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Report from Trivandrum 1/25 from Amritanand (excerpted)

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Dear Divine Ones,


We have landed today at Trivandrum after spending 5

days in Chennai (Madras) at Amma's programs, and



There are people in line waiting to use the Internet,

so I can't stay on long.


Here are some of the bhajans they were playing in

Madurai and Chennai: Jai Ma Ambe, Sri Ganesh Saranam

Mamma, Vanimani Mate, Om Namah Sivaya, Muttu Mare

(Amriteswaryai Ma, Amriteswari), Jinki Karuna He Apar

(Jai Santoshi Ma), Sri Rama, Jay Rama, Le Lo Sarana Me

Ma and Devi Jaganmata. Some of the newer ones from

the 2000 bhajan supp I can't remember the title of and

I don't have that supp here with me. There is no

space on the hall floor to keep bhajan books...



On the 20th, officials from Tamil Nadu State and from

Delhi (central gov) came to Amma's programs to

recognize her for her building housing for the poor.

There were a lot of speeches in Tamil that I didn't

understand, but some were given in English too -

probably because the officials involved may not have

spoken Tamil and so they spoke in English. They are

starting the 3rd phase of the housing programs in

Tamil Nadu - programs of Amma's. A lot of news

cameras were present. At one point Amma kind of

rolled her eyes at all the hubub and hoopla - all the

fuss being made (I was up front so I could see her

expression well). The politicians made very official

type speeches but thanked Amma for awakening the

public interest in spirituality in this age of



Images of India in the darshan line (outside): 1) Men

with handkerchiefs on their heads to protect from the

sun; 2) A little girl and 2 goats in a home (shack)

next to the ashram in Chennai - with the earrings in

her ears, the short hair, buttoned short sleeve shirt

and skirt and bare feet, reminded me of videos and

photos of a very young Amma I have seen.


.....on Devi Bhava Day in Chennai... Participated in the Saturn (Sani) Puja.

They allowed westerners in early for seating for some

reason. Went through the puja, with an excellent

close view of Amma! During Swami Ramakrishnananda's

translations of her talk into Tamil, she was the

divine actress - so expressive. You know how she

teases and cajoles Swamiji Amritswarupananda when he

translates on the US tour. She did the same here with

Swamiji Ram. But with so many expressions (in jest) -

raised eyebrows, wincing, throwing hands up in the

air, rolling her eyes. And all the while, I she was

looking over right into my eyes as if to say "Get this

guy, what the heck is he talking about anyway?" or

"That's not what I meant at all, can't he get it

right" Again, all was in jest - very funny. What a

gift to get the humorous glances, the comic and cosmic

glances of the Holy Mother!!!


Today was an easy day coming back to Trivandrum.

Tomorrow we go by car 2 hours north to Amritapuri,

where I hear many things have changed.


In Amma's Love,



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