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Amma's Talk at the UN

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>I know there has been alot of discussion about duplicate mail from both


>and I am normally silent, but this one needs to be shared by all. So I

>apologize for those of you who got this twice but it is only fair for those

>who would not have recieved it other wise. It was such a great seva that

>Sundar did for us all. It should be shared by all.

> Jai Ma Kalika


> > Dear All,

> >

> > I just finished listening to Amma's talk. It was extremely sweet and

> > beautiful. The chairman of the session made a mistake and introduced

> > somebody else's name instead of Amma's. I managed to record most part of

> > what Amma had said in an Audio tape.

> >

> > Amma was with Swamini Krishnamrita on stage while Swami Ramakrishna and

> > Swami Amritatmananda were in the Audience. Swamiji who transalated as


> > spoke could not be seen, but we could hear his voice. He had to speak

> > extremely fast to keep up with the divine Mother..!

> >

> > Here is Amma's wonderful talk..(verbatim)

> >

> > Sorry for making this mail so long..

> > Namah Shivaya

> > Sundar

> > ***************************************************************

> > "Salutations to all who are verily the embodiments of love and supreme

> > self.We have stepped into the new millenium with hope and great

> > expectations of change. Although the number denoting the year has


> > essentially, nothing else has changed. real change must happen within,


> > only if we remove conflict and negativity from within, can we play a


> > constructive role in establishing peace. with the goal of peace in mind,

> > the invaluable efforts of the United nations to bring the nations

> > together, thereby bring peace and harmony merit heartful praise. The


> > word nation and religion imply division and diversity. this diversity


> > seem to create an obstacle in fostering peace in the world, yet in


> > it is this diversity that brings richness and beauty to the world and

> > human life. Just as a bouquet having flowers of different colors is more

> > beautiful than a bouquet of flowers of the same color, there is one


> > that shines through the rivers and mountains, flowers, the sun, moon and

> > stars, you and I, all are expressions of this One Reality. It is by

> > assimilating this truth in life that we can discover the inherent beauty

> > in this diversity. When we work togther as a global family, not


> > to a particular race or nation, peace and happiness will once again

> > prevail on this earth. As I travel around the world, people come to me


> > share their sorrow. some have even told me that their family members


> > killed in a religious clash- sometimes it was a fight between the Hindus

> > and Muslims, other times between Hindus and Christians, and yet other

> > times between Christians and Muslims. It is so painful to hear the

> > fightings because people are not going into the depths of their

> > religion. Our ties to our religion or country should not make us forget

> > our basic human values. No one is an isolated island. We are all links


> > the Great Chain of Life. Just as the right hand reaches out to aid the

> > left hand when injured, the ability of feel the sufferings of all beings

> > as our own and an intense yearning to comfort them should awaken within

> > us. We are living in an era where science and communication have turned

> > the world into one small community reducing the barriers of time and

> > space. Although the world has come closer through technology, we are not

> > drawn closer in our hearts. For example members of a family, though

> > physically close are often like isolated islands. Today we are capable


> > destroying the earth in an instant, but we also have the innate capacity

> > to create heaven on earth. The future of humanity depends on the choice


> > make. If we look back at history, we can find that all conflict


> > from conflict within the individual. And what is the real source of this

> > inner conflict? It is the lack of awareness of our true nature - the One

> > Living Power within us of which we are all a part. The role of

> > spirituality/religion is to awaken this this awareness and to help


> > qualities such as Love, empathy, tolerance, patience and

> > humility. Religion is the science of the mind. Today we are able to

> > air-condition the external world, but we are yet to learn how to

> > air-condition the mind. We are trying to clone human beings, but we do


> > attempt to create within ourselves a perfect loving and peaceful human

> > being. An important role of religion is facilitating this process of

> > purification.

> > Today we are aware of the need to protect our environment, and this

> > ofcourse is essential. Yet we are seldom concerned with the pollution,


> > negative thoughts created in the atmosphere and in the consciousness of

> > humanity. The inner pollution of the mind is in many ways more lethal


> > chemical pollution, for it has the power to destroy humanity at

> > anytime. We therefore have to purify our mental environment.

