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Om Amritesvaryea Namah!


I thought I'd throw a little fuel on the fire here

in response to Visvanathan's great posts.


In regard to who Amma may or may not have been in a

past life, a good friend of mine who has also been

in SRF (Yogananda's organization) 30 plus years,

told me that his mother-in-law, also in SRF

for many years, went to

Amma in Australia and asked Her if She was the

reincarnation of Yogananda. Mother said, "Yes."


Hmmm. Yogananda, after years of saying he would

reincarnate countless times to bring souls to God,

entered mahasamadhi on March 7, 1952. (How many

times I lamented that I hadn't met him in this life!)

Mother was born only 18 months later, Sept. 27, 1953.



I don't know what I actually think about this, but

I surely think it's interesting. Happy pondering!


In Amma's love,




--- visvanathan <kasi_visvanath wrote:


> Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


> Namaste all!!


> (this was written in response a letter by Amritanand

> on the Amma-l at

> hindunet...but i thought it might be of interest to

> this Amma list

> too.......)

> thankyou dear brother Amritanand for your kind

> and loving corroboration of my investigations and

> feelings....i have had these feelings of the

> oneness of these beloved Avatars,(Sri Ramakrsna, Sri

> Sarada Devi,

> Paramahansa Yoganandaji, and Amma) too, ever since

> i met Amma...


> i too had first come to SRF...thru the usual

> amazing coincidences...our midwife for our first

> baby in 1981 was a devotee of Yoganandaji....and

> we were so impressed with her family and with

> Brother Achalananda when he had come up to BC for

> a retreat...that we were inspired to join...and

> when i look at the charts for the period vs our

> charts...(basically i used a chart for my

> daughter's birth as it coincides

> perfectly)...what a daughter!!to bring along all

> the Gurus with her when She was born...She

> herself must be quite a soul....because it was

> thru Her birth that we came into this life....

> Thru Yogananda i came into contact with Sri

> Ramakrsna...but it was only a limited contact

> with some rather dry Vedantic versions of His

> teachings....the disciples often do this...they

> "clean" up the image of their departed Guru, and

> a Bhakta, Tantrika, Supreme Lover, becomes a dry

> Jnani....overnight almost....as the teacher is

> made over into the disciples' images....so i

> wasn't toooo drawn to Him....

> However years later in the 90's, in fact i

> think it was early spring 95, i once again was

> blessed with the good fortune (karma!) to "meet"

> Bhagavan Sri Ramakrsna, this time thru the eyes

> of an ecstatic Bhakta...Lex Hixon, in his "Great

> Swan"....an edited paraphrase with added

> colouration of parts of the Gospel of Sri

> Ramakrsna....and this time i was on fire....just

> burning up with Divine Love...in tears, and sobs,

> and laughing, and feeling just blissed out by

> this Sweet Avatara, and even more blissed out by

> His loving words on how He had won the Darshan of

> His Beloved Mother Kali.....

> i remember such longing to see him....and

> regret that i had missed him, just like

> Paramahansaji and Christ....and when i would read

> those songs that He used to sing....i wished and

> wished that i too could have heard his Sweet

> voice....gently singing those love songs to His

> Mother....i remember discussing this with a

> friend who said he too wished that we could meet

> someone just like Bhagavan.....

> Shortly after that, a friend returned from the

> US with a collection of six cassette tapes of the

> songs from the Gospel, sung by the monks of the

> Ramakrsna order....i was in heaven....now if only

> i could meet Him....(even though he was gone a

> hundred years and more!!!...he had promised to

> return in a hundred years....Hey Bhagavan...your

> time is up!!!!!where are you hiding.....?)

> Shortly after that (if it was spring 95 as i

> think) Linda Johnsen's Daughters of the Goddess

> came out....with a moving story of Amma in the

> Back....and i've already described what happened

> after that.....


> in 1998, at Ft. Flagler, when we came to see

> Amma as usual...a friend was there who had just

> returned from Amritapuri himself....he had also

> been to Dakshineswar to the Kali Temple...and had

> some photos from both....he had brought me a

> lovely photo collage of Bhagavan with Sri Sarada

> Devi on both sides of several representations of

> Divine Mother in ascending order from a covered

> pot...including a picture of the Bhavatarini Kali

> Murti. When i saw it i thought it was perfectly

> representing how i saw Amma...as all of

> them...Bhagavan, Sri Sarada Devi, and Bhavatarini

> Kali Ma....so i determined to bring it with me to

> Darshan to show Amma...(as if She has not already

> seen a hundred of those pictures...and as if

> thousands have not already brought it up with

> Her!)....

