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Amma Connections thru Jyotish!

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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!


Namaste all you dear siblings!!!


The last letter was long enough as it was...so i decided not to

include my "essay" on the Jyotish connections... it was enough to

speak of meeting Amma....However there are many connections which one

may fruitfully explore with the aid of Jyotish....

as i am studying Jyotish, (Vedic Astrology), i have been doing

some interesting research in this area...i have been comparing the

devotees' charts with the times that they met Amma, and with Amma's

chart itself, only to find the most amazing results, which have

served to impress me all the more with Amma's superb artistry in how

She sets everything up....For example, the Deity associated with and

ruling the portion of the Shastiamsha chart (where you divide it up

into 60ths), wherein Jupiter (Guru) was sitting when i was born, is

named AMRITA...an "interesting" coincidence...signifying perhaps that

the Guru would somehow be associated with that name (as She is!).

Also, my Ishtadevata (Beloved Deity) according to a certain

Jyotish technique, {(You find what your Jaimini Atmakaraka is

(significator of the soul--Sani in my case)...then you look in the

Navamsha chart to where the Atmakaraka is located and the Ishtadevata

will be a planet either in, or owning the 12th house to the location

of the Atmakaraka)},

works out to be Venus (Guru to the Asuras!!!)...or Sri Lalitambike

....or Sri Mahalaksmi....and in my natal chart Venus, my

Ishta devata is established happily in Her own Sign, Libra in my 10th

house....What makes this interesting is that Amma's Lagna (ascendant)

and Her Sani (Saturn) are in Libra...this makes Her Ascendant Lord

(the Lagnesha)to be Venus....thus if you would overlay the charts you

could say that:

My Ishta Devata==Venus==Sri Lalitambike==Amma's Lagna==Amma

Herself==Sani (Saturn)==Mother Kali (Sani is associated with Mother

Kali and Siva Mahadeva)....quite nicely laid out on paper it is.

Then there's the question of the Guru....one is to look to the

Ninth House, and the Lord of the Ninth, both in the Rashi chart and

Navamsha and in the D24 chart (D24 is the 24th divisional chart)....

So the Lord of the ninth in my Rashi chart (natal chart) is

Mercury as the ninth is Virgo...wherein are sitting Sani and Mars in

my Chart, and are sitting Amma's Mercury and Sun...in Her 12th...thus

indicating right there that She would be Guru...Also Amma's

Atmakaraka is Mercury... making a double connection, due to Mercury

Atmakaraka and Sun signifying Soul...both being in my ninth house of

the Guru..As well, Jupiter (Guru) is directly across my natal chart in

Pisces, directly aspecting Virgo, and its occupants, Sani and

Mangala....and thus pointing very directly to this house...and Amma,

whose Mercury and Sun both lie there.

In my Navamsha chart Sani is the lord of the 9th, appears with

Mercury (Amma's Atmakaraka) in Gemini in Amma's Navamsha, and

appears in the ninth in my rashi chart in Virgo, ruled by Mercury, and

conjunct with Amma's Sun and Mercury once again....In the D24 chart,

Aquarius is the 9th house, and Sani is again the ruler....and is

found in Libra in that D24 chart...the house wherein Amma's natal Sani

and Lagna(ascendant) are found.

What is more, dear ones, i am not special!! i have been finding

these kinds of relationships between Amma and lots of Her

children....and between the children too, strangely enough...it seems

we are all related....Everyone has been your mother at some time or

another...just as Thich Nhat Hanh (not sure of spelling) has said.

One Jyotishi commented: "We often see strong links such as this

between parents and their children,i.e...Asc/Moon/Sun. But never have

I seen such a strong association (as this)in two charts." (when

comparing her chart with Amma's.) Thru these chart comparisons,

she felt herself to be eternally connected in relationship with Amma,

even though she has NEVER MET Amma in this life yet...she could see

the connection from the charts, and now intends to see Amma the next

time She comes to Australia....

Mother leaves these most beautiful traces of Her celestial

beadwork everywhere, just waiting for the Jyotishi to pick them up

and turn over...and they're not that hard to see...Amma's timing is

impeccable too, She calls Her children at just the right time...in my

case it was a JUPITER/VENUS/VENUS period:

(Guru/Ishtadevata/Ishtadevata period you could say!!), and Guru

(Jupiter) was on June 2 1995, retrograde at 16 37 minutes Scorpio,

directly transitting my natal sun...to within the minute!!!(or at

least a few minutes, depending on which jyotish program you use)...a

strong connection is considered anything within the 7 degree orb...so

this was TIGHT....

As well, Sani was just entering into Pisces that day transitting

my natal Jupiter (not tight) in His own house, and putting an end to

my Sade Sati of 7 1/2 years...Saturn afflicting the natal moon and

lagna in this case...

(Sani IS my "friend" but that doesn't stop Her from the

discipline....of course Sani is actually Amma to me...as Sani is

associated with Siva Mahadeva and Mother Kali!!) And then there's

Venus....She was sitting in Aries with Ketu, directly across from my

natal Venus and Amma's Natal Lagna and Sani...directly aspecting them

all...while Rahu sat there with them in Libra...indicating Karmic


Moon was in 7th house directly aspecting my natal Moon (Moon

stands for Mother Parvati among other significations.) As well, the

ascendant of the time i met Amma was in Scorpio...transitting my Sun

along with Jupiter (Guru)...Perfectly timed!!!!it totally blows my

mind to see these kinds of perfections, especially when we thought it

was our own idea to go and see Her...Ha! Ha! Ha! that's a good


AMMA(!!) decided when we should come, and SHE called us, in such a

way that we felt we were calling HER!!! She's pretty tricky!!!and then

the longing just built until the perfect time, when we found ourselves

in Her Arms...How She can do this, with that tour schedule She has,

and yet fit all of us into the perfect weave, so that it shows so

clearly when we meet Her is beyond me!!!!it's like it's all set up

before we are born, and we are basically only living out the karmic

patterns, even when we think we are exercising free will...i suspect

that the only "free will" lies in our imagination that we have "free


What this Jyotishi from Australia, who has just discovered Amma

thru the Goravani Jyotish list, doesn't know, is that MANY of Amma's

children have these same or similar very strong "familial"

connections with Her.....

i hope all the Jyotish stuff didn't bore you all... i realise

it's not really a "bhakti" story that you can get your teeth

into (except to me!), but it's very interesting and profoundly

inspiring to see these eternal connections both with our Guru, Amma,

and with each other...i've noticed that even people that i don't know

at all, who are Amma devotees seem to have strange "familial"

connections with me...perhaps that is why we all feel so familiar

with each other....We REALLY are one Big family....with Amma as our

Loving Divine Mother......

hugs and kisses to you all my dear brothers and sisters!!!


In Amma's Divine Love,

and in Her Service,

i Salute you all,

most humbly,

bowing again and again,


as ever,

Your Own Self




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!!

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