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Maha Kumbha Mela--not

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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste darling sisters and brothers!!!


For those of us who may be interested in the Maha Kumbha Mela

currently taking place in India at Prayag....at the Triveni....one has

copied and pasted this article from a article posted by KN Rao, noted

Jyotishi, on a Jyotish e-list...he didn't write it but thought it was

sufficiently interesting to post on the Jyotish site....this

Kumbha Mela apparently is the one that happens every 144 years...a

major one...


as i understand it, Amma has even sent some swamis or brahmacharis

there to represent the MAM.....and do pujas and seva...(my memory is a

little vague here)....Apparently a particular combination of Planetary

placements is necessary....sun in Capricorn, Jupiter in Taurus...and

another i don't remember...


this past Sunday the 14th(Makara Sankranti, although i didn't know it

at the time...and one of the major bathing days at the Mela), Amma

sent me an invitation i couldn't refuse......i was invited to return

to the satsang in Nelson....and even was offered a ride...so i took

the ride...after a day of work with a sweet man with mental

disabilities that i work with....and the satsang was wonderful...to

connect on that level is very good....even if the members had some

"personal" issues...from before...it just seemed to be unimportant and

"melted away"...and Mother's work alone deserved the attention...


Amma is sending us messages all the time...but do we ever pay

attention?....when the wind suddenly comes up after we are intensely

calling to Amma while out walking....and the wind suddenly comes up in

a gusting way blowing the snow off some trees, EXACTLY so that the

snow drifts down on us....it wasn't doing this elsewhere!!!

Or you are dwelling lovingly upon the sweet lilas of our Amma and

suddenly there's an eagle flying over the river.....or suddenly the

family of Swans will flap gracefully into view with their sweet soft

calls to one another...Hamsa Hamsa....


Amma, being one with the creation is always talking to us....it only

needs "ears" to listen...Amma's emphasis on Jyotish and its importance

in our lives, for example is right out there ....She talks regularly

about this kind of stuff...that the people coming to see Her are

having the worst times when in afflicted periods of their

lives...Saturn, Mars, and Rahu being the main "culprits" in the Maha

dashas and bhuktis, combined with Transits....and She has been

spreading the Brahmasthanam temple idea all around India, such that a

US Devotee would like to build one in Oregon....Go for it says i!!!!Do

we know what Brahmasthanam temples are for????


Jyotish upaya...(if i remember the word right)....Jyotish

REMEDIES...the Brahmasthanam temples are meant to help offset the

negative effects of Sani (Saturn) Mangala (Mars) and Rahu

especially...and Amma apparently has Sani pujas commonly done

there....perhaps even at the San Ramon Ashram, they are doing Sani

Pujas....As Amma says, if you have 100% faith in your Guru and

Ishtadevata, then you don't need to do the remedies, as the planets

will not affect you....(you are protected by your Guru or

Ishtadevata)....in the next breath what did our Amma say?????

But most people don't have that kind of faith and so for them we must

have remedies....Sani puja is one kind...NavaGraha Puja is

another...and Puja to the Divine MOther would work too...if you have

enough faith in your Mother that is!!!!


Of course as we are Saktas....we could easily see that "pesky" Sani

(Saturn) as Mother Kali...or Lord Siva....two of the traditional

deities associated with Sani....so if we see Her as Mother Kali...it's

a small step to understanding Sani, as our Mother, Amma.....in fact i

see Her manifesting thru all these Grahas, bestowing upon us each the

lesson needed at the perfect time....(which can be seen by Jyotish if

one is sensitive enough)....But we need to remember that this Sani, my

dear brothers and sisters, no matter how much trouble She appears to

be giving us....it is actually GURU PRASAD!!!!!AS SANI is none other

than our Mother, Amma.....in yet another embodiment...


in fact for the jyotishis, one might remember that Sani is very

important in Amma's chart, being in Shasha Yoga in Libra with Amma's

Ascendant there too.(Shasha Yoga is the highest manifestation of

Saturn's Strength!!)...so One might say that there are very strong

connections between Amma, Sani (Kali) and Venus (Sri Lalithambike, Sri

Laksmi), not to mention Mercury which is Amma's Atmakaraka (soul

indicator)...and which appears in its own sign, Virgo along with

Amma's Sun....thus making an even stronger statement of identity...


Mercury is traditionally associated with Vishnu...Krsna...and does it

describe Amma or what....travelling a lot as the messenger of the

Gods.....communicating with the millions of devotees thru Her darshan,

satsang and bhajans....


