfater', the father does not get angry but only feels love for his


+AD4APg-as he knows the child is calling him.+ACI- Likewise, it is more

essential to

+AD4APg-love God and have a one-pointed mind, than the strict observance of the

+AD4APg-nyasa rules and other rules such as waving incense and light. One need


+AD4APg-give up archana merely because it is difficult to procure Aksata (rice


+AD4APg-with tumeric powder), flowers and other offerings. All these are only

+AD4APg-mediums used to acquire concentration and to develop devotion. They are


+AD4APg-token of our self-surrender to God. The supremely essential requirement


+AD4APg-pure love of God and single-pointed attention. Hence Amma says that


+AD4APg-puja (mental worship) is the best form of worship.

+AD4APg- There are varied results attributed to the practise of Lalita

+AD4APg-Sahasranama japa, but it is best to practice it to acquire love of God,


+AD4APg-knowledge, and dispassion. By selfless practise, the miseries of


+AD4APg-will be alleviated and the desires fulfilled. The Divine Mother of the

+AD4APg-Universe is the embodiment of Compassion, and will never forsake those


+AD4APg-take refuge in Her with single-minded devotion. Could there be anything

+AD4APg-more blessed than to become a guileless child in the lap of the Divine

+AD4APg-Mother whose heart overflows with the nectar of compassion, and to drink


+AD4APg-the ambrosia of Her motherly love?

+AD4APg- +ACI-O Mother, I do not know anything about Thy mantra or Thy

yantra. I


+AD4APg-not know how to invoke Thee, O Mother. Neither do I know how to



+AD4APg-Thee, nor do I know Thy sacred lore. O Mother, I do not know Thy


+AD4APg-nor the hymns in praise of Thee. But I do know this, O Mother, that one


+AD4APg-has taken refuge in Thee, all his sorrows will be removed forever.+ACI-


+AD4APg-the Devi Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram)




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Hi Everyone:


Carl Dahlgren just made a posting on the 1000 names but it came out on my

machine with a lot of weird formatting characters in the text. Things like:



I have taken these out to make it more readable. Here is the text below.


Thanks Carl. This is very important material. Thanks for sharing.


Peter White

Ammachi List Moderator



Hi everyone,


Several weeks ago I promised to send out an article that appeared in an issue

of Matruvani regarding the benefits and practice of chanting the 1000 names:


>From Matruvani June 1996:


Sri Lalita Sahasranam Sakti Worship - by Br. Brahmamrita Chaitanya


The Benefits of Chanting the Lalita Sahasranam


The real aim of all the rites and rituals enjoined by the Nigamas and Agamas

is to inculcate dispassion and love for God in the people. Hence, by

enumerating the benefits of practice, such as removal of the miseries of

life, and the attainment of prosperity, it is intended to strengthen the

practitioner's faith, to generate an aspiration for Self-liberation, and make

him fit for higher spiritual practices. The main benefits accrued from

chanting the Lalita Sahasranamam as described in the Brahmandapurana are

listed below:


1) The rosary of a thousand names, which is most abstruse and esoteric, is

supremely favored by the Divine Mother, Lalita Parameswari. There is no

other hymn which is equal to this in the Agamas and Tantras.


2) Through the daily chanting of the hymn, one earns the same merit that is

obtained by bathing in the sacred waters, or by giving away land or cows, or

offering food articles.


3) The sins arising from incomplete rituals and irregular observance of

spiritual practices, are expiated by the chanting of this hymn. This hymn

can be chanted as a substitute for all expiatory rituals.


4) By chanting the hymn regularly, one is blessed with a long life and sound

health, and untimely death is averted. If the hymn is chanted with devotion

by a person, keeping his palm on the head of an ailing patient, the disease

will be cured. This can also be done by the patient himself by keeping his

palm on his own head. The more severe the disease, the more number of times

the hymn should be chanted. The sacred vibhuti (ash) used for the Lalita

Sahasranama archana is a panacea for all diseases.


5) The water into which the Lalita Sahasranamam is chanted, when sprinkled

on the head of a suffering person, removes the effects of evil spirits and

malefic planets.


6) If the Sahasranamam is chanted visualising Lalita Devi positioned in an

ocean of nectar, the effects of all poisons are removed.


7) By partaking of the ghee into which the Sahasranamam has been incanted,

women are cured of sterility.


