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Dear Eknath,


I do hope you get your miracle- Extra Large if possible- not just medium to

large- i completely understand when you say you want to be there in

Amritapuri all the time- i too felt that way when i went there for the first

time this year-


and your songs of yearning will BRING Amma to you- even if they dont take

YOU there physically.


- but i just wanted to say last year at Ann Arbor i met an Indian Lady from

canada whom i met in the parking lot- she said -'can you take me to the

program? i want to see Amma- I have tried seeing Her for 15 years but i got

the chance only now!'


I felt very sad hearing this, and got a glimpse into how blessed we are that

we have atleast the means to see Her here..


But in any case, Eknath, i am sure She'll call you very soon.


and Usha- yes , the Amritapuri trip will be THE trip of your life- when i

went there , i couldnt help thinking 'Wow, this is the very ground where the

young sudhamani cried for Krishna- perhaps She went into samadhi on this

very spot- perhaps Krishna appeared to Her by that pond... this is the beach

where the Divine Mother 'became a Golden effulgence' and merged into Her-

this is the kalari where She danced as Kali, and hugged the leper,... this

once was the small hut where that blue colored child was born smiling , ...'

and the energy of that place is incredible.


with the backwaters on side, with the ocean on another,in a remote corner,

this island slightly secluded from the mainland as if to say it doent belong

on this earth, struck me as the ideal place for a Divine incarnation . and

that is what has happened.


Wish you a very happy trip there,










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Bala wrote:


(to Eknath)


> and your songs of yearning will BRING Amma to you- even if they dont take

> YOU there physically.


> - but i just wanted to say last year at Ann Arbor i met an Indian Lady from

> canada whom i met in the parking lot- she said -'can you take me to the

> program? i want to see Amma- I have tried seeing Her for 15 years but i got

> the chance only now!'


> I felt very sad hearing this, and got a glimpse into how blessed we are that

> we have atleast the means to see Her here..


thank you, so much for these words of wisdom and support. When I'm feeling

deprived, I remember the swami's whom Amma has sent away to do Her work and

I pray to know what She wants me to do where I am. Tonight a few of us who

serve at a local food kitchen once a month were called at the last minute to

help there tonight. That was Amma blessing us! And there was her temple.

Thanks for helping us remember.



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