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Dear Divine Souls!


Once a great saint had said to me that great books that will make the

path clearer will come my way by themselves. Two books I am reading

currently are: 'The Celestine Prophecy' by James Redfield and

'Adventures of a Psychic' by Sylvia Browne. In the latter book, I was

not drawn to all prophecies of this physical world, but a chapter where

the Spiritual Guide talks about the OTHER DIMENSION. Some of the salient

points that I gathered and could instinctively feel connected to, based

on personal experience are as follows:


1) We have Spiritual guides - each and every one of us. I know that Amma

guides me CONSTANTLY!

2) Why do we incarnate on Earth? "There is no negativity on the other

side, for that matter, in the true reality of any existence. But, since

negativity is part of knowledge, and since the whole purpose of creation

is to garner knowledge and experience, almost all of God's creations

choose at some time to come to earth as part of continuing education."

3) Where is this 'Other side"? "It is right here. The other side is

superimposed on your plane, but it is approximately three feet higher."

This is the reason why spirits and ghosts are sometimes seen as


4) These spiritual entities can take any shape or form. (I have seen my

dearly departed mother and sister. I could see them as extraordinarily

beautiful, youthful beings, where no aging or disease existed. Both were

busy serving mankind and Mother.)

5) There is a difference in the time factor. What seems like years to

us, may only be a few moments for these celestials. This is why they may

not take our problems as seriously as we do, for they know that

everything is transitory. I think that is why God reincarnates on Earth,

assuming a human form with all its frailties and yet manages to overcome

them and lead us. Each and every incarnation has suffered more than the

common man to show that one can overcome such adverserial circumstances

with FAITH, PRAYER and SURRENDER. These incarnations also give us a

glimpse of the highest form of LOVE.

6) We come with a subconscious memory that life is forever. That is why,

on the physical plane we resist aging and death. "Don't you often feel

sorrow at the realization that your body separates you from the others?

Don't you long at times to pull another person into yourself? Don't you

often feel a sense of isolation? Once you begin to recognize and

understand this principle, the fear of death will dissipatre; and, when

you pass over, the memory will burst upon you at that very moment. Then

your soul will breathe a sigh of relief: That is all over and I am

home." (As a three year old, I used to think, "When I die, I'll heave a

sigh saying, all this was but a dream!) This feeling has existed with me

throughout my life.)

7) "You are all messengers from God sent here to carry His word. But

that message is coded, and you have to break the code yourself...

Spirituality means, in essence, to find yourself, to find God within and

without, and to fight the battle against negativity.

8) "What signposts mark our path? How can we know when we're on the

right track?"

"Self-acceptance and self-knowldge indicate that you are doing well. You

will feel good about yourself. Circumstances may temporarily derail you,

but there is always an inner faith and glow that draw you back to inner



Sylvia goes on talk about how these entities participate in music,

dance, building, lectures etc. (I was amazed to read this as I have

always envisioned doing the following-

singing and dancing with the Gopis.

Making rangoli and cooking for Krishna

Adorning Him, playing with Him, singing and putting Him to sleep

Listening to various sages as they expound on the spiritual texts. Sri

Prabhuduttji says that even now Sri Shuka is expounding on the

Bhagavatha. (I see glimpses of all this in my varied dreams. Once in

Calcutta, long time back, I dreamed that rows and rows of sages sat

cross-legged on the floor as is traditional form to sit for food or

conducting havan. All the saints clamor for me to sing to their chosen

Deity. Thus, I can hear requests for Rama, Krishna, Muruga, Ganesh, Etc.

Helplessly, I glance around. A saint's wife comes to my rescue and says,

"Sing to Ramakrishna".)


Reading this gave me so much joy! I could see this life as only a short,

bried school-time, where sometimes the lessons are interesting, tedious,

boring, stressful, challenging etc. I would urge all of you to read this

book. You may have to sift the wheat from the chaff. But that would

apply even to reading the Bhagavatham!


Jai Ma!





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