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Amma's Grace

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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste dear sisters and brothers all!!!


(this was posted yesterday on the other Amma list, but i was unable to

get it on here because of some technical problems....if already read

on other list....one can just move on!)


Mother's Grace comes in the most unusual



i returned a little while ago from a visit to my

doctor....i'd come down with something last week,

which laid me out prostrate....fever,

coughing...all that stuff...the fever, though

felt ok...other than a bit hot...it was kind of

dreamlike....and it was easy to put the mind

towards Amma and just drift off....mala in hand,

doing Japa. However, it was going on for

days...and days....and by Friday i was starting

to get a little alarmed...couldn't even really

drive to see a doctor....so i had to put my self

in Mother's Hands....saying...if you want me to

go now, it's OK Amma...but it's up to you....


And Mother took care so well of me!! that same

afternoon, my dear son (18 year old grade 12 guy,

who mostly lives with his Mom as it's much more

convenient for school...much closer) startled me

out of my feverish reverie, at 4:00...he had come

to see me...and was i so glad to see him... i had

been feeling pretty vulnerable, not wanting to

give anybody my flu or cold or whatever...but

being sicker than usual....and i was starting to

worry about pneumonia...it was so reassurring to

have his beloved presence around...


so finally today, although feeling somewhat

better, i trundled off to the the doctor...a very

precise, well dressed, perfectly coiffed middle

aged lady...(who i had never met before...),

after going through the usual checks...the pulse,

the breathing etc...she told me that i had

pneumonia, and would need to get some

medication....and take it easy for the next

couple weeks...at least....

filled out my prescription....and a "sick note"

in case i needed it...i mentioned to her how the

fever had actually been rather "pleasant"...and

she laughed, and said that's why they call

pneumonia the "old man's friend"....it's

apparently one of the easier ways to go...not so

much pain...just drifting off into fever

land...don't care if you eat or drink much...easy

to leave....and that it kills old people really

easily that way.....so i was even more glad that

i hadn't bothered my aged mom (85) to give me a

ride last week...i wouldn't want to be the one to

give it to anyone....


so here i am, with dear sister PremaRupa, in the

pneumonia gallery...thus i am passing this on to

you all...darling sisters and brothers...be

extremely careful of any respiratory infections

at this time...it seems that pneumonia may be one

of Mother's latest teaching tools...


This illness can be looked at in two ways...one:

i'm sick...Yuck...and feel depressed about the

restrictions on one's life....or one could look

at the other side...this sickness gives one time

off from a job which is very challenging and

stressful...and allows one to sink ever more

deeply into Amma's love....just a few weeks

before She comes...so in a way i feel that She

has "blessed" me with pneumonia...that this

disease is actually Guru's Prasad...and thus i am

not at all unhappy or down hearted about it...in

fact i am rather joyful at the unexpected time

off from my work...(we do have benefits, through

unionizaton, so i won't have to starve, although

it is a considerably reduced amount they will



a couple week holiday before i go see



i feel like a kid just getting out of

school....it's so delicious....(of course i'm not

deadly sick with the pneumonia either, or i might

be changing my story....)


We can find Mother's Grace in the strangest

little corners of our Life, if only we look more

carefully....even in sickness lies Her

Grace....it gives the child more time to think on

Her...and on compassion and Divine Love....


it is so encourageing to be able to see both

sides of an event in this way...to be able to

feel Mother's helping in Her own ways, even ways

that we might not expect...or look for...She is

so subtle...yet sometimes like a ton of bricks on

the head...


So this sick little child of Amma's, lovingly

salutes all his darling sisters and brothers on

this list...and wishes them all to imbibe freely

in that Divine Amrita, Which Mother is so kindly

providing us, the Immortal Nectar of Her Loving



In Her Divine Love,

and in Her Service,

this child


most humbly to

all Her children


are verily

Embodiments of

the Sacred Om.


as ever,

Your Own Self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!

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  • 3 years later...
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Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah.


> From a member of Madison Satsang, offered with her permission:



> I want to share this most amazing story of Amma's Grace with you. Sometimes I

> still do not believe it.


> Last week, Tuesday, I experienced a difficult situation with a phone customer

> at my work. It affected me a lot but I thought of Amma to help get me

> through. The next morning I experienced some wonderful openings and releases

> during my meditation which were different than usual. Again, I knew Amma was

> taking me through.


> Later that morning, I was going to my car and noticed a pink piece of

> construction paper on the ground. It had been run over previously because it

> has tire tracks on it and rocks embedded in it. Out of curiosity, I picked it

> up. It said on the front in red writing in the lower left hand corner, I luv

> u. The words are encircled by a red heart. On the top it says Be My

> Valentine.


> So I opened it up, again out of curiosity. And this is so Amazing. On the

> center of the page is a heart, again in red, with a small, childlike handprint

> over the heart. On the bottom righthand corner, it says Love, Kali.


> I couldn't believe it. I was filled with both joy and sorrow at the same

> time. The tears would not stop flowing all the way as I drove to work. All I

> could think was how can I serve Amma more? What can I do? I want to serve

> her more. She is always there for me, for us. I wanted to share this most

> amazing story with you. Please feel free to pass it on. It inspires me so.

> I am sure it will others.


> In Amma's Grace,

> Anugraha (Luna)





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