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Digest Number 110

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As the one who started this thread, I would like to weigh in for a moment.

This discussion did indeed begin on another site, but, since those

participants were not AMma devotees, they could not comment on Her relation

to this. So, I inquired into this group, to see if anyone knew the truth

about it. In turn, someone asked me about the allegations, and I responded

by posting the text from India Today to share this. I have been seeing Amma

since 1989; I have met many a Sai Baba devotee at the Ashram in India as

well. My concern in all of this is the truth only. I have nothing against

gurus myself.


It is of course a very difficult matter to speak about, since there is always

a faction which thinks that to question the guru is to engage in impious

action, and shows the lack of devotion. There is also another faction,

however, who thinks that you must not bury your head in the sand, however

uncomfortable. This is not my grasping at one scant account of abuse, but

being myself struck by it; it is being taken seriously by major world

organizations, and was the cover story of India Today.


To all I may have offended, I would say perhaps it is you who are lacking in

faith, the faith that you can ask intelligent questions about the guru and

have faith that they will sustain your faith in the end. To be too afraid to

ask a question might imply you don't have sufficient faith the guru can pass

it. At least find out the facts, as best one can, and then have faith to

venture into the question. Have faith the truth will support the guru, but

ask the question. By the way, Osho's group was guilty of attempted murder,

and they were guilty. He was a flawed guru. Amma will tell you that. I do

not believe that Amma and Sai Baba are on the same path; She does truly seem

impeccable. No rumors have ever circulated about Her, of any import. I

believe he is flawed. I am not sure why Amma has sent anyone to him, and it

does bother me a bit. To be honest, it does shake me up and I cannot

reconcile it in my mind. I would like Amma to respond to this issue, and I

trust that Her response would ring true, but I don 't know how.


Bala, maybe it is time for two e-groups: one censored by you for the group of

"true believers" who are offended by any intelligent questions, and one

unmoderated for the rest of us, who are devotees and who are struggling with

the truth. Let people decide to be in one or both. Or, is that too

threatening? I think it would be fair to all, without stifling all

discussion. Some people need to discuss their conflicts with others, and

should not have to be ostracized and unwelcome. These are my thoughts


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I came to this site to immerses myself in Amma, to share the stories and

learn and to instigate deeper levels of awareness of Her, and Her place in my

journey. I am not judging those that need to follow these rumors, to seek

clarity in what confuses them, I am just saying this is not my path. I am

also new to this list, and perhaps it is time for me to bow out and return

when the dust settles. My own personal experience with both Baba and Amma

preclude rumors sticking to either one of Them, and yes, She does send people

to work with Him; She tossed me over to Him like a frisbee for two years

after which He tossed me back! He is Divinity incarnate and when I hear

rumors about any Master, Mother included, I just wonder who got thrown out of

the ashram and meditate on why these Masters allow these rumors to exist

because TO BE SURE Their hand mark is present in the allowing these words to

circulate. I shall for now since I have little time to read all

the posts of the lists that I am on, and I will be back later when the rumor

stuff is finished !!

Om Namah Shivaya.





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Om Amriteswarayai Namah!


I agree with Bala and others who ask that such

slanderous and malicious things about Masters not be

included in this forum.


I personally believe Sai Baba is a divine incarnation,

and this is based entirely on my experience of him.


Just so we can all have a perspective, sadly Amma has

been accused of terrible things over time, but

thankfully(!) we have not lost faith. Similarly,

there are those who were stanch devotees who have lost

their faith in her.


And about Sai Baba's books in the library. There is a

large section of Sai Baba's books in the San Ramon

ashram's public library. Also, when attending a talk

by Swami Ramakrishna, he referred to Sai Baba as a



Much love to my dear brothers and sisters.