> >

> > Though the founders of our religion realised and practised the noblest


> > ideals in life, many followers have failed to live up to them. Instead


> > focussing on the essential religious principles of Love and Compassion,


> > focus on the external rituals and tradition which vary from religion to

> > religion. Thats how these religions which are meant to foster peace and

> > prosperity among us, became instrumental in spreading war and

> > conflict. This does not negate the importance of religious

> > disciplines and traditions. They have their own significance. They are

> > necessary for our own development. But we must remember that these

> > traditions are the means to the Goal and Not the Goal itself. Suppose a

> > person has to cross a river by boat, upon reaching the other shore, he

> > must leave the boat and move forward. if he insists on clinging on to


> > boat, his progress will be hampered. Similarly we must give more

> > importance to the Goal of religion and not be overly attached to the

> > means. We must remember that Religion is meant for Humanity and not

> > Humanity for Religion. To solve the complex and controversial issues


> > as religious freedom, conversion and fanatisism, the religious leaders

> > must come together in dialogue with open hearts in order to arrive at

> > mutually acceptable and practical solutions. The key to world peace is

> > within every individual residing on this planet. Just as every member of


> > house have the responsibility of safe guarding the home, each one of us

> > shares the responsibility of World Peace. The leaders of 3 religions A,


> > and C decided to convene a meeting to bring about peace. God was so

> > pleased with their efforts that he decided to send down an angel to them

> > during the meeting. The angel asked the leaders what they wished. The

> > leader of religion A said that religion B was responsible for all the

> > problems, so please wipe them off the face of this earth. The leader of

> > religion B said that religion A is the cause of all our trouble, so you

> > have to reduce them to ashes. The angel was dissapointed. The angel


> > expectantly to the leader of religion C. With an expression of great

> > humility the leader of religion C said 'I wish nothing for myself, it


> > be enough if you grant the wishes of my two colleagues'.

> >

> > Peace is not just the absence of war and conflict, it goes well beyond

> > that. Peace must be fostered within the individual, within the family


> > within the society. Transferring worlds nuclear weapons to a Museum will

> > not by itself bring about World Peace. The Nuclear weapons of the mind

> > must first be eliminated. All the Great Religions have infinite wisdom


> > beauty to share. Instead of trying to increase the number of followers,

> > religions should create an environment in which everyone may wisely


> > the principles of any religion. Tomorrows world will be shaped by todays

> > children. In their tender minds, it is easy to cultivate universal human

> > values. If you walk through a patch of green grass a few times, you will

> > quickly make a path, where as, it takes countless trips to form a trail


> > a rocky hillside. The teaching of universal principles and human values

> > should be a standard part of the general education, not the


> > of the family alone. This should not be delayed any further, otherwise

> > future generations will be at risk.

> >

> > We cannot lose sight of the essential

> > needs of the people. Until these needs are met, it is impossible to


> > for higher states of awareness and understanding. If in any part of the

> > world, people are dying of hunger or, are suffering from poverty, it is


> > matter of shame for all nations. Based on the ideal of Universal

> > Brotherhood, all nations that are in a position to help, should share

> > their material wealth and resources. There is enough for the survival of

> > all the living beings on this earth, yet not enough to satisfy the greed

> > of a few. Lending a helping hand to a neglected soul, feeding the


> > giving a compassionate smile to the sad and dejected - this is the real

> > language of religion, we should invoke God's compassion or our own


> > and hands. Living only for oneself is not life, but death. We must learn

> > from our past or, we will repeat our mistakes. Those who have harmed

> > others in the past must now engage in positive actions to uplift the

> > victims of their past oppression. These principles apply to governments

> > and to individuals. Each nation must foster an atmosphere of openness,

> > forgiveness, friendship, help, trust and support to heal old wounds.


> > by living the ideals of religion, we transcend our narrowmindedness and

> > our life will become an offering to the world. "

> >

> > ****************************************************************

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________________

> > To send mail to amma-l, use the address: amma-l

> > Website: http://www.hindunet.org/amma-l

> >

> >

> >




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Thank you so very much, Kalika.






>>> Dear All,


>>> I just finished listening to Amma's talk. It was extremely sweet and

>>> beautiful. The chairman of the session made a mistake and introduced

>>> somebody else's name instead of Amma's. I managed to record most part of

>>> what Amma had said in an Audio tape.