8) The effect of black magic is removed by chanting the Sahasranamam daily.


9) The Divine Mother protects the one who chants the Sahasranamam daily from

accidents and attacks by the enemy.


10) Chanting the Sahasranamam daily bestows prosperity, felicity of

expression and public acclaim. Chanting the Sahasranamam on Fridays is

especially beneficial for achieving prosperity.


11) The brahmacharis, grihastashramis, vanaprasthashramis and sannyasis alike

are qualified to practice the chanting of the Lalita Sahasranamam. Chanting

of the Lalita Sahasranamam desiring fame confers fame. If wealth is wished

for, it confers wealth. And if it is chanted with love, without desiring

anything, it confers Brahmagyana (knowledge of the truth).


12) The name of Lord Siva is equivalent to a thousand names of Lord Vishnu.

The name of Devi is equivalent to a thousand names of Lord Siva.


The Lalita Sahasranamam is the supreme among the thousand names of Devi.


13) In this dark age of Kali, performing the Lalita Sahasranama yagnyas

contributes to the flourishing of dharma (righteousness). The chanting of

these thousand names of Devi is excellent also for cleansing the effect of

the Kaliyuga in individuals. Differences of place, religion and caste do not

disqualify anyone form chanting the Lalita Sahasranamam.


14) It is difficult to please the Divine Mother except through chanting the

Lalita Saharanama. By its chanting, the accumulated sins of all past births

are absolved.


15) There are many Sahasranamas in praise of the Divine Mother. Among them,

ten are of greater importance. They are the Ganga stava, Bhavani stava,

Gayatri stava, Kali stava, Lakshmi stava, Sarasvati stava, Rajarajeshwari

stava, Bala stava, Syamala stava, and Lalita stava. Of these the Lalita

stava or Lalita Sahasranamam is the most excellent.





Sri Chakra worship, the chanting of the Panchdasakshari mantra and the Lalita

Sahasranamam are the integral parts of Shakti worship. The chanting of the

Sahasranama stotra is imperative for those who worship Sri Chakra and chant

the Panchadasakshari mantra. However, the Lalita Sahasranamam can be chanted

even without any other associated worships. The Brahmanda Purana states that

chanting the Sahasranama alone bestows the benefits of all other worships.

The best time for chanting this hymn is the time after the morning bath. The

daily chanting yields the best results, but those who are unable to do so are

especially enjoined to chant this hymn on the Sankranthi days (the first

dates of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), on the Navami (the 9th day

moon), Chaturdasi (the fourteenth day moon), Pournami (the full moon day),

Fridays, birthdays of family members, and the days of solar and lunar



The chanting of the Lalita Sahasranamam, which bestows devotion and

dispassion, can be practised by all, by men and women, young and old alike,

at all times. It is advisable to have a fixed time for the daily Sahasranama

archana and the chanting of the stotra. If it is not possible to chant the

archana at the stipulated time, it should be performed as soon as possible at

a convenient time and thus the daily practice should not be broken. While

pronouncing the mantras, clarity should be strived for but the archana need

not be give up in case of inability in this regard. God knows our heart.

Amma reminds us, if a small child calls his father 'Pfater', the father does

not get angry but only feels love for his child, as he knows the child is

calling him. Likewise, it is more essential to love God and have a

one-pointed mind, than the strict observance of the nyasa rules and other

rules such as waving incense and light. One need not give up archana merely

because it is difficult to procure Aksata (rice mixed with tumeric powder),

flowers and other offerings. All these are only mediums used to acquire

concentration and to develop devotion. They are the token of our

self-surrender to God. The supremely essential requirement is pure love of

God and single-pointed attention. Hence Amma says that manasa puja (mental

worship) is the best form of worship.


There are varied results attributed to the practise of Lalita Sahasranama

japa, but it is best to practice it to acquire love of God, true knowledge,

and dispassion. By selfless practise, the miseries of prarabdha will be

alleviated and the desires fulfilled. The Divine Mother of the Universe is

the embodiment of Compassion, and will never forsake those who take refuge in

Her with single-minded devotion. Could there be anything more blessed than

to become a guileless child in the lap of the Divine Mother whose heart

overflows with the nectar of compassion, and to drink in the ambrosia of Her

motherly love?


