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Jaya Amma!!

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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!!


Namaste darling sisters and brothers!!


wonderful stories from Vaishnavi and Daniel....thanks a lot for them

both...it is very inspiring for us to be able to read such

stories...it reminds us of Mother's Grace, which is always showering

down upon us...


i've been really feeling showered upon with Amma's Grace over the last

few weeks...First She made it relatively easy to pay for the Seattle

retreat, by making sure that the retreat application arrived the same

day as my income tax refund...and was sitting right on top...and did i

get the message????oh yes...i can tell when Mother is playing little

darling games with me by now...because She's always up to something



Also through March/April She arranged nicely so that i could get a few

more hours than the schedule allows at my work...so it wasn't quite as

squeaky as before....as i got to fill in a bit for a co-worker who had

gotten pneumonia....


then comes the end of April...and Amma makes sure i GET the

pneumonia...so i can't work for the last three weeks...(with

short-term disability benefits though!! (i hope anyways!!haven't

gotten any money out of the insurance company yet...))...


then She arranged it so that the Doctor couldn't see me last

week...but only next week....later in the week...and also, that since

i wanted to see the Doc before going back to work...this resulted in

another week off work...as the Doc was fine with prolonging the

leave...so that i could heal better...and i'm glad she did...because i

did need the healing!!!


So i've just been on a nice healing holiday for three weeks...and

another one coming up....and after that Amma is in Seattle...and i'm

on my month vacation...so it'll be two months in a row off, just like

the school kids...only earlier...in such a beautiful time of year...of

course i've been sick, so it wasn't quite so active, but i've been

slowly recovering strength and going on some nice walks to the sacred

river in my neighbourhood.......


then Sri Krsna, after i was interested in the American Gita Society,

and their ideas of placing a free Gita everywhere they can...made

Himself known to me...in a neighbouring "new-age" store...where He was

waiting patiently in the form of a beautiful poster sized print...for

someone to come along to take Him home (this is after He

"gave" me a new translation of the Gita, courtesy of the

translator, Dr. Ramanand Prasad.(what a wonderful Gita it

is!!) for writing an essay on why Hinduism is only number 3

among world faiths, rather than number 1).....it's such a beautiful

picture of Sri Krsna with His Flute...that i just had to oblige Him

and bring Him home to a place of honour, framed, and on my computer

office wall surrounded by pictures of Amma, Mother Kali, Sri

Anandamoyi Ma, Paramahansa Yoganandaji....and a composite photo of

Mother Kali with Sri Ramakrsna and Sarada Devi, with Amma added in by

me and my son, thru the photoshop program...


Speaking of the Mother Kali, Amma picture...did anyone actually go to

the Amma group files, and take a look at the picture i uploaded

there????i haven't heard a word since i uploaded it....so i can only

assume that either it's too ugly for anyone to comment, or that no one

has gone there to have a look...or do you all get your Amma list stuff

in your own email boxes...i signed up to only get it at the

groups site...no mail, just the web archives, as that takes less room

in my mail box....


i am going to upload another picture to the files...it is a picture i

just got today, from the same dealer as the Krsna picture; a jyotishi

friend asked me to get it for her...so i did...and scanned it into my

computer as well...it's a picture of the time that Ganga descended

from heaven due to the prayers of Bhagiratha (i think it was him...he

wanted to sanctify the ashes of his ancestors...)..and it is a

beautiful picture of Lord Siva and Ganga on Her "Crocodile" (which is

a mythical version of the beast!)...floating along on the just-come-to

-earth River....following Bhagiratha or Siva, i'm not sure which...but

you can also see Lord Siva in the background...smiling Divinely at the

audience....so i thought i'd share it with my sisters and brothers....


if anyone is interested in the American Gita Society to help them, or

to get a copy of this translation of Gita, the web address is:




to continue the undeserved showerings of Grace....the other day, after

longing a little for a picture of Ganesha...i opened a mailing from

the Hinduism Today folks, which was an updating of their temple

building on Kauai, and there inside was a beautiful Ganesha picture

suitable for altars!!


next in this continuing amazing array of strange but wonderful events,

it was Das Goravani's birthday the other day...Friday to be

exact...who is he you ask?...the designer and programmer of the most

deluxe Jyotish Computer program available...it's called the

"Rolls-Royce" of Jyotish programs by the ACVA reviewer...

i managed to get a CD Rom demo of his Goravani Jyotish 2.2 from a book

by Bill Levacy, called "Beneath a Vedic Sky"...and it was fun to play

around with...but being a demo, you couldn't use it for anything

really useful, like your own chart, or friends and family and so

on...so i had eventually also downloaded some free Jyotish programs

off the net, as they were more useful than the demo....

anyways it was Dasji's birthday, and he was offering that if the

Jyotishis on his Jyotish list knew of any worthy, but poor folks who

could really use his program, but couldn't afford it...that we should

just let him know...and he might give the person his program...if



so with no self-consciousness (well not too much!) i immediately wrote

and told him that i might just qualify, being too poor, and having

loved the demo....as i've been one of the louder mouths on his list,

he already knows me and my Amma raves...he even posted Amma's chart

data on the list and gave a little analysis of it...but there wasn't

enough general interest to take it anywhere...

Thus we have had many interesting and fruitful exchanges...and he as i

said, had some idea of who i am...


he immediately wrote back and agreed that i did qualify...(i had even

asked him last fall if he was into any payment options..or special

deals...but it never went anywhere then as he was too depressed and

down himself...)...so this amazed and humbled child of Mother's is

now in "possession" of Dasji's amazingly wonderful program...and am

slowly learning how to use it...


i feel humbled that Mother is just piling on the gifts like this...and

am wondering just why She's so generous...


of course i do remember that in Her Names She is One Who always wants

to satisfy the desires of all Her devotees...but this is ridiculous!!


i can only surmise that Mother has Her own good reasons for this, and

perhaps wants me to get a lot better at this jyotish so that i might

be of more use to Her, in helping Her darling children...


i am also learning that i should be more careful what it is that i'm

yearning for, because i might get it!!!


So that's the weekly report from up Here in Mother's Own Country...the

Mountains and valleys, forests, and rivers of the Canadian west...we

may be far away physically from Mother...but it means nothing...She is

right HERE...Where is SHE NOT?




what can i say more?


Japa Japa Amma Amma


In Our Mother's Divine Love,

and in Her Service,

this child


most humbly


his sisters

and brothers





as ever,

Your Own Self,




OM Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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>Speaking of the Mother Kali, Amma picture...did anyone actually go to

>the Amma group files, and take a look at the picture i uploaded

>there????i haven't heard a word since i uploaded it....so i can only

>assume that either it's too ugly for anyone to comment, or that no one

>has gone there to have a look...or do you all get your Amma list stuff

>in your own email boxes...


Ugly? Are you joking? It was so good that I downloaded it to the hard disk,

so that I would not have to go to the web-site to have a look

at it. I had a look at your other pictures as well. I have not seen them

before, and they are fascinating pictures indeed: especially the picture in

the file AmmaDeviredandblueJPG.JPG. It fills you with a sense of awe.


Thank you very much for posting all these files. Any additions will be most




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