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choosing (!!!???) the Guru

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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste All!!


in this child's humble opinion, which is reinforced by many

authorities, including the honourable members of various Jyotish

lists, in the Indian traditions, we, the students, may THINK that we

choose the Guru, but in actuality, it is the Guru Who calls us to be

with Her again. Amma Herself has said this more than once in the

Awaken Children books...She says that if we think we choose the Guru,

we are making a big mistake, and that the Guru chooses us...but that

we shouldn't let that go to our heads either...as the Guru chooses us

to save us from our ownselves, and not because we are so special and

holy. Guru can be seen rather like a doctor...and to whom do we see

the doctor paying his attentions...only the sick people....


We are like the people who have to go to emergency, and the doctor

will be chosen by the higher ups...we have nothing to do with it...we

just are thankful that S/He is there. we must trust that when we are

calling out to the Divine Mother with all our longing in our hearts,

that She will provide us with just what we need....in fact when we

call out in such a way, and our love is melting, burning, spreading

every where like a wildfire, the Divine just can't stay away any more

and will manifest in the Form of the Sat Guru...to lead the devotee

home to Her Cosmic Lap.


"When the Student is ready the Guru will appear"...sometimes right in

front of him/her....we shouldn't have to

go wandering all over the world in search of the Guru....if we call

out with such intense longing as Amma, and Bhagavan Sri Ramakrsn did,

the Guru will come to us!!!(or at least to a "venue" near us!) i speak

of this from my own irrefutable experience (not that my longing even

nearly approached Theirs!!!). Just as Paramahansa

Yogananda has said so many times in His wonderful teachings...if we

call and call and call, never giving up, with a tearful, longing

heart, Mother will have to put down Her spoon in the cosmic kitchen

and come running to pick up the crying infant.....She CAN'T stay

away....how do i know this is true??? in one word: Amma


So we are all in Amma's presence because SHE has so arranged

it all (including the original longing in the first place!!)...let us

forget our egoistic ideas about how we "chose" our Guru...that is

sheer misunderstanding, and actually an obstacle...as if we chose Her,

we can unchoose Her....However, because She found us again, even if we

leave Her, She will not leave us...She Knows Her duty, even if we

don't...or if we shirk it...Mother will still be there for us and with

us...looking after Her darling children...When we think of choosing

the Guru, this imposes the idea of duality upon the

relationship...that there are two egos, "choosing" to hang out

together....but in reality, as Amma is your very own self, it is

foolish to think in that dualistic, divided, egositic way...it is only

in the way between Amma's Love, and your own heart.....

As Amma has said many times: "i am the you that is in you and you are

the me that is in me."....does this indicate that there are Two?....or

could one more accurately say that this describes the state and

philosophy of Advaita..("not-two")....Where is the room for choosing



it depends upon our motivations, if we merely want a Guru to fix all

our worldly problems, we'll get a certain kind of teacher; but if we

want the Divine Mother Herself to pick us up and cuddle us on Her lap,

don't you think that She will provide that too...once She is sure that

you mean business that is!!!and...this too is all Her Leela!


it will all have been HER IDEA...which She projected into our

lives with appropriate karmas, and results, with appropriate longings,

thoughts, just at the right time...(one can see these "right times" if

one observes the Jyotish practices of comparing charts between people

and between the person and the chart of the time of an event....so

even there, when we think we have been calling and calling, in

reality, if we were to look at our charts, and the transit charts, we

could see that the real caller is the Divine Mother....at precisely

the right moment She plants the ideas of sadhana and Divine Love into

our hearts....Who knows how She does this....but i have experienced it

myself, and can see it in those charts (to some extent as i am merely

a student of Jyotish, rather than a practitioner)...


She inspires us to call and call, She causes the tears to well up in

Divine Love...She alone is the Doer....we are the machine, and She is

the engineer as Sri Ramakrsna used to say...we are the puppet and She

is the puppet master....we just don't see the strings which She so

skillfully manipulates, such that we think we have free will, not

realising that we are acting entirely according to our vasanas, and

not according to our "will", as our will has been

in Amma's charge since the beginning. it's a grand Leela!!! and when

She decides it's time for you to be with Her, She will plant that idea

in your head, such that you think it is your own idea....and you will

accordingly carry out those new karmas....


if you have been calling and calling with a melting heart, and now

suddenly Amma has come like a torrential rain of Divine love into your

heart....perhaps you don't need to ask...perhaps Amma has already

answered your prayer. but if you are wondering, it is good to ask

Amma....at least it might help to settle that restless monkey mind...a



as one can see from a former letter posted at this site ( or the other

Amma list, or both)...i hadn't been looking for a Guru, but HAD been

calling Divine Mother as per Yoganandaji's instructions in His "HOW TO

TALK WITH GOD" book.....so when i found myself in front of Amma, i was

still resistant to that idea of Guru...and put off the question til

the next year, when Amma decided enough of this procrastination, and

basically influenced my mind while i was in Darsan line to borrow a

pen and paper, and write down the question as to whether She is my

Guru or no.....it WASN'T MY IDEA...as i didn't like the

"drill-sergeant" idea of gurus and disciples, and all the rules and

such..(i'm very lazy!)...But Mother had a better idea, and so She got

me ask...the rest is Herstory...