O Mother, I do not know anything about Thy mantra or Thy yantra. I do not

know how to invoke Thee, O Mother. Neither do I know how to meditate on

Thee, nor do I know Thy sacred lore. O Mother, I do not know Thy mudras, nor

the hymns in praise of Thee. But I do know this, O Mother, that one who has

taken refuge in Thee, all his sorrows will be removed forever. (from the

Devi Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram)

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Kenna <ammaskenna

Tue, 15 Aug 2000 23:00:41 -0500

<Ammachi >

Re: Fw: Sri Lalita Sahasranam


Thank you so very much, Carl.


In Her Grace,




> "Carl Dahlgren" <dahlgren

> Ammachi

> Sun, 13 Aug 2000 11:23:13 -0700

> "Ammachi Chat List" <Ammachi >

> Fw: Sri Lalita Sahasranam







>>> Hi everyone,


>>> Several weeks ago I promised to send out an article that appeared in

> an

>>> issue of Matruvani regarding the benefits and practice of chanting the

> 1000

>>> names:



>>> From Matruvani June 1996:


>>> "Sri Lalita Sahasranam & Sakti Worship" - by Br. Brahmamrita Chaitanya


>>> The Benefits of Chanting the Lalita Sahasranam


>>> The real aim of all the rites and rituals enjoined by the Nigamas and

>>> Agamas is to inculcate dispassion and love for God in the people. Hence,

>> by

>>> enumerating the benefits of practice, such as removal of the miseries of

>>> life, and the attainment of prosperity, it is intended to strengthen the

>>> practitioner's faith, to generate an aspiration for Self-liberation, and

>>> make him fit for higher spiritual practices. The main benefits accrued

>> from

>>> chanting the Lalita Sahasranamam as described in the Brahmandapurana are

>>> listed below:


>>> 1) The rosary of a thousand names, which is most abstruse and

> esoteric,

>>> is supremely favored by the Divine Mother, Lalita Parameswari. There is

> no

>>> other hymn which is equal to this in the Agamas and Tantras.

>>> 2) Through the daily chanting of the hymn, one earns the same merit

>>> that is obtained by bathing in the sacred waters, or by giving away land

> or

>>> cows, or offering food articles.

>>> 3) The sins arising from incomplete rituals and irregular observance

> of

>>> spiritual practices, are expiated by the chanting of this hymn. This hymn

>>> can be chanted as a substitute for all expiatory rituals.

>>> 4) By chanting the hymn regularly, one is blessed with a long life and

>>> sound health, and untimely death is averted. If the hymn is chanted with

>>> devotion by a person, keeping his palm on the head of an ailing patient,

>> the

>>> disease will be cured. This can also be done by the patient himself by

>>> keeping his palm on his own head. The more severe the disease, the more

>>> number of times the hymn should be chanted. The sacred vibhuti (ash)

> used

>>> for the Lalita Sahasranama archana is a panacea for all diseases.

>>> 5) The water into which the Lalita Sahasranamam is chanted, when

>>> sprinkled on the head of a suffering person, removes the effects of evil

>>> spirits and malefic planets.

>>> 6) If the Sahasranamam is chanted visualising Lalita Devi positioned

> in

>>> an ocean of nectar, the effects of all poisons are removed.

>>> 7) By partaking of the ghee into which the Sahasranamam has been

>>> incanted, women are cured of sterility.

>>> 8) The effect of black magic is removed by chanting the Sahasranamam

>>> daily.

>>> 9) The Divine Mother protects the one who chants the Sahasranamam

> daily

>>> from accidents and attacks by the enemy.

>>> 10) Chanting the Sahasranamam daily bestows prosperity, felicity of

>>> expression and public acclaim. Chanting the Sahasranamam on Fridays is

>>> especially beneficial for achieving prosperity.

>>> 11) The brahmacharis, grihastashramis, vanaprasthashramis and

>> sannyasis

>>> alike are qualified to practice the chanting of the Lalita Sahasranamam.

>>> Chanting of the Lalita Sahasranamam desiring fame confers fame. If wealth

>>> is wished for, it confers wealth. And if it is chanted with love, without

>>> desiring anything, it confers Brahmagyana (knowledge of the truth).

>>> 12) The name of Lord Siva is equivalent to a thousand names of Lord

>>> Vishnu. The name of Devi is equivalent to a thousand names of Lord Siva.

>>> The Lalita Sahasranamam is the supreme among the thousand names of Devi.

