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Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


The first week at San Ramon has been very sweet! The satsang had to work

very hard during April and May to bring the grounds up to code but everyone

pitched in and it looks fine. There is a new mandapam (dining hall)

constructed on the site of the old one and the kitchen has moved to another

site not too far away. You would never know there had been a fire a year



The crowds during the weekdays were moderate, allowing Amma the chance to

spend a little more time with her children individually. Following on

Chandrika's report, I have heard the same thing, that the crowds will be

bigger starting around 2002. The new book "Amma: Healing the Heart of the

World" by Judith Cornell and the interview in July will certainly add a lot

of publicity which will bring the crowds. So this is a good tour to get out

and spend as much time with Mother as possible. The book is marvelous.


There are chapters in Judith's book that appeal to personalities of every

sort. For instance, one chapter deals with Indian scientists' reaction to

and research on our Amma. In juxtaposition, another chapter is about the

phenomenon of the Black Madonna in Europe, Our Lady of Fatima and Mother's

visit to Estella Spain. Roman Catholics or former Catholics will really get

a lot out of that chapter. There is also information about her visit to

Russia during the transition of power. This was something I'd heard about

for a few years but never knew the whole story. Those of us who grew up

during the 50's will resonate with that chapter. Another chapter describes

the qualities of a true spiritual master and how Amma has healed the deep

wounds of people who were betrayed by former gurus. And the early part of

the book offers insight into Amma's early years. I think we each need to

order the book from a variety of bookstores. Maybe if commercial bookstores

get enough requests for it they will keep it stocked on their shelves,

thereby spreading the word more. I ordered my copy online. If you do order

online, please be sure and write a review of the book. Many people like me

read reviews before deciding to purchase and so reviewing will encourage

others to buy it. This is an important book - you all must read it!


Another bit of information I heard is that the programs in Japan were rather

subdued. No doubt this was because everyone had just heard about the

passing of Amit.


Devi Bhava on Sunday was pretty quiet for San Ramon, but no less marvelous.


In general, more people are being given a chance to participate in every

aspect of the seva - so it's a good year to ask about seva you've always

wanted to do before.


More later,


Through Amma's Grace,



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  • 1 year later...

Namah Shivaya, all - just some thoughts from this daughter

of Amma...

Yes, the programs this week have been big - at least the two

I've been to. Especially Monday morning! At 10:30am, they

had already handed out 1000 tokens and had to cut off the

line! They've been asking people this week to skip darshan

one day if they've already had it a couple times.


I have been enjoying being around her immensely, although

I haven't had much time for sitting by her or meditating. I

feel her with me, even when I'm not at MA Center.


Lots of things have changed in how the staff and sevites are

running different aspects of the program! The bookstore,

the darshan lines, the parking. Seems that most things have

been at least slightly changed, as usual. Many many more

people in the bookstore buying things, longer lines at lunch,

and yet most people seem patient and willing to deal with it.

Funny that I still haven't bought anything from the bookstore

this time around. Usually I am spending all my money there.

Perhaps Amma is finally helping me to let go of attachment

to things!!!


I still struggle with wishing I could somehow be "special" to

Amma - I imagine most of us do! That somehow she would

show special attention to me, just to acknowledge that she

even notices my existence (yep, that good ol' ego there).

But most of the time I'm able to get over those thoughts,

and realize that I don't really need her giving me special

attention in order to feel Amma in my heart and her

blessings in my life. Somehow, Amma has helped me feel

at peace with being an ordinary human being. :)


I'm enjoying hearing other's stories of being around Mother

and your experiences at the San Ramon programs!



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