> So there i was in the darshan line...getting

> closer and closer ...and finally i begin to take

> the picture out of its wrapping...crackly noisy

> cellophane...i'm so embarrassed at the noise that

> i'm not paying attention to anything else....

> There was a European lady singin throughout

> the Darshan and she was singing Krsna songs...so

> i thought she was a major Krsna devotee.....and

> this went on for an hour or two...not sure how

> long...but as i was taking the picture of Mother

> Kali and Bhagavan and Sri Sarada Devi out of the

> noisy wrapping....my friend Sumitra (behind me)

> suddenly tapped my shoulder and said:

> "Listen!!!!" and i did....suddenly, as i had

> been unwrapping the Mother, the lady had started

> singing a song to Mother Kali!!!!!as if she

> knew!!!and continued singing songs to the Mother

> until AFTER i got darshan, some twenty or thirty

> minutes later.....

> so i take the picture up to Amma, and i show

> it to Her!! saying...."this is You Amma....Mother

> Kali...." (pretty forward of me you might

> say!)...

> Amma just looked at the picture and casually

> said..."Yah!!!Kali!!!" and continued on with the

> darshan....and i knew that i had been

> right....that She really had let me know who She

> really is at that moment.....

> later in that retreat, my friend showed me a

> picture from India of Mother in the India Tour,

> at evening sitting in a chair surrounded by the

> children...giving out prasad...cut up

> bananas...it was so beautiful, i broke out into a

> loud sob and tears just poured down my face, as i

> brokenly said: "Oh i wish i could be there!!!!"

> with all my heart.....

> although my friend hadn't intended giving me

> the picture, he just handed it over now...and i

> was ecstatic...that's two pictures in two days

> from India thru the same Amma friend...pretty

> good.

> anyways it was Monday morning and we had to

> move to Seattle for the free programs....as we

> were packing up, my friend Iswari Box (Gia! you

> Darling!!) had come over to our van, and invited

> us to supper in Seattle at their Camper....we

> accepted and we all headed off to Seattle....

> Later we arrived at Iswari and Ranjith's

> camper and knocked on the door...Iswari opened

> the door with a big smile, saying "Guess what's

> for supper!" we said: "Spaghetti?"(she had

> promised this earlier)...She said: "EVEN


> of course i was totally blown away by

> this...it turns out that my friend Sumitra had

> volunteered to help with the clean up at Amma's

> house at Ft Flagler...and there was Leftover food

> in the kitchen...Amma's prasad....which she was

> allowed to bring to Iswari and share with all of

> us....an entire meal (Iswari might have added a

> little, but not much)....

> Once again i knew that Amma had heard my

> innocent cry: for Her Prasad...and had fulfilled

> the desire....and blessed all of us at the same

> time...Amma is just the most amazing!!!!

> So of course i had to take the picture up to

> Her to thank Her for the Prasad...(ruin a good

> thing or what!)...i handed the picture to Her and

> She looked at in wonder like a cute little five

> year old kid....and started talking about the

> picture...where it was taken and so on....silly,

> impatient me, kind of rudely interrupted to say

> that i knew this (!! IDIOT!!!) and that i just

> wanted to thank Her for the Prasad...(as if She

> needed my thanks like that!!...i'm a little

> embarrassed to be telling this even...as i feel

> like such a turkey sometimes when i look back at

> my stupid, insensitive, greedy, childish (not

> childlike) not quite, but verging on, boorish

> behaviour around my SatGuru over the years...i

> turn red inside, just thinkig about it)

> Of course Amma made like She knew nothing at

> all about it...AS USUAL when you bring such

> things up.....

> you know i've checked the transits for

> "meeting" Paramahansaji, and for meeting Amma for

> several people i know...including what Jyotsna

> told me of hers...and it seems that the transits

> are very similar....for both...and Sani

> (Saturn/Kali) seems to be very much involved

> (as well as Guru...but Sani and Venus are very

> much involved) There are invariably transits of

> Sani to Sun or Soon, Venus or ascendant...or

> directly aspecting one of these....i've also

> noticed that Sri Ramakrsna had that Guru Graha in

> Gemini just like Amma, and his Beloved consort,

> Sri Sarada Devi had two grahas in Sagittarius in

> Mula...Guru and Surya..Jupiter and Sun....so

> She's also "one of the family"...since i've been

> noticing so many devotees of Amma to have a Graha

> (planet) in Mula or directly aspecting it from

> across the way in Gemini...it's just TOO common

> to be a coincidence in my view....

> Just like Amritanand, i too feel the presence

> of those beloved Avataras...and they seem to be

> One with Amma in that feeling...i feel no

> conflict whatsoever...when i read Sri Ramakrsna

> or Sri Sarada Devi's teachings, i feel like it is


=== message truncated ===





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