>>> 13) In this dark age of Kali, performing the Lalita Sahasranama

> yagnyas

>>> contributes to the flourishing of dharma (righteousness). The chanting of

>>> these thousand names of Devi is excellent also for cleansing the effect of

>>> the Kaliyuga in individuals. Differences of place, religion and caste do

>>> not disqualify anyone form chanting the Lalita Sahasranamam.

>>> 14) It is difficult to please the Divine Mother except through

> chanting

>>> the Lalita Saharanama. By its chanting, the accumulated sins of all past

>>> births are absolved.

>>> 15) There are many Sahasranamas in praise of the Divine Mother. Among

>>> them, ten are of greater importance. They are the Ganga stava, Bhavani

>>> stava, Gayatri stava, Kali stava, Lakshmi stava, Sarasvati stava,

>>> Rajarajeshwari stava, Bala stava, Syamala stava, and Lalita stava. Of

>> these

>>> the Lalita stava or Lalita Sahasranamam is the most excellent.





>>> Sri Chakra worship, the chanting of the Panchdasakshari mantra and the

>>> Lalita Sahasranamam are the integral parts of Shakti worship. The

> chanting

>>> of the Sahasranama stotra is imperative for those who worship Sri Chakra

>> and

>>> chant the Panchadasakshari mantra. However, the Lalita Sahasranamam can

> be

>>> chanted even without any other associated worships. The Brahmanda Purana

>>> states that chanting the Sahasranama alone bestows the benefits of all

>> other

>>> worships. The best time for chanting this hymn is the time after the

>>> morning bath. The daily chanting yields the best results, but those who

>> are

>>> unable to do so are especially enjoined to chant this hymn on the

>> Sankranthi

>>> days (the first dates of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), on the

> Navami

>>> (the 9th day moon), Chaturdasi (the fourteenth day moon), Pournami (the

>> full

>>> moon day), Fridays, birthdays of family members, and the days of solar and

>>> lunar eclipses.

>>> The chanting of the Lalita Sahasranamam, which bestows devotion and

>>> dispassion, can be practised by all, by men and women, young and old

> alike,

>>> at all times. It is advisable to have a fixed time for the daily

>>> Sahasranama archana and the chanting of the stotra. If it is not possible

>>> to chant the archana at the stipulated time, it should be performed as

> soon

>>> as possible at a convenient time and thus the daily practice should not be

>>> broken. While pronouncing the mantras, clarity should be strived for; but

>>> the archana need not be give up in case of inability in this regard. God

>>> knows our heart. Amma reminds us, "if a small child calls his father

>>> 'Pfater', the father does not get angry but only feels love for his child,

>>> as he knows the child is calling him." Likewise, it is more essential to

>>> love God and have a one-pointed mind, than the strict observance of the

>>> nyasa rules and other rules such as waving incense and light. One need

> not

>>> give up archana merely because it is difficult to procure Aksata (rice

>> mixed

>>> with tumeric powder), flowers and other offerings. All these are only

>>> mediums used to acquire concentration and to develop devotion. They are

>> the

>>> token of our self-surrender to God. The supremely essential requirement

> is

>>> pure love of God and single-pointed attention. Hence Amma says that

> manasa

>>> puja (mental worship) is the best form of worship.

>>> There are varied results attributed to the practise of Lalita

>>> Sahasranama japa, but it is best to practice it to acquire love of God,

>> true

>>> knowledge, and dispassion. By selfless practise, the miseries of

> prarabdha

>>> will be alleviated and the desires fulfilled. The Divine Mother of the

>>> Universe is the embodiment of Compassion, and will never forsake those who

>>> take refuge in Her with single-minded devotion. Could there be anything

>>> more blessed than to become a guileless child in the lap of the Divine

>>> Mother whose heart overflows with the nectar of compassion, and to drink

> in

>>> the ambrosia of Her motherly love?

>>> "O Mother, I do not know anything about Thy mantra or Thy yantra. I

> do

>>> not know how to invoke Thee, O Mother. Neither do I know how to meditate

>> on

>>> Thee, nor do I know Thy sacred lore. O Mother, I do not know Thy mudras,

>>> nor the hymns in praise of Thee. But I do know this, O Mother, that one

>> who

>>> has taken refuge in Thee, all his sorrows will be removed forever." (from

>>> the Devi Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram)








> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi-





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  • 3 weeks later...


