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In reply to K.R. Ranjeesh (or is it Rajneesh?). I was very moved by this

great tribute to the enlightening awareness. It is the best thing I have

seen on thie e-group as yet. And it is good that the name was not given,

until the end, so as not to prejudice us ahead of time. Is it Rajneesh who

is the author?


Such a clear, fine expression. It is indeed good to be reminded of what the

search is all about; one can lose the thread of things over time, even to

the point of doubt of the whole nebulous process.


What I found intriguing is that he did not say just not to seek. He said

that one must seek up to a certain point; only then can one not seek. One

has to see the futility of seeking for oneself. I wonder what the others in

this e-group think.


How is Amma serving this process for you? Do you see the futility of the

search, or must you continue to search? What does Amma do for you?


Thank you.





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In a message dated 4/29/01 1:10:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, sprose1



> How is Amma serving this process for you? Do you see the futility of the

> search, or must you continue to search? What does Amma do for you?

I have not known of Ammachi for very long, but what I have read reminds me of

my teacher, Almine. For 2 years I have been devoted to my teacher and her

teachings. Before I began, I felt lost, jaded and confused. Almine's

teachings reminded me not only of hope, faith, and what I was striving for in

the first place, but she then reminded me that there would come a time when I

was on the path for it's own sake. At that point I found that the seeking

outside of myself was futile, because it was not an experience that could be

transferred. But you do have to step up onto a rock before you can step down

and each part of the path is unique to each, it's not a race and there is no

reward for being "ready" for seeking to be futile yet if it's not. Too many,

I think see the effects of awakening and think they are causes. It's

important to be open to what one's own highest truth is and not be convinced

that if enlightened ones say that they do "this", to think doing "this" will

cause enlightenment, because it may not be causal.



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>What I found intriguing is that he did not say just not to seek. He said

>that one must seek up to a certain point; only then can one not seek. One

>has to see the futility of seeking for oneself. I wonder what the others


>this e-group think.


Dear Amma's darlings,


Awaken Children -V gives some details about this, and I shall try to give a

gist of it below. Beyond a certain point, the guru within oneself will be

awakened. A LOT of effort is required on the part of the seeker to attain

this state. The period of time between this, and the attainment of Self

realization is a waiting period: a lot of changes happen within, but the

seeker may not be aware that this is happening. The Guru knows this as his

grace flows continuously to the disciple. Maybe, this is the point at which

the seeker stops conscious effort. What do the others think?




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Avram wrote:


It is the best thing I have

> seen on thie e-group as yet.


I too thought this was very helpful.


> What I found intriguing is that he did not say just not to seek. He said

> that one must seek up to a certain point; only then can one not seek. One

> has to see the futility of seeking for oneself. I wonder what the others in

> this e-group think.


I remember after attending Amma's programs for several years, suddenly

realizing getting darshan wasn't enough. I wanted to serve her and help

others get to her. I remember last year giving up on making satsang happen

in this community. And recently, being so low with pneumonia I didn't care

any more if I lived or died, let alone say mantra. And now a new light

within and without. By Amma's grace we seek until we don't. By Amma's grace

the ego gives way, little by little.


Her Baby,



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Ammachi, sprose1@a... wrote:


> What I found intriguing is that he did not say just not to seek.

He said

> that one must seek up to a certain point; only then can one not

seek. One

> has to see the futility of seeking for oneself. I wonder what the

others in

> this e-group think.


Hi :-) lovely question. I guess I know that seeking leads us to That

which we seek. When one is ready to meet That preciousness, That Self

then the seeker is 'not there' cause they are One. It may be a

glimpse. Then both seeker & 'Sought' awareness coexists. Then they

marry over time gradually into one as Love.



> How is Amma serving this process for you? Do you see the futility

of the

> search, or must you continue to search? What does Amma do for you?


I think Amma provides such love for that part of me that plays as

seeker. That part of me is childlike, vulnerable & seeking Mother




> Thank you.

> Avram






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