>>> Amma was with Swamini Krishnamrita on stage while Swami Ramakrishna and

>>> Swami Amritatmananda were in the Audience. Swamiji who transalated as

>> Amma

>>> spoke could not be seen, but we could hear his voice. He had to speak

>>> extremely fast to keep up with the divine Mother..!


>>> Here is Amma's wonderful talk..(verbatim)


>>> Sorry for making this mail so long..

>>> Namah Shivaya

>>> Sundar

>>> ***************************************************************

>>> "Salutations to all who are verily the embodiments of love and supreme

>>> self.We have stepped into the new millenium with hope and great

>>> expectations of change. Although the number denoting the year has

>> changed,

>>> essentially, nothing else has changed. real change must happen within,

>> for

>>> only if we remove conflict and negativity from within, can we play a

>> truly

>>> constructive role in establishing peace. with the goal of peace in mind,

>>> the invaluable efforts of the United nations to bring the nations

>>> together, thereby bring peace and harmony merit heartful praise. The

>> very

>>> word nation and religion imply division and diversity. this diversity

>> may

>>> seem to create an obstacle in fostering peace in the world, yet in

>> reality

>>> it is this diversity that brings richness and beauty to the world and

>>> human life. Just as a bouquet having flowers of different colors is more

>>> beautiful than a bouquet of flowers of the same color, there is one

>> truth

>>> that shines through the rivers and mountains, flowers, the sun, moon and

>>> stars, you and I, all are expressions of this One Reality. It is by

>>> assimilating this truth in life that we can discover the inherent beauty

>>> in this diversity. When we work togther as a global family, not

>> belonging

>>> to a particular race or nation, peace and happiness will once again

>>> prevail on this earth. As I travel around the world, people come to me

>> and

>>> share their sorrow. some have even told me that their family members

>> were

>>> killed in a religious clash- sometimes it was a fight between the Hindus

>>> and Muslims, other times between Hindus and Christians, and yet other

>>> times between Christians and Muslims. It is so painful to hear the

>>> fightings because people are not going into the depths of their

>>> religion. Our ties to our religion or country should not make us forget

>>> our basic human values. No one is an isolated island. We are all links

>> in

>>> the Great Chain of Life. Just as the right hand reaches out to aid the

>>> left hand when injured, the ability of feel the sufferings of all beings

>>> as our own and an intense yearning to comfort them should awaken within

>>> us. We are living in an era where science and communication have turned

>>> the world into one small community reducing the barriers of time and

>>> space. Although the world has come closer through technology, we are not

>>> drawn closer in our hearts. For example members of a family, though

>>> physically close are often like isolated islands. Today we are capable

>> of

>>> destroying the earth in an instant, but we also have the innate capacity

>>> to create heaven on earth. The future of humanity depends on the choice

>> we

>>> make. If we look back at history, we can find that all conflict

>> originate

>>> from conflict within the individual. And what is the real source of this

>>> inner conflict? It is the lack of awareness of our true nature - the One

>>> Living Power within us of which we are all a part. The role of

>>> spirituality/religion is to awaken this this awareness and to help

>> develop

>>> qualities such as Love, empathy, tolerance, patience and

>>> humility. Religion is the science of the mind. Today we are able to

>>> air-condition the external world, but we are yet to learn how to

>>> air-condition the mind. We are trying to clone human beings, but we do

>> not

>>> attempt to create within ourselves a perfect loving and peaceful human

>>> being. An important role of religion is facilitating this process of

>>> purification.

>>> Today we are aware of the need to protect our environment, and this

>>> ofcourse is essential. Yet we are seldom concerned with the pollution,

>> the

>>> negative thoughts created in the atmosphere and in the consciousness of

>>> humanity. The inner pollution of the mind is in many ways more lethal

>> than

>>> chemical pollution, for it has the power to destroy humanity at

>>> anytime. We therefore have to purify our mental environment.


