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Enough said!

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My dear Divine Sparks!

I agree wholeheartedly with those who want to move onto to more

enlightening topics. After all, that is what this group is for!

I think it is time I shared a very precious letter written to me in

1968, by my Gurudeva, a TRUE Krishna Bhakta.


My dear Divine Child!


Whatever he may do or whatever he may say, a Godman always lives next to

God – Krishna, lives on Him and for Him. And Krishna discloses to him

His true Nature, which is unalloyed Love. He makes his love

understandable and enjoyable mostly through its effects viz. His

glances, His smiles, His deeds and His talks. Through His Divine Power,

these effects have assumed the forms of Gopis, cows, fruits and

flower-laden trees, creepers and Jamuna. He takes the Godman round these

effects of His Love, and shows to him with justifiable pride how they

love Him, because they are the effects of His Love. But the Godman is

blessed to feel that the Love of the Gopis for Krishna takes its roots

in Krishna. This Divine Love is the Godman’s mainstay. He is delighted

to find that this Love has no change or end. He finds it sweeter,

broader, and pleasanter than everything known. He finds the roots of

this love in the Blue Boy of Blessed Brindavan. He needs nothing but

Krishna. He needs Krishna. He cannot breathe without Krishna seated in

his heart. Sometimes, fear that he may lose Krishna or that he may lose

his sweet and keen appetite for Krishna’s Blissful company overtakes

him. Then he cries; he prays; and chants God’s Names. Krishna pities him

and installs him in His soul. Krishna cheers him up and says, “Look!

This soul (which you call I or mine) is Myself. Dwell here. Do not quit

this seat. You will have my eternal company and enjoy it.” As soon as he

is thus made a soul-dweller, he is fear-free. This soul-dwelling enables

him to detect similar soul-dwellers in the nooks and corners of the

world, and to enjoy their company despite Space and Time that separate

him physically from them. You are a soul-dweller. You know all

soul-dwellers of all times and ages.

When I said you are opaque, I meant you are not ostentatious, showy. No

one can find out that you are Godminded. That is good. That develops

Godmindedness. God likes it. Krishna therefore belongs to you. He may

have shown me to you as a soul-dweller. Surely, I am not Krishna. It is

a sacrilege to think so. I am, at best, an onlooker of Krishna as the

Lover and the Beloved of the Gopis. I want to become a Gopi, while

alive. That is, I want to become a Jivanmukta. All my senses should

always contact Krishna and Krishna alone. If Krishna grants it, He will

be pleased, I will be pleased, and all soul-dwellers will be pleased.

Crores or pranams to all your dears and nears. In the Blissful Love of

the Blue Boy of Blessed Brindavan,


Jai Sri Krishna


(This is the kind of madness we need to aspire toward! Dear Siblings,

please I beg of you, let us keep our eyes focused only on AMMA for

divine guidance! Let us not give into the temptation of being distracted

by anything else. Life is too short. One does not yell and scream upon

entering a dark room. One simply flicks the light switch! It is that

SIMPLE! Are we not the most fortunate of humans? Swami Ramakrishna said

that three things come together very rarely - 1) A human birth 2) A

spiritual longing and 3) proximity toa living Satguru.

We have all three - I am very confident of this. Let us focus only on

the divinity of of our chosen deity. Swamiji says, at some point, even

the yearning to grow spiritually should drop. What CAN we insignificant

beings achieve? How FAR can we go? But, God in His infinite COMPASSION

has granted us one thing - we can cry to Him. So, I pray to all of you -

with the approach of Christmas, let us join our consciousness in the

Child JESUS as well as the BABY KRISHNA. Let us uncover that INNATE

INNOCENCE and DIVINITY that sparks in each of us.)

Jai Ma!





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