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Ammachi=Bhagavan Sri Ramakrsna?

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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste darling siblings!!!


i see a question being raised here by rick archer "for a friend", re

whether Ammachi may be a reincarnation of Sri Ramakrsna...


that is quite a question, and i'm sure a lot of people by now have

wondered this...especially as when we sing Ammachi's 108 Names, there

are 4 Mantras which directly speak of this issue:


Om Sarada Smarakasesa Svabhava Guna Sampade Namah!


....whose nature and all qualities remind us of Sri Sarada Devi...

(Sri Ramakrsna's beloved consort, and also considered to be an Avatara

of Sri Ma Kali...)


Om Pratibimbita Candreya Sarodobhaya Murttaye Namah!


....in whom is reflected the forms of Sri Ramakrsna and Sri Sarada Devi


Om Tannadakabhinayana Nitya Rangayitatmane Namah!


....in who we can see the play of these two re-enacted


Om Candreya Sarada Keli Kallolita Sudhabdhaye Namah!


....who is the ocean of ambrosia in which the waves of the various

plays of Sri Ramakrsna and Sri Sarada Devi arise



in reality i think that we must take this as the "official" word on

the matter...as Mother is NOT likely to tell us if She was Sri

Ramakrsna....but we devotees, Her children have our wonderings...


Especially since Amma appeared in my Life just AFTER i had come into

contact in a meaningful way with Sri Ramakrsna Paramahamsadeva...in

fact only a few months later....and not that long after a friend and i

had longingly complained to one another about our bad luck to be born

in such a materialistic age...and how much we wished we could have had

the opportunity to pass time with the Sage of Dakshineswar....this was

a VERY strong yearning...as i had been reading the Gospel of Sri

Ramakrsna...and had been totally taken with Love for Bhagavan, Crying

all the way thru that sweet and Loving Gospel...i so yearned to be

able to drink in His Presence...to bask in that Glow of Divinity...to

hear His inimitable sweet voice, giving Satsang to the His Boys...or

even more, singing one of His eternal paeans to the Divine Mother

Kali...often a Ramprasad song....


Mother HEARD this i am convinced...(and the timer of the stars was

ticking away too!)...because shortly after that, a friend as i had

written on the other list, returned with a set of tapes of the Songs

of the Gospel...in other words, all the songs that are in the book,

that He used to sing, they have recorded with the Monks of His order,

singing...very soulful, very moving, brings tears to my eyes even

today to hear these wonderful songs...even though i don't understand a

WORD of Bengali...i can catch some of the similar words with

Sanskrit..and can always check out the song in the Gospel, for the

translation...just as we can with Amma's songs, if we don't have the



i've noticed that Amma sings several of Sri Ramakrsna's songs too, or

at least the ones that he used to sing...the one which the Santa Fe

satsang recorded on their first tape, O Mind Become Surrendered is

from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrsna...although they probably used a

different tune...


when i have looked at their charts and also included the Maha samadhi

chart for Sri Ramakrsna...it certainly looked to me like they were

linked in some kind of karmic way...i have written of this

before...but i guess there's a new audience who hasn't seen...


it looks to me in the Karma departments that Sri Ramakrsna, Sri Sarada

Devi, Paramahansa Yogandanda, and Amma, all appear to be in a related

family kind of thing...and i must admit that to my student eyes, the

jyotish charts seem to indicate that possibly Sri Ramakrsna chose just

the perfect time...to leave, and even suffered more time on this earth

because He needed to get the timing right...it looks like he boarded

the Rahu Ketu Karmic rocket, and headed on over to Vallickavu...but as

i say it "LOOKS" like it to me in my student jyotishi mode, but who

knows...my ituition tells me that they are the same being ...and that

Sri Sarada Devi is included....but it's not because Amma IS Sri

Ramakrsna the PERSON...or Sri Sarada Devi, the Person,

either...instead i personally take the view of the LAST of the

Stanzas...that She is the OCEAN of Ambrosia in which the plays of

these two have arisen...


this translates into English to me, by looking at that very Divine

Mother, Who was the Ishta Devata, so ardently Beloved, of all the

folks mentioned above...She is NONE other than

DAKSHINESWARI BHAVATARINI KALI MA.....She is the Thread which holds

together the beads of our lives, and the beads of the lives of the

Mahatmas....but in each Life, She is taking a different face...a

slightly different role, or method of teaching and uplifting the



Bhagavan Sri Ramakrsna appeared Incognito last time as He even

admitted, and when He got to be too well known, and the throngs

started coming to His Home at the Dakshineswar Temple...Mother decided

it was time to end the show...