Of Course Guru is easy to associate with Her also as She is Guru for

so many of us(and Guru could be associated with Mother

Saraswati).....Guru in Amma's chart is in Gemini, directly opposite to

and directly aspecting the Nakshatra of Mula (the Roots) in

Sagittarius, which i've been told is thru which the Divine Light comes

to this solar system from the center of the universe...when we look

from here thru Mula apparently, we are looking at the centre of the

Galaxy, or Universe...and Mula has an ancient connection with that

idea....So when we look at the devotees charts, and we find SO many

with a planet in Mula....directly opposite from Amma's Jupiter

(Guru)...or in the same Nakshatra as Amma's Guru...and directly

aspecting Mula....we start to wonder if this is a familial



in my case, Mercury (Budha....Amma's Atmakaraka) is in my 12th House

in Sagittarius in Mula....the 12th house is a house of losses...(i

have spent tons of "money" on "learning" throughout my life..including

university and such....this computer also wasn't cheap....books,

books, books,....however 12th house is also the home of my Guru....and

guess who's sitting in my 12th house, home of my Guru, but Mercury,

the Atmakaraka of my Guru, in Mula, having directly arrived from the

Galactic Center!!! Ok...that's strange enough.....

a local Jyotishi however, went further and suggested that i would be

doing Mercurial things for my Guru's Ashram....and that they would be

connected with this Divine Light...thru Mula....hhmmmm....curious and



and now what do we find...but visvanathan is connecting with his

sisters and brothers in a very Mercurial, although also heartfelt,

way....thru computers and internet....and he does some of His Mother's

work.....in what ever ways that She shows a need...sometimes people

want to know why it's so tough right now...othertimes they might want

to see how their charts compare with Mother's...it is always possible

to send a loving smile and warm hug even thru this dry and Mercurial

internet.......we are inspired by each other's loving devotion to

deepen our own...we see ourselves and our Love in each other's

messages, and we build a beautiful community of Amma's Children....


Since i took so long with this letter, i'll send this one, and move

the Maha Kumbha Mela article to another "letter"....and speaking of

which i'll close for now....wishing all of my beloved sisters and

brothers the deepest Love, and Amma's Blessings upon them all...


In the Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service,

this littlest child

of Hers,

humbly pranams

to you all,

bowing again and again,



taking the sacred dust

from the feet

of the Servant of your Servants...


as ever,

my dear ones,

Your Own Self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!!!


Sani is actually sad that people feel so threatened and scared of

Her...because really, She has the most soft heart of all the

Devis....She can't bear to see suffer put off our suffering...and to

let us get even deeper into it...so She just gives us the purifying

karmic setups right now....not to hurt us, but because She loves us

and wants us to grow to be adorable, that we might merge in Her Sacred

Being Itself....This requires much purification....thus Sani in Her

Mother Kali role hauls out the axe and starts chopping away at our

attachments, our buttons which get pushed so easily....whatever is in

the way of Her Love....just gets chopped off and tied lovingly onto

Her beautiful waist, along with all the other Karmas....and Kriyas....


So while Sani may be appearing to give us a hard time...and in fact

MAY be giving us a hard time....it depends more upon our attitude

than upon any external events....so although Amma is going thru Sade

Sati at the moment (and for another two or three years) you won't see

Her with a sad or complaining look on Her face....unless it's for the

good of a devotee....So even in the middle of tougher times...as Amma

even had said to Niramayan when She visited him at the hospital...due

to planetary configurations....She is a perfect model of the right

attitude to have...cheerful, positive,.....normal Amma

stuff....whereas when WE go thru Sade Sati, we tend to manifest more

how unhappy we are with the disgusting way things are going.....

So once again, we have Amma as the perfect example of how to behave

thru rough times....with Love and Compassion for others....


As it doesn't look that Sani will be leaving Taurus any time soon (by

Jyotish timing)...we'll just have to get used to Her limiting,

obstructing, and so on effects....it's really for our own good...(i

tell myself this regularly, when thinking of the loss of 4.5 hours a

week of work...(close to $300/month!)...which just happened...or when

i feel particularly frustrated at the way the politics of the

workplace have gone.....or...or.. or...in my case, when i think about

how it is when your kids stay all the time with their mom...not

because they don't like you, but because of the schooling

accessibilty...and coincidentally, just now (and for a while) Sani and

Jupiter are in Taurus in my 5th house of children....one signifactor

of which being..."separation from children"....thanks Kali Ma!!!i

"needed" that...it cultivates dispassion...."chop"...."chop"....


So as i said, Mother Kali/Sani is not really trying to hurt us,

although we could take it personally if we are so stupid....it won't

get us anywhere, because this is Kali we're dealing with here....She

can be very impatient for results....and just burst thru any obstacles

to Her work.....so we need to remember this....and give Her due

reverence and love....if we see Her as our beloved Mother....what can

She do????She has to pick us up and put us on Her lap....so we could

see all the trials and such from Sani....merely as the requisite face

scrubbing, and hair combing, and getting dressed and brushing the

teeth...before we get to sit in Her lap....(of course in reality are

we not ALWAYS sitting in Her lap?)


So if we see Sani's Leelas as merely another expression of the Divine

Mother's Love for us....we should be able to look at things with a

more positive and healthy way...and we will grow to be adorable that

we might merge with the Om.....

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