At Her Feet,




--- Ammachi wrote:

> -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor


> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi-






> There are 9 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. RE: Digest Number 108

> "Donn Koh" <kysdonn

> 2. Re: Digest Number 109

> "Balakrishnan Shankar"

> <balakrishnan_sh

> 3. Re: Digest Number 108

> kalima <kalima

> 4. Re: Digest Number 109

> "Ravi Chivukula"

> <ravichivukula

> 5. Re: Digest Number 109

> "Ravi Chivukula"

> <ravichivukula

> 6. Re: Digest Number 109

> sprose1

> 7. RE: Digest Number 109

> "Donn Koh" <kysdonn

> 8. Re: Digest Number 109

> adarl52357

> 9. Re: Digest Number 109

> awolfwatches








> Message: 1

> Tue, 5 Dec 2000 22:59:57 +0800

> "Donn Koh" <kysdonn

> RE: Digest Number 108


> Om Namah Shivaya


> I don't know what has been said about Sri Satya Sai

> Baba(recently) but I

> would like to highlight that Sai Baba has been

> mentioned in the book - Mata

> Amritanandamayi (Life and Experiences of Devotees)

> published by Mata Amritanandamayi Trust.


> One para on page 230 is as follows:


> Radha Bai, who hails from Calicut, was an ardent

> devotee of Sri Satya Sai

> Baba. On 23rd January, 1985 at night she had a

> dream. Sri Satya Sai Baba

> along with another holy woman dressed in pure white

> clothes appeared to

> her. Both of them were standing in front of a big

> house. Pointing to the

> holy woman, Baba told her "You must go and see this

> Mother."......(which she

> did)


> In another story.....in the same book.....on page

> 235 / 236 there is another

> storynarrated by one Mr P.O.

> Narayan Nambiar who hail from calicut, one of the

> three major cities in

> Kerala, narrates hisexperience as follows: "Being a

> devotee of Lord

> Krishna............It was in the year 1960 when the

> following incident

> occured.........I had a dream in which I saw a big

> hall with a courtyard

> infront of it...........There I saw two figures; one

> was that of a holy man

> wearing a bright orange gown, with a mop of tight

> curly hair. the other was

> a holy woman dressed in white who made a sign with

> her right hand beckoning

> me to follow them. the holy man neither looked at me

> nor gestured.......two

> years later.....I discovered that the holy man was

> Sri Satya Sai baba of

> Puttaparthi. Another twenty years passed before on

> the 26th of January, 1985

> I realised that the holy woman whom I saw in the

> dream was Mata

> Amritanandamayi.......


> Question: If what has been discussed is

> true....which I doubted.....then

> won't it be seen that Amma is to be associated with

> Baba....at least in

> dreams?


> Jai Ma!

> Karuno




> sprose1 [sprose1]

> Tuesday, December 05, 2000 8:23 AM

> Ammachi

> Re: Digest Number 108



> Hey.


> Does anybody know if it is true that Ammachi had all

> the books refering to

> Sai Baba burned? I am sure everyone is aware that

> Baba has been charged

> with

> pederasty, and has been at it for years. Sorry to

> say, but we must face

> facts, right?



> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi-











> Message: 2

> Tue, 05 Dec 2000 10:16:24 -0500

> "Balakrishnan Shankar"

> <balakrishnan_sh

> Re: Digest Number 109


> Hi


> Please let us not post anything against any Living (

> or Non Living) Master

> here. Let this egroup be a forum where people focus

> on Amma and Love God and

> see the good in all. This is NOT the place to

> discuss the pros and cons of

> other Gurus .



> And as an aside, i have to say that many many Sai

> devotees are Amma devotees

> too, and Sai Baba has sent people to Amma and VICE

> VERSA, and She gave a

> mantra to a friend of mine ( who loves BOTH Sai and

> Amma and who is very

> close to Her and constantly is helping people etc)

> that was 'applicable to

> both' ( what he was told by a swami).


> Also, many Sai devotees were the ones who helped

> Amma's first tour- Timothy

> Conway who wrote the beautiful book 'Women of Power

> and Grace' mentions this

> and is a Sai devotee.


> I personally have been helped by Baba through dreams

> afew times in

> 'crisis' points- and even though Amma is my Guru and

> my Pathway , I remain

> grateful for the advice.


> I used to attend Sai centers regularly as much as

> Amma bhajans, and not once

> did i come across any teaching that was

> contradictory to Amma and some of my

> best friends are Sai devotees who spend their energy

> and time in so much

> Seva.


> We cannot judge any Mahatma, and we cannot ascertain

> whether rumours are

> true.- and if i may add, it is none of our business.