Its really wonderful to know the benifits of chanting "Sri Lalita


Thank you for sharing this with all of us. This has made me more aware of

few concepts which

i was ignorant about.

I would like to know something more about it and this has come to mind out

my sheer ignorance

and fear for commiting any mistake, is it mandatory for anyone to chant all

the 1000 names

of the Divine mother ?


with Love and Regards




> ----------

> Carl Dahlgren[sMTP:dahlgren]

> Reply Ammachi

> Sunday, August 13, 2000 11:53 PM

> Ammachi Chat List

> Fw: Sri Lalita Sahasranam





> >

> >

> >>Hi everyone,

> >>

> >> Several weeks ago I promised to send out an article that appeared in

> an

> >>issue of Matruvani regarding the benefits and practice of chanting the

> 1000

> >>names:

> >>

> >>

> >> From Matruvani June 1996:

> >>

> >>"Sri Lalita Sahasranam & Sakti Worship" - by Br. Brahmamrita

> Chaitanya

> >>

> >>The Benefits of Chanting the Lalita Sahasranam

> >>

> >> The real aim of all the rites and rituals enjoined by the Nigamas

> and

> >>Agamas is to inculcate dispassion and love for God in the people.

> Hence,

> >by

> >>enumerating the benefits of practice, such as removal of the miseries of

> >>life, and the attainment of prosperity, it is intended to strengthen the

> >>practitioner's faith, to generate an aspiration for Self-liberation, and

> >>make him fit for higher spiritual practices. The main benefits accrued

> >from

> >>chanting the Lalita Sahasranamam as described in the Brahmandapurana are

> >>listed below:

> >>

> >> 1) The rosary of a thousand names, which is most abstruse and

> esoteric,

> >>is supremely favored by the Divine Mother, Lalita Parameswari. There is

> no

> >>other hymn which is equal to this in the Agamas and Tantras.

> >> 2) Through the daily chanting of the hymn, one earns the same merit

> >>that is obtained by bathing in the sacred waters, or by giving away land

> or

> >>cows, or offering food articles.

> >> 3) The sins arising from incomplete rituals and irregular observance

> of

> >>spiritual practices, are expiated by the chanting of this hymn. This

> hymn

> >>can be chanted as a substitute for all expiatory rituals.

> >> 4) By chanting the hymn regularly, one is blessed with a long life

> and

> >>sound health, and untimely death is averted. If the hymn is chanted

> with

> >>devotion by a person, keeping his palm on the head of an ailing patient,

> >the

> >>disease will be cured. This can also be done by the patient himself by

> >>keeping his palm on his own head. The more severe the disease, the more

> >>number of times the hymn should be chanted. The sacred vibhuti (ash)

> used

> >>for the Lalita Sahasranama archana is a panacea for all diseases.

> >> 5) The water into which the Lalita Sahasranamam is chanted, when

> >>sprinkled on the head of a suffering person, removes the effects of evil

> >>spirits and malefic planets.

> >> 6) If the Sahasranamam is chanted visualising Lalita Devi positioned

> in

> >>an ocean of nectar, the effects of all poisons are removed.

> >> 7) By partaking of the ghee into which the Sahasranamam has been

> >>incanted, women are cured of sterility.

> >> 8) The effect of black magic is removed by chanting the Sahasranamam

> >>daily.

> >> 9) The Divine Mother protects the one who chants the Sahasranamam

> daily

> >>from accidents and attacks by the enemy.

> >> 10) Chanting the Sahasranamam daily bestows prosperity, felicity of

> >>expression and public acclaim. Chanting the Sahasranamam on Fridays is

> >>especially beneficial for achieving prosperity.

> >> 11) The brahmacharis, grihastashramis, vanaprasthashramis and

> >sannyasis

> >>alike are qualified to practice the chanting of the Lalita Sahasranamam.

> >>Chanting of the Lalita Sahasranamam desiring fame confers fame. If

> wealth

> >>is wished for, it confers wealth. And if it is chanted with love,

> without

> >>desiring anything, it confers Brahmagyana (knowledge of the truth).

> >> 12) The name of Lord Siva is equivalent to a thousand names of Lord

> >>Vishnu. The name of Devi is equivalent to a thousand names of Lord

> Siva.

> >>The Lalita Sahasranamam is the supreme among the thousand names of Devi.

