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Jaya Sri Ma Gange!

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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste darling siblings!!


(this too was posted yesteday on the other Amma list.)


i was reading thru some of the Kumbha Mela times

archives from the Himalayan Institute...and there

was a wonderful article from Pandit Rajmani

Tigunait...from the Jan 24th Archive, which was

the largest bathing day....as i was reading along

it occurred to me that this was similar to the

experience of going to be with Amma...only the

crowds are somewhat smaller still...just imagine

if we had to wait in a 30 million person lineup

to get a hug!!! the article is available along

with others of interest...at





i copied a little of his talk...the part about

the stream of people going towards and back from

the Ganga...it was so reminiscent of our Amma

Melas...(even more for those of you who may have

been in India possibly!) Here is his description:


Pandit Rajmani Tigunait PhD. speaking of the sea

of humanity...30 million came that day:


"I stood quietly, lost in contemplation: in the

truest sense they are hermits. They had their

homes, their hotels, and their restaurants--

everything they need--with them. And they are

happy with whatever they have, because they are

blessed with contentment, endurance, enthusiasm,

courage, and most importantly, faith in Mother

Ganga whose love for her children is vaster than

the sky.


Unlike intellectuals, they are not seeking

anything from this pilgrimage--not enlightenment,

not salvation, not wealth, not name, fame or

popularity. They have simply come to visit their

Mother. Is there any joy that can be compared

with being in the lap of the Mother? Is there any

force that can offer greater protection than the

Mother's arms? Is there any place safer than the

Mother's lap?


As I was jotting down my impressions, a

friend, Dr. D.C. Rao, stopped by. He too was

brimming with his own personal experiences; he

had wandered all day long at the Kumbha Mela.

Upon reading my notes, he added his own. "There


definitely a difference, although subtle, between

those who are moving toward the Ganga, and those

who are returning from Her. There is anxiety

mixed with joy and excitement on the faces of

those who have not yet taken their dip in the

Ganga. But those returning from a bath are

steeped in happiness and contentment, as if they

have found the highest purpose and meaning in



Not only are the loads they were carrying

on their heads lighter (they have consumed or

given away almost everything), but it also seems

as if their karmic burden has become lighter.


Rao and I both wonder if it is because they

gained some additional knowledge, or gathered

some merits from their pilgrimage, or is it

because their faith, sustained by innocence,

simplicity and purity of heart enabled them to

achieve this priceless joy and contentment?


Dr. Rao commented how wonderful it would be

if we could throw aside our intellectual trash

and earn security and divine protection in such a

simple and uncomplicated manner.

Instantly someone whispered in my ear, "Be

like a child. You can have it. A Mother's love is

always there. But pursuing your personal agenda,

you have strayed away from her. You have no idea

how badly she is missing you."


i wonder Who was whispering in Panditji's ear???


if you want to read more just check out the web

site...it's from the Yoga International folks...

it was Panditji's counsel to Linda Johnsen which

set her off on her Daughters of the Goddess

"Quest"...which resulted in that book...and my

meeting Amma thru that....so i am very indebted

both to Linda Johnsen and to Pandit Rajmani

Tigunaitji for that...She has taught me much thru

their kind yet profound words. my humble

Salutations to them both!



In Her Love

and in Her Service


as ever

your own self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!

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