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Questions about the Planets

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Om Amriteshwarye Namah,


I really appreciated Dilip sharing the Ketu (?) mantra. Does anyone know

the mantras for Saturn, Rahu, and other planets? I would love to find a

book on there things, and/or a cassette tape where I could listen to the

mantras being chanted.


If I want to do a puja to one of the planets, could I just do the same puja

that is in the purple Puja Book from the MA Center, but substitute the 108

names of a particular planet rather than Amma's names? Where would I find a

list of such names? I assume that I would perform the puja on the day of

the week of that particular planet, although I am not sure when the proper

times for Ketu and Rahu would be....


Om Amriteswarye Namah,


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i just sent this message to someone directly. There are lots of books

available even in our San Ramon aashram about nine planet poojas,

etc., just pick one and do with devotion. Start with your Guru's name

and do it or if you have received mantra from amma, just take a

sankalpa and chant your mantra to dedicate it towards that purpose.

Amma takes care of you.



Om Amriteshwariye Namah


in the service of amma,





Normally Ketu is controlled by Ganesha (fasting on fourth day after

full moon and dark night) and Rahu is controlled by Durga (Friday or

Tuesday fasting : very effective if done during Navratri march as

well as october). You may be aware that Rahu and Ketu are opposite

energies, sometimes people control effect of one energy by chanting

of opposite energy [that's personal and little risky] but praying to

God (Ganesha/Durga) or Guru is always beneficial.


I'll write the following mantras : do whatever feels more effective

to you but remember pooja or chanting done by yourself is more

effective than asking anyone else.


1. Ganesha: Short mantra = Om Gam Ganpataye Namah

Full Gayatri mantra = Ek Dantaye Vighmahe Vakra Tundaye

Dhimahe Dhiyo Nah Pracho Dayate

2. Ketu (Gayatri): Om Ketave Namah OR

Om Palash Pushpa Tarak Graham Mastakam

Roudram Roudrat Makam Ghoram Tam Ketum Pranamyam Aham

3. Durga: Om Hrim Shrim Dum Durgaye Namah

4. Gayatri: Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha Tat Saviter Vare Unyam

Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yoh Nah Pracho Dayate


It seems like you have Rahu problem from your astrology chart.

Personally, I would recommend #3 every day (atleast 108 times)

accompanied by fasting on Fridays and probably Ganesha pooja / fast

on 4th day after dark night and full moon. #4 is also good. Any

mantra (not just one of these) chanted with faith has all the powers

to protect and then one need not do anything else.


During my Ketu trouble days, I followed #1 and #2 + occasional #3.


By the way, all these mantras have been prescribed and documented in

many scriptures and web sites also. Asking a Vedic priest or

astrologer would come handy too.


Om and Peace be with you,





PS: I just popped a window at my Guru's site:

Children, negative thoughts might arise in your mind as you proceed

with your sadhana. Don't worry, don't give them too much importance.

Ignore them and continue your sadhana.




Ammachi, "Carl Dahlgren" <dahlgren@b...> wrote:

> Om Amriteshwarye Namah,


> I really appreciated Dilip sharing the Ketu (?) mantra. Does

anyone know

> the mantras for Saturn, Rahu, and other planets? I would love to

find a

> book on there things, and/or a cassette tape where I could listen

to the

> mantras being chanted.


> If I want to do a puja to one of the planets, could I just do the

same puja

> that is in the purple Puja Book from the MA Center, but substitute

the 108

> names of a particular planet rather than Amma's names? Where would

I find a

> list of such names? I assume that I would perform the puja on the

day of

> the week of that particular planet, although I am not sure when the


> times for Ketu and Rahu would be....


> Om Amriteswarye Namah,

> Anaswar

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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!!


Namaste dear One!!!


i think it would be a good idea to do pujas yourself, but be careful

and discriminate within your own self, as to WHY you are doing these

Pujas to the Navgrahas....if you are seeking worldly gains....freedom

from disease....more income, a cute wife, or some such, then, dear

one, i would suggest to ask Ammachi's brahmacharis and Swamis to do

the Pujas for you....as they are technically proficient at the precise

puja needed for whichever Planet is being invoked....


However if we are doing these pujas from the beautiful Purple MA

Centre Puja Book (i adore that book!!!it's the strongest medicine i

know for the ills of life......to actually perform those pujas is why

they gave us that book...and Mother has empowered us to perform pujas

too, thru the Devi Pujas that we do whenever we are around Her...(it

talks about this on some of the CD Roms from Amma's children...


if we are doing these pujas for divine love, we can just do what the

pujas in the book are for...i don't believe that you actually need to

do a puja for a particular planet, if you have enough faith in your

Amma...and do Major Pujas to Her....Think of Her as the Graha that's

giving you a hard time. cause, that's the facts, ma'am, and nothing

but the facts...i see Mother Saturn (Sani) as Mother Kali (Amma!!) or

Lord Siva!, and Venus as Mother Laksmi or Sri Lalithambike (Amma!!)

