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In a message dated 4/12/01 3:30:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

kasi_visvanath writes:


<< ...don't worry about it...just do with a little less faith in

the materialism and more faith in Amma......you haven't starved yet. >>


This reminds me of Swami Paramatmananda's story of coming to the US to raise

money for the very first ashram building. Mother said to him before he left,

"Don't worry and don't get carried away. You will have (or get?) exactly what

you need. And indeed he went back to India with the exact amount he needed,

no more, no less. I think of this story when I am concerned about money. Only

Mother truly knows what we need and She always provides.

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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste darling siblings all!!!


well, "the happy time" is almost upon us dear sisters and brothers,

the Amma season in our two-season year....i sense that there is a

growing excitement in the air...Amma's coming Amma's coming Amma's

coming....we're all planning and trying to save up our money to get to

be with Her as much as we can during the bright time of Her stay here

with us...especially those of us who have been blessed by Her with

little enough income that trips to India are out of the picture....for

me a trip to Seattle once a year is about all i can "afford", and even

that is a squeak...But sofar Mother has always seen us thru...and the

squeak,while remaining squeaky, ends up at least being navigable...


right now Amma seems to be working on fine tuning the income...."let's

just see if you can get by on only 35 hours a week, dear son, and that

rent in town...as well as the mortgage on that house...and all those

payments....don't worry about it...just do with a little less faith in

the materialism and more faith in Amma......you haven't starved yet.."

Another little leela concerns the "wonderful" idea of doubling or

tripling the workload....is She cute or what? "if you don't want to go

the ashram son, Mother will kindly bring the ashram to you...Here you

go....try a little renunciation...and of course Seva."


(even the agency i work for admits it's more work (more clients) for

less money...but it's that or no contract from the Ministry....(i work

with special needs folks in group home environments...and as they are

fairful invisible in society, it is easy to just dry up funding for

them...)thus even the agency is talking of "seva" although they don't

use that word....


so Mother's little joke seems to be that the older i get the harder i

have to work....pretty good sense of humour i have to admit!


anyways darling siblings i had posted a little article on the Goravani

Jyotish list, re 12th house Guru stuff, which is also applicable here

for those of you interested......


In Her Name and In Her Love:


it dawned on me the other day that there was yet another interesting

Guru link in one's chart....not only in the Navamsha chart can one

look to the amsha 12th to the Karakamsha....but (using my own chart as

an example)...one can also look for possible Grahas in the

rashi(natal) chart, 12th to the ascendant...or the Chandra

Lagna (using the Moon position as an ascendant)...(it's difficult for

me to differentiate them because in my own chart they are

coincidental....both Chandra Lagna and Lagna (ascendant) are in



so looking 12th to Capricorn, we find Sagittarius...and in my chart we

also find Mercury in the 12th, in Mula.....now what is that crazy guy

trying to get at?


Well, dear ones, 12th House is also Guru's home or ashram as well as a

Moksha House...and one might just look for indicators of Guru

there...in my chart as i said Mercury, is there, and it turns out that

Mercury is my Guru, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi's Atmakaraka (and

ruler of my Ninth house...ruler of the 9th in the 12th!!)....so Amma's

Atmakaraka Budha is sitting nicely in my "guru's home" in MULA ("The

Roots")....indicating the Galactic Center....and links to the Dark

Goddess Niritti, an aspect of the Great Mother Kali (whom i have

special fondness for!) in simpler language we might say that the Lord

of the House of the Guru, the 9th is in the Guru's Home, the 12th, a

house of liberation...it's almost TOOOOO perfect, and makes me wonder

just how common this is.


i think that this may be a useful corroboration tool for those who

wish to study the interactions between their charts and their

Teachers' charts...


in my case, my Atmakaraka, Saturn, fell into Gemini in Navamsha, thus

indicating Taurus (the Navamsha Lagna and Natal 5th) to be home of the

Beloved Deity---(thus Deity is to be found within!)....which is ruled

by Venus....which is Amma's Lagnesha (lord of the Lagna or

Ascendant)...As well, Saturn is in my ninth house (natal chart), which

is also indicator for the Guru....and we will find that Sani is at

home in Shasha Yoga in Amma's Lagna Bhava, Libra, also ruled by

Venus.....so we have three very strong indicators of this connection

between Amma and her child....the same goes for many devotees,

and very likely holds true for many other Gurus and their devotees...


If the Guru says that we have been together for lifetimes before, then

that should be noticeable in one's chart...and Amma has said many

times that those who are with Her now have been with Her many many

lifetimes...She remembers them all, but we do not...just like Sri

Krsna and Arjuna in the Gita.


In fact the very first time in this life i ever met Ammachi, the first

evening program i attended in a hot stuffy hall, overcrowded with

people, on an old military base (Fort Flagler State Park in

Washington)...Amma after going to the front of the hall, bowed in full

pranam to all Her children for an incredibly long time...and getting

up commenced the satsang with: "Amma wants you to know that everyone

in this hall has been with Her before."


this was NOT directed at the old timers...it WAS directed at those of

us like me who had come the FIRST time....it made us reflect and

wonder....and established an immediate sense of connection with Her...

There was never any sense of Strangeness with Amma, although one was

in awe, and even slightly a little fearful.....after all, whose mind

is pure enough that they might not feel a little apprehensive at

coming into contact with Someone Who knows your every thought, who in

fact knows you better than yourself....and has known you for many many

lives....Oh that is a humbling feeling....knowing that Amma knows all

my past doings...but still, there was no sense of strangeness with

Her...She seemed the MOST FAMILIAR person i had ever been with...even

though i couldn't speak a word of Her language, and She wouldn't talk

much in mine...it felt more like a long relationship which finally,

sweetly was being taken up again between the Divine Mother in the

form of my Guru, and the child soul....to my eternal gratitude!!!


May Her blessings be upon us always!


In That Mother's Sacred Name

and in Her Loving Service,

this littlest toddler

of Hers,

bows humbly,

again and again

to all his

elder sisters and brothers

on this list

who so graciously

share their time

and energy

with us,

the infants,

helping us

to grow everyday

in understanding

of the Sacred Mysteries

of the Divine Light!!


As ever,

Your Own Self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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