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Some stories from the UN!

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Dear Divine Siblings,


Thank you all for sharing information and reflections from what you saw

and heard. Here is my version:


I did NOT want to go to NY for some reason and hence sought Divine

guidance. The answer came "GO!" and I did. I had presumed all along that

the Summit was a closed session. All I had wanted was to cook for Amma.

But Amma had Her own plans. (When Amma had come to my place I had told

Her that being with Her was my greatest vacation and She decided to give

me just that!)

26th August - We did not know when Amma would arrive as those who knew

were sworn to secrecy. Joan and self prepared lunch and went to deliver

the same in our leisurely way. Just as we entered Arun's apartment, we

found Sangita and Kavitha anxiously waiting with the pada-puja placemats

and arrangements (with the guidance of Br. Shantamrita), who informed us

to go down and wait in the lobby as Mother was expected any instant. We

had barely waited five minutes when Amma casually walked in with

Swamiji, Ron and Krishnamrita Chaitanya! Without thinking, I moved to

the right of the door as Joan moved to the left. Thus, we were like two

Dwarapalakas (doorkeepers) as Amma walked in. As I bent down to touch

Amma's feet, She gathered me in Her arms and bestoring a kiss called for

a Hershey's kiss. Then She moved to hug Joan (Upasana). As She waited

for the elevator to come down, we simply gazed at Her, drinking in the

Divine Presence! At about 5 pm. we were again asked to bring rice. I

must confess I was a bit irritated, thinking, "Can't they cook a little

rice?", but my wise friend reminded me that perhaps this was an excuse

to get us back in! So, we cooked rice and when we went back, we could

hear Amma practicing Her speech! The swamis were timing Her!

(The night prior to my leaving for NY, a lady called at 10 pm at night

and informed me that she got five passes for the UN. This made me hope.

So, I had called my friend. He immediately put in a call to Bawa Jain's

office and gave my name. Thus, I was added to the special list of

sponsors! Thank you, Amma! You really went out of your way to get me


On August 27th. everyone with a pass was expected to report to the

Waldorf Astoria to be photographed. Our group arrived at 9:30 even

though the photos would be taken only at noontime. Around 11 am Swami

Amritatma, Dayamrita and Sneha came in. They went up and commiserated

with the officials. At this point, I realized to my great joy that that

Amma would be coming in too! Around noontime She walked in with Swamiji.

Even then the doors were not open. So I got to just "hang out" with Her

as She stood beaming at everyone! My heart was so full that I did not

want to spoil this moment with any talk, but simply whispered a "Thank

you" in Her ear!

Amma was whisked in as soon as the doors opened. After the formalities

were completed She came out through another door. As She walked into an

elevator, I almost wanted to say "Amma, break a leg!" and stopped myself

in time. But, I bet Amma read my mind as She smiled sweetly at me! When

we walked in, our names were not on any list, but miracle of miracles,

they very deferentially made out special passes and we got a whole lot

of souvenirs, in a briefcase embossed with the peace summit logo!

Subramunia Swamiji (Hawaii) also came in. This is a tall, regal looking

man with matted grey hair, adorned with rudraksha beads. He publishes

the famous magazine 'Hinduism Today'. Swami Buwa (108 year veteran)

stood behind me in line! It was like being in a spiritual MIT! I

introduced my friend and myself to Subramunia Swamiji as "Swamiji, we

are Mata Amritanandamayi's children!" His response was, "That I know

from your sparkling eyes!" I also met Muniji from Pittsburg and Sadhu


August 28 - Came into the UN General Assembly Hall. By some strange

stroke of luck, got to sit in the main hall, along with the delegates!

This is a huge amphitheater, which seats about 2000 people. The main

tables have earphones, so delegates can listen to the translation.

Around the hall are the media rooms, where translators sit and read as

each spokesperson gives speech. The only thing marring this great event

was the delay in beginning the program and repeated announcements for

the clearing of first three rows as the delegates who were speaking on

this first night gathered behind the stage. I am told that Amma waited a

long time backstage before the procession was allowed in. Opening

invocations began with blowing of the conch by the 108 year old saint

Bua, followed by Inca blessing and Islamic prayer. Bawa Jain (Secr,

Religious Affairs) gave the welcome speech. He recalled that this was

the very first time when so many religious and spiritual heads had

gathered at the UN. The most spectacular show were the Chinese drums.

These were almost 5 ft. in diameter and nine in number. The Chinese

drummers marched in and the beating of the drums was so spellbinding

that it transported me to Shivaloka. I was a little worried that Amma

would go into Samadhi and burst into an ecstatic dance!

Amma was the eighth person to say a prayer. She came up with Swamiji and

Swamini Amma. There was an electrifying hush as She sang solemnly "Asato

ma satgamaya" and "Lokah samastah".

