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Dear Visvanathan,


I am so glad I ventured to confess my not appreciating the name Amma chose

for me. If I had kept silent and struggled to accept my name, I would still

be struggling. Thanks to the generosity and knowledge of my brothers and

sisters on the path, I have a wonderful new perspective on my name. You all

have brought me wonderful possibilities for seeing it as a treasured and

meaningful name. I am growing to love it in a few short e-mails which I will

reread and reread. I had no idea it was a symbol of the convergence of the

ida, pingala and sushuma currents in the highest chakras. Your insight and

poetic vision of the meaning are beautiful. Thank you so much!




Your sister,



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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste dear sister Triveni!


is not Triveni also a symbol of the convergance of the ida, pingala

and sushumna currents in the highest chakras?


Ganga is one of the currents, Yamuna is the other Ida and

Pingala...and the hidden, ancient, "dry" river Saraswati (which

actually still apparently has water, but it's way too deep in the

ground...an "underground" river...this is Sushumna...Also Saraswati is

the Divine Mother, and Kunkalini Ma is also considered to be the

Divine Sakti........


so you could think of yourself dear sister, as the point of confluence

of those holy streams, both on this world, and the ethereal

levels...both the Ganga and the PranaSakti...


Triveni is considered to be one of the Holiest places in India...Even

the Gods repair to Triveni for their sacrifices, and Melas...and too,

they attend the Kumbha Melas there too....


So you could think of yourself as the one to whom are attracted all

the saints, and the holy people, and you are that sacred meeting of

the rivers.....where they combine into one rushing river heading for

the sea......Also as you know it is a reference to your previous

practice....does it not refer to the ideas of Kriya Yoga, Paramahansa

Yoganandaji's teachings, or at least as i said to the ideas of

Kundalini Yoga...?


that means you are a Tirtham...a holy place, where the angels love to

come and sing.....sounds like a lovely name to me!!!!

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