>>> Though the founders of our religion realised and practised the noblest

>> of

>>> ideals in life, many followers have failed to live up to them. Instead

>> of

>>> focussing on the essential religious principles of Love and Compassion,

>> we

>>> focus on the external rituals and tradition which vary from religion to

>>> religion. Thats how these religions which are meant to foster peace and

>>> prosperity among us, became instrumental in spreading war and

>>> conflict. This does not negate the importance of religious

>>> disciplines and traditions. They have their own significance. They are

>>> necessary for our own development. But we must remember that these

>>> traditions are the means to the Goal and Not the Goal itself. Suppose a

>>> person has to cross a river by boat, upon reaching the other shore, he

>>> must leave the boat and move forward. if he insists on clinging on to

>> the

>>> boat, his progress will be hampered. Similarly we must give more

>>> importance to the Goal of religion and not be overly attached to the

>>> means. We must remember that Religion is meant for Humanity and not

>>> Humanity for Religion. To solve the complex and controversial issues

>> such

>>> as religious freedom, conversion and fanatisism, the religious leaders

>>> must come together in dialogue with open hearts in order to arrive at

>>> mutually acceptable and practical solutions. The key to world peace is

>>> within every individual residing on this planet. Just as every member of

>> a

>>> house have the responsibility of safe guarding the home, each one of us

>>> shares the responsibility of World Peace. The leaders of 3 religions A,

>> B,

>>> and C decided to convene a meeting to bring about peace. God was so

>>> pleased with their efforts that he decided to send down an angel to them

>>> during the meeting. The angel asked the leaders what they wished. The

>>> leader of religion A said that religion B was responsible for all the

>>> problems, so please wipe them off the face of this earth. The leader of

>>> religion B said that religion A is the cause of all our trouble, so you

>>> have to reduce them to ashes. The angel was dissapointed. The angel

>> turned

>>> expectantly to the leader of religion C. With an expression of great

>>> humility the leader of religion C said 'I wish nothing for myself, it

>> will

>>> be enough if you grant the wishes of my two colleagues'.


>>> Peace is not just the absence of war and conflict, it goes well beyond

>>> that. Peace must be fostered within the individual, within the family

>> and

>>> within the society. Transferring worlds nuclear weapons to a Museum will

>>> not by itself bring about World Peace. The Nuclear weapons of the mind

>>> must first be eliminated. All the Great Religions have infinite wisdom

>> and

>>> beauty to share. Instead of trying to increase the number of followers,

>>> religions should create an environment in which everyone may wisely

>> accept

>>> the principles of any religion. Tomorrows world will be shaped by todays

>>> children. In their tender minds, it is easy to cultivate universal human

>>> values. If you walk through a patch of green grass a few times, you will

>>> quickly make a path, where as, it takes countless trips to form a trail

>> on

>>> a rocky hillside. The teaching of universal principles and human values

>>> should be a standard part of the general education, not the

>> responsibility

>>> of the family alone. This should not be delayed any further, otherwise

>>> future generations will be at risk.


>>> We cannot lose sight of the essential

>>> needs of the people. Until these needs are met, it is impossible to

>> aspire

>>> for higher states of awareness and understanding. If in any part of the

>>> world, people are dying of hunger or, are suffering from poverty, it is

>> a

>>> matter of shame for all nations. Based on the ideal of Universal

>>> Brotherhood, all nations that are in a position to help, should share

>>> their material wealth and resources. There is enough for the survival of

>>> all the living beings on this earth, yet not enough to satisfy the greed

>>> of a few. Lending a helping hand to a neglected soul, feeding the

>> hungry,

>>> giving a compassionate smile to the sad and dejected - this is the real

>>> language of religion, we should invoke God's compassion or our own

>> hearts

>>> and hands. Living only for oneself is not life, but death. We must learn

>>> from our past or, we will repeat our mistakes. Those who have harmed

>>> others in the past must now engage in positive actions to uplift the

>>> victims of their past oppression. These principles apply to governments

>>> and to individuals. Each nation must foster an atmosphere of openness,

>>> forgiveness, friendship, help, trust and support to heal old wounds.

>> Thus

>>> by living the ideals of religion, we transcend our narrowmindedness and

>>> our life will become an offering to the world. "


>>> ****************************************************************






>>> ____________________

>>> To send mail to amma-l, use the address: amma-l

>>> Website: http://www.hindunet.org/amma-l






> _______________________

> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.


> Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

> http://profiles.msn.com.



> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi-





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