> >> 13) In this dark age of Kali, performing the Lalita Sahasranama

> yagnyas

> >>contributes to the flourishing of dharma (righteousness). The chanting

> of

> >>these thousand names of Devi is excellent also for cleansing the effect

> of

> >>the Kaliyuga in individuals. Differences of place, religion and caste

> do

> >>not disqualify anyone form chanting the Lalita Sahasranamam.

> >> 14) It is difficult to please the Divine Mother except through

> chanting

> >>the Lalita Saharanama. By its chanting, the accumulated sins of all

> past

> >>births are absolved.

> >> 15) There are many Sahasranamas in praise of the Divine Mother.

> Among

> >>them, ten are of greater importance. They are the Ganga stava, Bhavani

> >>stava, Gayatri stava, Kali stava, Lakshmi stava, Sarasvati stava,

> >>Rajarajeshwari stava, Bala stava, Syamala stava, and Lalita stava. Of

> >these

> >>the Lalita stava or Lalita Sahasranamam is the most excellent.

> >>

> >>


> >>

> >>Sri Chakra worship, the chanting of the Panchdasakshari mantra and the

> >>Lalita Sahasranamam are the integral parts of Shakti worship. The

> chanting

> >>of the Sahasranama stotra is imperative for those who worship Sri Chakra

> >and

> >>chant the Panchadasakshari mantra. However, the Lalita Sahasranamam can

> be

> >>chanted even without any other associated worships. The Brahmanda

> Purana

> >>states that chanting the Sahasranama alone bestows the benefits of all

> >other

> >>worships. The best time for chanting this hymn is the time after the

> >>morning bath. The daily chanting yields the best results, but those who

> >are

> >>unable to do so are especially enjoined to chant this hymn on the

> >Sankranthi

> >>days (the first dates of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), on the

> Navami

> >>(the 9th day moon), Chaturdasi (the fourteenth day moon), Pournami (the

> >full

> >>moon day), Fridays, birthdays of family members, and the days of solar

> and

> >>lunar eclipses.

> >> The chanting of the Lalita Sahasranamam, which bestows devotion and

> >>dispassion, can be practised by all, by men and women, young and old

> alike,

> >>at all times. It is advisable to have a fixed time for the daily

> >>Sahasranama archana and the chanting of the stotra. If it is not

> possible

> >>to chant the archana at the stipulated time, it should be performed as

> soon

> >>as possible at a convenient time and thus the daily practice should not

> be

> >>broken. While pronouncing the mantras, clarity should be strived for;

> but

> >>the archana need not be give up in case of inability in this regard.

> God

> >>knows our heart. Amma reminds us, "if a small child calls his father

> >>'Pfater', the father does not get angry but only feels love for his

> child,

> >>as he knows the child is calling him." Likewise, it is more essential

> to

> >>love God and have a one-pointed mind, than the strict observance of the

> >>nyasa rules and other rules such as waving incense and light. One need

> not

> >>give up archana merely because it is difficult to procure Aksata (rice

> >mixed

> >>with tumeric powder), flowers and other offerings. All these are only

> >>mediums used to acquire concentration and to develop devotion. They are

> >the

> >>token of our self-surrender to God. The supremely essential requirement

> is

> >>pure love of God and single-pointed attention. Hence Amma says that

> manasa

> >>puja (mental worship) is the best form of worship.

> >> There are varied results attributed to the practise of Lalita

> >>Sahasranama japa, but it is best to practice it to acquire love of God,

> >true

> >>knowledge, and dispassion. By selfless practise, the miseries of

> prarabdha

> >>will be alleviated and the desires fulfilled. The Divine Mother of the

> >>Universe is the embodiment of Compassion, and will never forsake those

> who

> >>take refuge in Her with single-minded devotion. Could there be anything

> >>more blessed than to become a guileless child in the lap of the Divine

> >>Mother whose heart overflows with the nectar of compassion, and to drink

> in

> >>the ambrosia of Her motherly love?

> >> "O Mother, I do not know anything about Thy mantra or Thy yantra. I

> do

> >>not know how to invoke Thee, O Mother. Neither do I know how to

> meditate

> >on

> >>Thee, nor do I know Thy sacred lore. O Mother, I do not know Thy

> mudras,

> >>nor the hymns in praise of Thee. But I do know this, O Mother, that one

> >who

> >>has taken refuge in Thee, all his sorrows will be removed forever."

> (from

> >>the Devi Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram)

> >>

> >>

> >




> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi-




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