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FW: Archbishop Desmond Tutu and James Twyman to meet in South Africa

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17 Mar 2001 16:28:36 -0000

"ALL BELOVEDS" <BelovedJT List Member

<jfreeman Archbishop Desmond Tutu and James Twyman

to meet in South Africa





A Letter From James Twyman in South Africa:


Dear Friends, I am writing this letter from Cape Town where I have been for

the last several days. I ask that you consider this information very

carefully and pass it on to everyone you know. I believe that it is of

critical importance, not only to the people of South Africa but to the whole



There are certain countries and places in this world that act as powerful

meridian points, sending an active pulse of energy to everyone living on

this planet today. South Africa, I believe, is one such place. South Africa

gathers the karma of the whole world to either be released or recycled.

Until now those energies have moved from one dark expression to another, but

I believe that is about to change. And as South Africa goes, so does the

rest of the world.


Apartheid has ended, but the violence and racism that initiated this

terrible condition continues still. It is impossible for most of us to even

imagine what is happening here, for it is much easier to believe that the

"problem has been solved." It hasn't. The monster has put on a different

mask, but without true forgiveness and compassion it remains the same old

monster. That is why I have called on all of you to help shift this cycle

of violence to give birth to the peace that is South Africa's destiny.


On March 31 at noon New York time we are asking millions of people to spend

ten minutes PRAYING PEACE with South Africa. (Please go to

EmissaryofLight.com for more information or to find a location near you

where people will gather in prayer.) Tens of thousands will join us live

through WorldPuja.org begining at 11:45am. On March 21, In order to initiate

an energy grid to welcome these prayers, I will be gathering with over

50,000 people in one of Cape Town's largest sport's stadiums. Together we


The day before the vigil, March 30, a meeting has been scheduled between

myself and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Together we will discus the role of

prayer in bringing about this powerful shift, and I will also present him

with a shawl from the Cloth of Many Colors. I ask that you keep us in your

personal prayers on all three days.


I cannot overestimate how important these prayers are in activating a world

based upon compassion and love. South Africa is a critical country in

bringing about this shift, and so I ask that you join us for this important

vigil. Dozens of stores around the US and around the world have offered to

be hosts for this gathering, so I ask that you join them wherever possible.

Most of all, know that peace does not come to us, but by us. It is up to you

to create the Peaceful Kingdom, first in your own life, then let it radiate

to the whole world.


May Peace Prevail on Earth, James F. Twyman








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