> We are here to see the GOOD in all, and please do

> not mention anything

> against any Guru here. Many may be offended.


> Our business is to Love Amma, Love all and do

> sadhana.


> Forgive me if i sound strong, but yes i cant help

> it. Wjile i too have been

> saddened by these rumors , i know for a fact that

> Amma has sent some people


=== message truncated ===





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Thought i'll forward this here- it contains the beautiful story of Amma and

the rabid dog:




(this was posted by a devotee on the other amma list.)


Here are some notes from Swami R's talk last Friday night at San Rafael. My

apologies in advance for any mistakes. If anyone who was there sees any

inaccuracies, please e-mail Amma Net:


During Amma's speech at the UN she referred to the idea that those things

that cannot be obtained through force, violence or war, can be obtained

easily through love. This has indeed been the case in Amma's life. For

instance, when she returned to Amritapuri after the UN speech she was

acclaimed by so many of the locals (many of whom had severely criticized her

over the years). Crowds of locals showered her path as she approached the

ashram, with flower petals. It took her over four hours through the crowds

to go just a few miles to the ashram. Many of the local people lit oil

lamps in their homes as a sign of respect for Amma. This was a miraculous

turnaround from all their negativity and violence in the past towards Mother

and the ashram.


This tremendous love of Amma's nourishes our minds and souls. Through it we

are able to overcome any number of negativities, fears, addictions and

habits. For example, when Amma comes on tour, we often feel we don't need

as much food or sleep as when she is not close by. Amma's love completely

transforms us.


Amma was asked at the UN, "If you were given the chance to be in charge of

the world and could be anything you wanted, what would you want to be?" She

replied that she wanted to be a "sweeper" and sweep clean the minds of her

children (to purify them).


When Ramakrishnananda Swami first came to Mother, his parents were very much

against it. This was a tremendous conflict for him. The parents gave him a

talisman to wear around his neck and did vedic chants so he would leave the

ashram. Amma told Swami R to just wear the pendant, she would take care of

it. Over time, Swami R's parents were impressed that no big change had

occurred as a result of him wearing the pendant and they surmised that it

must be that Amma's power was greater than that of the pendant, so they

became devotees of Amma as well.


The power of love is limitless - as is God! This is also shown in Amma's

life. Once there was a rabid dog at Amritapuri. The dog bit several people

and so the villagers were chasing it to kill the dog. The dog returned to

the ashram and was frothing at the mouth, so some residents were shouting

that it should be killed. Amma came out of her hut and walked right over to

the rabid dog and called out "Mone, mone" (my son, my son). But some

ashramites were afraid Amma would get bitten and would become violently ill.

However, Amma simply started stroking the dog and asked some residents to

bring her some food from the kitchen. She fed the dog with her own hands.

She got some froth on her hands and they still worried she would become

infected. When the dog was done, Amma ate the remainder of the dog's food.

The dog died soon thereafter and it is said that that dog was liberated from

future births due to Mother's compassionate and loving actions. In the yoga

sutra of Patanjali, it is said that even ferocious animals will give up

their ferocity in the presence of a real master.


In this world, most people will reject you if you do 99 good deeds but do

just 1 bad one. For Amma the opposite is true. She will accept us if we do

just one good deed out of a hundred!


For a well-trained horse, even the shadow of the whip will make it do what

the master wants. But we are not this steadfast. So Amma is here to guide

us in life.


Giving to other people is at the heart of spirituality. In this regard,

there are 4 attitudes in life that the Hindu scriptures say we should take



1) If we give to others, we should always have the feeling that we want to

give more.

2) We should not be egoistic in our giving to others.

3) We should give with a feeling of modesty.

4) We should give with the knowledge that actually we are giving to

ourselves, since there is only ONE consciousness - no separation between us

and our fellows.


Amma has said that she wants her life to be like an incense stick. The

incense stick gives and gives a sweet and strong fragrance - on and on until

it just burns out. She wants her last act in this body to be consoling one

of her children.




Again, my apologies if I've misrepresented something Swami Ramakrishnananda

said - please correct. I'm sorry my notes are a little sketchy but I

thought you would want a flavor of what was said.


At Amma's Feet,








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