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being with Amma - Inner experiences

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I just came home to Berlin from the munich program and due to work

obligations I had to go before Devi Darshan. However I feel mother

has given to me what had to be given. Besides the so called good

things like discovering feelings of love in my heart I've never felt

before in this lifetime I also had to face all sorts of so called bad

things like anger, rage, a general dark, grudging attitude towards

life etc. While being engulfed by the latter I managed at times to be

just a whitness of these states of mind. That was realy cool. To be

full of anger and just being beyond it at the same time. The sting of

the anger was removed by awareness. In a way all these messy feelings

became funny to watch. A precious experience and I feel a little sad

because I can't teach anybody how to have it right away. Such

attitude is needed in the world. If the people in Israel/Palestina

would experience their humanness in such a way their country would be

a real holy site.

May the love of the mother guide you all!


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Lutz wrote:


> A precious experience and I feel a little sad

> because I can't teach anybody how to have it right away. Such

> attitude is needed in the world. If the people in Israel/Palestina

> would experience their humanness in such a way their country would be

> a real holy site.


Today my husband and I were in the car talking about Israel/Palestina. My

oldest daughter is studying Ancient Civilizations and we just covered this

area (we homeschool) and she has wanted to watch the news when she heard

about the fighting there. I shared with my husband that I allowed her to

and some of the comments she made about it. Then shared how I wished they

could get along and be done with this senseless fighting.


My husband, John, asked me if it really was senseless & stupid as I had

said. He said to them it is very important and is a Holy battle to them.

Seeing me struggling with what he was trying to say he asked me to think of

something sacred to me. Something very special and holy. Mother's smiling

face came to mind. Then he asked me to think of someone treating that with

disrespect or badly. My vision turned as I saw some one yelling at mother

with anger. And then John asked me what I felt inside. I have to admit it

was rage that if I had seen something like this I would be in that persons

face trying to protect Mother. Then his point that each side sees their

fight as "holy" was made.


It made me think about how I do let my anger lead me sometimes and how it

is still something I struggle with. Really not with anger toward others but

at myself.


I think it is so wonderful Lutz you have been able to be so filled with

love that you can be angry and yet be beyond it. I think I have had a

glimpse of that. Actually I am sure but I hope one day to be filled with

that love each day. Thank you for reminding me it is possible to get there.




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Lutz wrote:


Besides the so called good

> things like discovering feelings of love in my heart I've never felt

> before in this lifetime I also had to face all sorts of so called bad

> things like anger, rage, a general dark, grudging attitude towards

> life etc. While being engulfed by the latter I managed at times to be

> just a whitness of these states of mind. That was realy cool. To be

> full of anger and just being beyond it at the same time. The sting of

> the anger was removed by awareness. In a way all these messy feelings

> became funny to watch.


You say this so well. My heart feel so happy for you to have experienced all

this. Just reading it stirs a feeling of Mother's encouragement to keep

ploughing through all this human stuff.


A precious experience and I feel a little sad

> because I can't teach anybody how to have it right away. Such

> attitude is needed in the world. If the people in Israel/Palestina

> would experience their humanness in such a way their country would be

> a real holy site.


Perhaps your consciousness thought of this does more than you know.... I

will hold the thought with you.


Thank you so much for sharing with us.



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