She knows Just when to call you too....


one may compare Vedic Astrological charts between oneself and

Ammachi...this may point out to some relationship between you as it

has for many others, myself included. Sometimes it is SO crystal clear

that your jaw just drops open in wonder. there are accepted techniques

which jyotishis use to discover the person's Guru, and the Beloved

Deity...they are not hard to use, but not so easy to describe...i have

done so however on previous postings...if not here, then definitely on

the other Amma list...


my suggestion is that if you feel drawn to Mother right now, and feel

tears welling up as you regard Her picture, that you should just

listen to that....they are telling you something...Sri Ramakrsna used

to say that tears of love for the Divine were indeed a VERY good sign,

a sign that the Divine is very close to you...and that you have not so

far to go because of this.


Still, for the believer no proof is necessary, and for the

nonbeliever, no proof will suffice.


Amma has said many times that every one who is "with" Her has been

with Her many times before...and that although we may not remember

those times, She does. And She knows just when we are karmically ripe

enough to call us into Her presence, where it will do some good.

One can see this also in the Vedic charts by comparing them with each

other, and with the chart for the time of meeting Her....as i have

said many times, the transits of the planets and the Periods which we

are going thru, will be very significant when we are meeting such a

Great One as our Amma....


One cannot even begin to understand that Mother. One cannot really use

the word "enlightenment" to describe Her....as She is the source of

enlightenment....can you say that the Sun is enlightened? we can say

that we become "enlightened" when that Sun shines upon us...but the

Sun Who is the giver of the Light cannot be spoken of in that way....

Mother is not your ordinary Guru...She is one of the VERY GREAT ONES,

the Avataras who descend to our hellish realms once in a while to root

out the Asuras, and protect the Dharma, as well as to inspire the

devotees with a deeper faith.


and we, we are Her children of the Light, who followed Her from the

Center of Creation...the Galactic Center...thru Mula (a nakshatra in

Sagittarius which is said to point to the GC)...and took birth upon

this little planet somewhere in the vast oceanic seas of space and

time...out on the edges of a vast swirling spiral galaxy which we have

named the Milky Way, whose arms comprise billions of stars....slowly

swinging thru space, the sun rotating about that galactic center, just

as we rotate about our Ammachi...our Galactic center, and the center

of our being.....we followed Amma again into these realms thru Mula,

and scattered like so many wildflowers strewn in Amma's Holy

archana...all over the face of the earth....awaiting anxiously

(without even knowing it!) that wondrous day when our Amma would find

us again in this human body, and play with us again....we are all one

huge Amma family, all brothers and sisters, who have taken many births

together before, this is why we feel so comfortable in each other's

presence....we are all FAMILY...one can see this in the Charts

also....most of us have at least one planet in Mula...that point of

entry into this solar system from the GC.....and Amma has Her Jupiter

(Guru) in Gemini, directly opposite, and directly aspecting

Mula....calling all Her children thru that Mula to come and Play....


We are so blessed!!! Words can never describe that!


Jai Bolo Sri Sat Guru Ki! Jai!


In the Divine Mother's glowing Love,

and in Her Service,

this littlest child

of Hers

salutes you All,

bowing again and again to

Her darling children

Who are


the embodiments

of that Sacred Om!!!


as ever,

Your Own Self




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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Om Namah Shivaya


Wow! So many wonderful responses from so many people! Of course, you people

are right in that it is the Guru who creates circumstances which make the

disciple think that he is choosing the Guru. As a matter of fact, this has

been well illustrated in my life too. Till about a year back, I was fully

immersed in worldly life, and was COMPLETELY ignorant of something called

spirituality. My first meeting with Amma was in Dec 1996, and that was

because my parents went to see Her, but I am sure that Amma sowed the seed

in me at that time itself. It was after three years, when I read Her

autobiography under strange circumstances, did I have an awakening within

me. Thus, there was never a question of "choosing" or anything like what

some of you have experienced; it just happened. Since then, my life has

taken a completely different turn, and I was initiated into a mantra about 7

months back. All of us are indeed most blessed.


Jai Ma! Jai Ma! Jai Ma!



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