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Dear Dilip,


Thank you for sending this beautiful note. I am suffering energetic

persecution at work, having dreams of demons and working on learning the

Arati so I can sing it in my sleep and invoke protection from Mother. Under

unfounded accusation and spiritual oppression it is hard to smile but Amma's

picture is smiling on my desk and that makes it easier. The karma would

undoubtedly be worse if not for Her.....


I was interested in the Tribal Chief saying they shouldn't drink any more. I

found that caffeine made me more vulnerable and recently gave it up totally,

not even green tea now, and no chai, either (sob). Anybody else have Vasana

coming up intensely these days?


In exile and dreaming of Infinite Bliss made visible in a little temple I

will build for Mother with my own hands in the spring, at the edge of my

eight trees which I call Mother's National Forest,



Coos Bay

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Ammachi, RemoteVwr@a... wrote:

> Dear Dilip,


> Thank you for sending this beautiful note. I am suffering energetic

> persecution at work, having dreams of demons and working on learning


> Arati so I can sing it in my sleep and invoke protection from

Mother. Under

> unfounded accusation and spiritual oppression it is hard to smile

but Amma's

> picture is smiling on my desk and that makes it easier. The karma


> undoubtedly be worse if not for Her.....


> Anybody else have


> coming up intensely these days?


> In exile and dreaming of Infinite Bliss



Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste dear sister Nancy!!


are vasanas coming up??????????what a question....a better one might

when don't they come up...it would be a lot easier to answer...NEVER.

Mother is just pushing all those buttons as the Guru...She is testing,

and trying, and testing, and working on Her little ones, just like the

Blacksmith heats up the iron and then pounds on it to make something

beautiful or useful....if you ask the iron how it feels, get ready for

a complaint session...but since it doesn't really know what's going

on in the big picture, we'd probly do better to ask the smith....we're

the iron...and it's pretty hot in this here furnace....and when we're

taken out of the furnace....OUCH that hurts...that Hammer...Didyou

have to hit me so HARD!>? Ouch...and so on...until finally the smith,

satisfied with his brand new work....dips it into the water

"SSSSSSS!!"...We're not quite ready for the "SSSSSS!" yet, so we must

be prepared for some more heat and hammering....


the perfect hammer comes from work...and the perfect anvil is your

desk....get ready...that hammer is coming.....how do i know this...

Mother is doing the same with me at my job....making it VERY

uncomfortable, rearranging things, making little readjustments,

cutting here, cutting there....leaving this little child of hers with

more DAYS at work, but less HOURS/week for the extra days...and thus

some $300 less in a month....Yep...it pinches...Yep it's hot...and

then there's the everpresent threat of "discipline"....as management

dictatorial puts into place their own version of reality, without

consulting either clients or staff....oh yes i've been feeling very

much persecuted at my work too....but i'm trying to see it as Amma's

training...."So you don't want to go to the ashram for training eh,

son?....well i guess i'll just have to bring the ashram to you"

......and thus the training goes on...very intense...tough on the

ego...but that is the way Mother is.....


"She is like a refiner's fire"


a little paraphrase from the Messiah by Handel.....


Mother's job is not to make us MORE comfortable with our delusions and

vasanas, but rather to pointedly bring them up in unforgettable ways,

such that we have the opportunity to work with Her in eliminating or

at least reducing some of them.....and my understanding is that Mother

is stepping up the heat....for me at least, and for many

others...yourself included....


Amma may look cute and extraordinarily ordinary on the outside, but

let us NOT forget WHO She REALLY is.....none other than that Great

Goddess, Bhavatarini Kali Ma....the Divine COP (as Brahmachari

Dayamrita called Her!!) She Who has taken birth just now to bring Her

children home with Her, carrying them all across the vast ocean of

delusions...Her methods may seem abrupt, or a little tough to handle,

but what can we expect with dear Mother Kali as Guru???She Who is the

FORCE of the Sakti....She Who does it NOW...doesn't put anything off

til tomorrow.......so we shouldn't get too comfortable in that hotel

room we call life, because the maid is about to come in and clean us

out for the next guest......


i don't think we could say that the karma would be worse if not for

Her...She is the one bringing you the fruits of those karmas...so that

you may clear out your karmic bank account....drop that huge load

you've been carrying for lives together....and merge with Her....i

think that since we are Amma's children, and She is here with us, She

regards it as the perfect opportunity to step up the intensity and

speed of the teachings....and that is done thru our everyday

experiences, each of which is really Guru Prasad...including the

persecution....it is our REACTION which really matters....whatever

will get that reaction, will continually come up as an opportunity to

release that particular vasana, but everytime we indulge it, we are

actually digging the groove of the vasana DEEPER....so if we

continually avoid the lessons, they will get MORE expensive and MORE

difficult as time goes on, cause we're so dull that we're just not

getting the point....time for the sledge hammer!!


Remember the story of St.Therese who lay dying slowly of tuberculosis

drowning slowly, suffocating over a long time....She reportedly had

this conversation with Christ over the matter.....


StTh: Lord couldn't you just make it a little easier...couldn't you

let me die sooner, or help the pain, or even heal me....i've been your

friend for so long....couldn't you help me?


JC: i treat all my friends like this!


StTh: No wonder then, that you don't have so many friends!!!


In Our Mother's Love,

and in Her Service

this littlest child

bows again and again

to his darling sisters

and brothers,

Who are All Verily

Embodiments of

Divine Love!!


as ever,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!

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I, too, am experiencing the result of "top down" management, micro

management, and am feeling very uncomfortable at work. It seems to be a

theme with my brothers and sisters right now. I vacillate between hoping for

the Love inside myself to stay centered and peaceful and the desire for

management to be replaced with people of understanding and acceptance. I was

very excited about a new position opening up that would be the first ever

effort to work together with the faith based community, but I am hearing that

there are too many "old buffalos" in the agency and that they will be

promoting younger people into these new management positions. So an apple

dangles out there ahead of me, and I can't do anything but wait and prepare

for interviews.

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Greetings, brothers and sisters in Amma!


It's been so validating to read all your work

stories. Work has been very difficult for me, also. It

seems to be the area in my life where all my "stuff"

gets played out the most. Work seems so hard at this

time.... sooooo many hours, and soooo much to do.

Right now, I am surrounded by deceit, treachery and

back-biting at work. So much of my day comes down to

who to trust and who not to trust, when to speak and

when to remain silent, what to do and what not to do.

I feel like I need SO much protection around me, and I

pray to Amma and to Divine Mother Durga daily to be

with me and watch me closely. It seems at my job that

quite a few people seek to make themselves look better

by making others look bad. I pray daily to keep my

feet on my path and to keep the path clear of

"demons", that I may do the work that is mine to do

unobstructed and recieve the rewards that are mine to

receive. I even chant japa in the car the whole way

there! I also wear my wrist mala with Amma pendant

attached as a reminder to myself that I am not alone,

that She is with me. As I walk or move, the gentle

tapping of the pendant against my inner wrist soothes

me, and says to me, "I am with you, I am with you".

Thank You, Amma!


I will pray for you all as well. May Mother protect,

help and bless us all.


Om Amriteswaryai Namah!

Om Dum Durgayei Namah!




PS: Though I haven't written since my introductory

post here, I want to thank you all so much for your

thoughtful and loving replies to my questions. You all

helped me more than you could imagine! I began

composing a reply with the story of "my first time in

Amma's presence" and I became lost in joyful tears of

longing and remembrance. I still have the letter

saved, and I will finish it soon and send it to you

all. Namaste!





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