Sri Sri Ravishankar (Art of Living Foundation) gave a wonderful speech

on why we need to unite. He said that every religion has basically three

things - values, symbols and practices. Values are common to all

religion. Differences lie only in symbols and practices. One should

therefore penetrate the outer core of external practices and go beyond

to the values. Reminded me of Amma's analogy of the colored candles all

having the same flame; animal buiscuits being made of sugar and flour;

or colored candy wrappers, all having the same candy.

August 29 - As we came in, a lady stopped my friend and me for a

photograph and we missed Mother as She passes by! Maya! How we get

entangled. But her husband was inside and Amma called out to him! The

session began on time with the African drums. Bawa Jain made his

introductory remarks and introduced Kofi Annan, the Secr. General, UN.

(It is not a coincidence that Ted Turner was there and Time carried

Kofi's story on the cover!) K. Annan said "We pray, therefore we are. No

religion can claim monopoly on teaching values. Spirituality is

ingrained in the human spirit. THE PROBLEM IS NOT WITH THE FAITH BUT

WITH THE FAITHFUL. Spiritual/religious leaders are agents of change.

(Standing ovation)

Each delegate had been allotted 10 minutes, but Easterners, who have a

very different concept of Time, ran over! As a result Amma's talk was

postponed to the afternoon, after lunch. When we got back, Amma was

already seated in Her seat. When it was Her turn, She ran through Her

entire speech without a single pause, with no paper or aid! Poor Swamiji

had a hard time keeping up with the translation! He had to skip reading

two pages! After about three hours, as we sensed that Amma was waiting

to get up, we came out to the corridor. Swami Ramakrishna immediately

summoned me and asked that I distribute Amma's speech to the delegates.

As Amma came out, a 'runner' came to get Her. She had been instructed to

bring Amma to Kofi Annan's office to sign the UN document. But, the poor

lady did not know where his office was (on the 38th. floor) and how to

get there. So, we had a merry chase through the 3-4 floor in and out of

elevators with Amma. (Personally, I couldn't care if we did never find

his office!). As we stood waiting, I had the opportunity to ask Amma -

Self - Amma, with this Summit, do you think there will be peace in the

Middle EAst, Bosnia and such places?"

Amma - (after a pause) I am but a river. My job is to flow. (I leave

each to interpret this as you wish. My interpretation was that even if

the world goes through its pre-determined cycle, I am here, the RIVER OF

LOVE flowing. Those who wish to quench their thirst may do so. It is

free for all."

Self - Amma, if you wish to grant darshan, why don't you come to A's

house. We'll make the arrangements.

Amma - Mole! I want to return as soon as possible.

Swamini - Amma would like to go for a walk.

Self - Amma, please take rest. We can take you to the Hudson river,

where there is a quiet picnic area.

Amma (making a sign of eating) Not rest, rusk! (Rusk is an Indian

hardened sweet bread, like a cookie).

Little did I know that Amma was serious about leaving right away! As we

came down to escort her to her car, Swami Amritatma turned to me and

asked innocently, "Don't you agree that Amma's speech was the very first

when someone has spoken in Malayalam at the UN?"

I agreed wholeheartedly! Amma turned immediately to me and demanded,

"And from when have you been coming to the UN to keep track of these


I had to laugh as Amma caught my bluff! As She sat in the car, I said

with conviction, "Amma, I know this much, that this was the very first

time the Supreme Mother has given a talk at the UN!"

Amma simply rolled Her eyes!

August 30 - Amma was going to give a press conference in Waldorf

Astoria. She came in around 9:30 am. By 11 am. the Swamis were

confirming that Mother would leave that same day. There was some

confusion as Amma wanted to meet with the devotees in Her room, which

was later switched to the airport. It is said that when the lotus

blooms, one does not send invitation to the bees! Similarly, news that

Amma would grant darshan spread like wildfire and there were over a 100

devotees at the airport. Amma shed tears as She bid adieu to Her


(I found Bawa Jain to be EXTREMELY deferential to Amma. As Amma ran into

him at the Waldorf Astoria on the last day, She asked, "Tired?" He

replied, "No, AMMA, working with your energy." I was also fortunate

enough to see a number of saints at the Gayathri Yagna at the Sringeri

Peetham, Pokonos, PA. As I was singing in the temple, Bawa, Hinduja and

other big guns walked in. After the puja, Bawa just walked over to me

and I had the opportunity to congratulate him on his successful venture,

which had taken over two years' of hard work. He did say that the UN

would monitor the outcome of these meetings and check the progress of

the summit proposals, especially in sensitive areas of ethnic and

religious strife.

ps - I asked Swami Ramakrishna what Mother's impression was about the

Summit. He summed it up beautifully in these words - Amma is not for all

this talk. She is only for action!

Jai Ma!





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