Mars as the Earth Mother (as well as the war god)..Bhumi, and

Skanda...(both Amma!), Mercury definitely as Amma as it is Her

Atmakaraka!!!!(but also Lord Krsna)...One can see the sun as Lord

Rama or Lord Siva, and the Moon as Lord Siva or Mother Parvati...(all

Amma!)...And Guru is self-explanatory by it's very name....

Guru=Jupiter=Mother Saraswati/ Ganesha= Amma too!!!

even those two rascals, Rahu and Ketu are in reality our own Mother

assuming these demonic bodies for the purposes of playing Her Divine

Leelas with us.....


So if with full faith, and knowing that all these Grahas are in

reality nothing more than further embodiements of our OWN BELOVED


personalise the Grahas as those embodiments, then we won't have to

deal with the servants...(the Grahas) but just take our prayers

directly to the source of it all...our Mother...Amma....


What you could do, is to sing the Puja for Amma,including all of Her

108 Names, and Devi's 108 Names, (with corresponding refrains, just

like we do in Devi Puja)....and then boldly going on the Lord Krsna's

Names, Lord Siva's Names, and Lord Rama's Names....and then concluding

the Puja to the Divine Mother, Amma, suitably....and perhaps including

therein in the hymns section the entire Guru Stotram......


i firmly trust that if we children just do this, that Amma will

unfailingly take care of us...we don't need to know all those

complicated technical pujas for the various Grahas, for which you have

to be impeccably pure, and impeccably accurate in every part of the

PUJA, or you risk the displeasure of the Ethereal Ones.....Amma's



However if we just do our pujas lovingly dedicating them with all our

heartfelt Love to our Own Amma, without expecting particular results,

merely offering Her our prayers of Love, and longing, that then even

big mistakes in ritual will be forgiven and the Love will most

definitely win Amma's help and support in whatever way She feels that

you need it most....


for some reason i have a little trouble giving puja to individual

Grahas, unless i can think of them in the way that i mentioned

above...that they are the embodiments of our Divine Mother, the Adi

Para Sakti....Amma...So instead of working with individual Grahas i

tend to want to go to their Supervisor...Amma...and my prayers, and

devotion are directed to Her, realising that Sani is Her, that Venus,

my Ishta Devata IS Her, that Guru is Her.....so why do i need

extraneous approaches...


on the other hand, i don't mean to denigrate the value of navgraha

pujas, and would totally support anyone who wanted to perform

them....with only the warning that depending upon the motivations and

concentration of the pujari it can either go very well...(if the

pujari's intentions are pure) or very poorly...if greed and need are

evident, and even more poorly if the exact rituals are not followed

perfectly to the letter....any mistakes WILL NOT BE TOLERATED if

worldly reasons are behind the puja...For Bhakti on the other

hand...it doesn't matter the same way at all....then it is the Love

and Devotion that matter.....


i do realise also that Amma is seriously promoting the practice of

Pujas to the Grahas with Her Brahmasthanam Temples....and She saw in

Her Divine Vision that this was an effective remedy for those terrible

transits and periods thru which people suffer so badly....and She

recommends those Graha pujas regularly....just now i was reading that

in Her new Brahmasthanam installation of a temple in another city

shedule, there were planetary pujas planned for Mars, Sani (Saturn)

and Rahu...so it is a powerful practice...but there it is led by a

Pujari who REALLY knows what he's doing....and doing it for Love of



if you are still interested in some of the chants for the Grahas, i

can find them in my texts, but i warn you that you need to be

initiated in these mantras before they have any power....so even if i

give them to you, unless i were to transmit the sakti with them like

Amma does when giving you your mantra from Her, the mantra will not

have the requisite power...(unless your faith is supreme...but then

why would you need these mantras?)


a hint...the seed mantra for Venus is "Shreem" or "Srim" or "Shring"

depending on where you come from......many of Amma's children have

already received a mantra from Amma in which this seed syllable is

embedded, so Amma has already given us the Venus mantra!!!! and for

those who needed the Kali mantra, She gave them that One....and so

on...Mother knows what we need, and perhaps we could just rely more on

Her wisdom and on Her Mantra, which is the underlying Nada of the

universe, particularised for the individual child.....and this mantra

is Mother's precious gift to us, Her Beloved Children....IT is the

Seed of Her Divine Love planted deeply within the little child's

heart, where watered with longing and devotion the seed will sprout

and grow into a great tree of Love, providing shade to all the hot and

thirsty souls who come to rest there....and drink the Waters of Love

springing eternally from a spring at it's roots....Amrita...is within

our own

selves as our very own selves....as Amma always says:


"i am the you that is in you and you are the me that is in me."


Hope that this has been of some help....

if you need any further help please just let me know!!


In Amma's Divine Love,

and in Her Service

as ever,

your Own Self




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!

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