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Amma!What else?

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Dear Amma's Divine Pets,

First of all - Nancy my dear, dear sister! I wish I had met you

personally in CA. I missed the divine opportunity. Please don't think

that anyone's sharing is less or more. Everyone's persepective is UNIQUE

and therefore priceless. So, please continue to share with us.

Otherwise, we will be the losers. As Amritanand's writing (I admire your

lucid style - you seem to have this effortless way of casting precious

gems with abandon!) shows, Swami Ramakrishna did talk about all these


Re: depression and proximity to Amma - Amma, in Her Divine Wisdom, at

times allows us to go through certain experiences (seemingly negative or

positive), to increase our depth of perception. It is the human mind

which hastily jumps to conclusion about the experiences being

'pleasurable' or 'painful'. Swamiji (I always refer to Swami Amrit

Swarupanandaji as Swami Amrit!) illustrated this with the story of an

old villager, who had a horse. Once the horse was stolen. The villagers

sympathized with him, saying it was too bad. He advised, "Don't go so

far. Simply say that the horse was stolen." The horse eventually came

back. The villagers rejoiced, "You are lucky!" The old man cautioned,

"Don't go so far. Simply say that the horse has returned." One day the

old man's son fell from the horse and broke his leg. The villagers

lamented, "You were right old man. What a misfortune!" The old man

sighed, "Simply say that my son fell off the horse." Very soon the

country was engulfed in a losing war. All the youths of the village were

forcibly taken away to join the army, except for the lame boy. The

villagers cried, "You were right again old man! You are the only lucky

man to have your son alive. Our sons will surely be killed." The old man

comforted, "Don't judge. Simply say that my son has not been enlisted in

the army." Thus we go on and on...

Anyway... today I want to share with you an amazing dream. I had two

dreams this morning of Amma. In dream #2 - I am supposed to give a

presentation to a big gathering. As I get ready to come to the podium,

adjusting the tiny mike in my lapel, I see Amma come in through a side

door, in an ordinary printed cotton sari. Forgetting my talk, I hastily

run over to Her and fall at Her feet. She protests gently, but I clutch

on to Her feet, burying my head in between her calves and cry out,

"Amma! I don't care for making these presentations. Please let me rest

my head at you feet. If talk I must, please let me talk only of you!"

Amma lifts me gently and embraces me for a LONG time. Even though I have

my eyes closed, I can feel Her rub Her eyes on to my left eye first,

followed by the right eye. (What does this mean?) As I reluctantly got

up, I mused, what did the rubbing of the eyes mean? Does it mean, She is

transfering some of Her perception? Just yesterday, I read an article by

Swami Tyaganandaji (a highly spiritual monk of the Ramakrshna Order,

Boston) that in order to 'unforget' or remember our real self, all we

have to do is the following -

1) Imagine sitting in front of an ocean. See the waves as part of the


2) See the waves, but also take in the difference between the wave and

the ocean.

3) See the waves as part of the ocean.

4) Lastly, see the waves and the ocean as ONE.

It was not the words, but the POWER behind the words that struck me.

Suddenly, I could see all living beings as waves, big and small rising

and falling in the ocean of Satchidananda. I shall post some excerpts

from it tomorrow.

With love,

Jai Ma!






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