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FW: This poet can only cry...

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O Wisdom Goddess!

your essence alone is present

within every life, every event.

Your living power flows freely as this universe.

You are expressed fully, even by the smallest movement.

Wherever I go and wherever I look,

I perceive only you, my blissful Mother.,

radiating as pure cosmic play.

Earth, water, fire, air, space and consciousness

are simply your projected forms.

There is nothing else.


Ma! Ma! Ma!

Your lucid dream of light

is the theater of birth and death,

the expanse of boundless transparency.


This poet can only cry in ecstasy:

"Green mountains, fragrant blossoms,

countless lives on land and beneath the sea,

animate being and inanimate objects

are composed of Mother's reality,

and spontaneously express her will."


~~From Mother of the Universe,

embellishments by Lex Hixon on the text of Ramprasad

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Ammachi, Kenna <ammaskenna@h...> wrote:


> O Wisdom Goddess!

> your essence alone is present

> within every life, every event.

> Your living power flows freely as this universe.

> You are expressed fully, even by the smallest movement.

> Wherever I go and wherever I look,

> I perceive only you, my blissful Mother.,

> radiating as pure cosmic play.

> ...........

> "Green mountains, fragrant blossoms,

> countless lives on land and beneath the sea,

> animate being and inanimate objects

> are composed of Mother's reality,

> and spontaneously express her will."


> ~~From Mother of the Universe,

> embellishments by Lex Hixon on the text of Ramprasad



Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste darling siblings!!!


as i read this Divine Song of Sri Ramprasad, i was reminded of a

posting which i had sent to the other Amma list...for any who are not

on that list i thought to post it here...it strangely enough seems

very relevant to the message of that Divine Song.....


Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste dear siblings!!


thankyou so much, Prasadini Deviji, for that

lovely dream story...(she had told a story of a dream of Mother)

it may be that Mother not so much makes Herself

scarce from us, as that She has arranged a little

test now and again...and wants to see if our

minds will get swayed by that test...such that we

forget Her...and of course we DO just that...and

forget Her...and when it hurts enough, we

remember Her again...and call out longingly,

lovingly to Her, Who is our Sole Refuge in this

Hell-realm that we call "life" in the 21st

century....and after a while, when She is sure we

mean business...She lets us know that She heard

our longing call...and then She will come in a

dream..or a vision...or in the sudden appearance

of two bald eagles, like yesterday...


i felt that since it was the day before the new

moon, and i was somewhat worried about

earthquakes on the new moon....and too, the night

before is sacred to Lord Siva....well with all of

this i took my M A Center Puja book on down to

the sacred river near where i live, and sitting

in a wonderful location close to the laughing

waters, on a sandy beach, i set up my Amma

picture, and proceeded to do Puja to Her Who is

My Own Mother...mostly Manasa Puja, although i

did have some water, and some hotcross buns to

offer!...and lots of Love...


So just as Amma suggested in Her Manasa Puja talk

which was posted not so long ago by

Balakrsnan...i drew a little triangle for the

Mother on the sand, in front of the Picture of

Amma...and started off with the purifications and

so on...it was a wonderfully inspiringly sunny

day, but with a very mischievous wind, which

liked to come up and kiss your face, or make the

branches literally dance with glee....the sacred

river seemed timeless with its little muddy

islands out in the middle, not yet grown in with

spring grass, and with all the waterfowls of

various species, swimming and dabbling and

talking neighbourly with each other and everyone



as i started into Amma's names, (i like to sing

Amma's Names, then Devi's Names, and then often

Lord Siva's Names...sometimes Lord Krsna

too...)....i noticed and heard the sweet calls (and the flapping!)

of the Tundra Swans as they rose up out of the water

where they had been feeding and widely circled

around, flapping and calling in their beautiful

voices...so graceful and sweet it would break

your heart to see it....and they just kept coming

around....and landed much closer than they had

been....as if they wanted to come a little closer

to hear the Divine Mother's Names being

chanted....and they hung around out there the

whole puja....as well several other birds decided

it was ok to come and visit the area...and one

startled sparrow suddenly discovered visitors, on

his accustomed way home... and was forced to

abort the landing...settling annoyedly on a

branch near by...complaining about the bother of

it all....


my dog just lay around and enjoyed it

all...sometimes she chewed on a root...or dug in

the ground...but no people were around...just

Mother Nature.


When Puja was done, and one was leaving the

beach,(it was starting to get dark...

puja was about 2 hours or more...

this child was startled suddenly by a loud

screech, and equally loud flapping....and as he

looked apprehensively up to the tree, what should

he see, but two Bald Eagles, in full white

regalia....one flying to another tree, and one

settling again in the tree directly above me.....


as if to say: "AAWWWKKKK...You're leaving

ALREADY??....you just got started!!!"


the Eagles came to the Puja!!!!!! and i left

before they did....but They watched me VERY

closely as i did leave....VERY closely

indeed...from Their perches on high...didn't

stir...just watched...


Wonders never cease!~


and there were TWO!!!One for Lord Krsna, and one

for Mother!....and then of course there were all

of those Swans....So Ham So Ham////Hamsa Hamsa

Hamsa......the mantra with which we breathe our

every breath....



In profound gratitude

to His Amma

and in Her Divine Love,

and Service,

this little child

of Hers


most humbly

to You

Her Darling Children

all of You

Who are


the Embodiments

of the Sacred Om



as ever,

Your Own Self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah

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Om Namah Shivaya,


Just when my heart was yearning for a refreshing taste of our brother

Visvanathan's devotion, he blesses us with it! Ma's eagles take many



Eagles instead of earthquakes.


Bowing to Mother Wisdom's compassion and her expression through all of you.



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