But then She will NOT clap if ALL the kites in the contest were to

break free...only if a couple or three, after tremendous

struggles...so perhaps She felt that He was going to end the show too

soon, and so She Exited Him stage right...just in time to catch that

timeles karma rocket...


but it no longer was SRI RAMAKRSNA...that was only the name while that

Great Being was incarnated in that Body...in reality that being was

none other than Satchidananda...the Universal Divine

Consciousness...and has really no attributes...until takeing a

birth...in which case the attributes will be partially the result of

the human body...


But then there is the story of Ammachi walking thro the Dakshineswar

Temple grounds, and using without being told which it was, the EXACT

same path that Sri Sarada Devi used to use to come to see Her Beloved



as well there is the Sri Ma Kali Murti, which Amma had requested the

exact same family who made the original Dakshineswari Kali Murti...to

make for Her temple...as a "Twin sister" to the one in Dakshineswar...


Sri Ramakrsna DID use to say that He was thinking of coming back next

time as a woman so He could REALLY love Sri Krsna...


and the Awaken children books are very much the same as the Gospel of

Sri Ramakrsna...in fact they SEEM to me to be a continuation of those

immortal moments when M managed to write down what had transpired in

Sri Ramakrsna's Room, or visiting some Sage or boating on the Ganga...


However, Sri Ramakrsna was VERY careful about who He would

initiate...and would feel burned for example if a really worldly man

touched Him...so He only gave Diksha to a few people...His Divine

Spouse, however, Sri Mati Sarada Devi, just like Ammachi, would

initiate anyone who would ask for it...with very few exceptions...even

though the initiation would result in the student's karmas being taken

on by Her...with MUCH attendant suffering...burning feelings all over

the body...still She would initiate them...even the ones which the

swamis would refuse to initiate because they KNEW that it would burn

them up too much...Sri Sarada Ma would take on even that karma...


When you read Her life, and then study Her teachings (Sri Sarada

Devi), you are very strongly struck with how similar She was with

Amma....both not very educated, but the pundits would come for

diksha...(and Sri Ramakrsna too!!...in fact they are all like THREE

PEAS IN a POD....as alike as that...


when Otoor Unni Namboodiripad (not sure of Spelling)...a great South

Indian Poet, and mystic, as well as major devotee of Sri Ramakrsna and

Sri Sarada Devi, met Ammachi, when She came to a place near his

dwelling (or perhaps the RK Math hosted a program of Hers, i don't

remember..but anyways, the great mystic poet was struck immediately

with Amma's Greatness...and he became convinced that at last he was

meeting Sri Ramakrsna and Sri Sarada Devi in the person of

Ammachi...yes BOTH of them...and this is reflected in the 108 Names of

Ammachi...in which those stanzas above appear...


He felt so strongly about it that one time he even said to Ammachi

that if he ever saw Her to be less than Sri Ramakrsna, or that if he

felt Her NOT to BE that Divine Pair, that day itself, he would leave

Her presence and NEVER return...this aged poet, with that reservation,

moved to Amritapuri...and stayed there until his death some years

later...so he remained convinced...or ?


i have often felt that Amma could be many of the Incarnations...and

actually i believe that She is ALL of them...because She is not a

person like you or i...She is the Divine

Intelligence...personified...but we can't really speak of the same

PERSON continuing on into the next life...because She is the

Indwelling Consciousness, which has NO attributes as said above...


Amma doesn't need to settle whether She was this or that Mahatma, but

WE seem to need to know...i'm not sure why...but i know that i've been

subject to those wonderings a lot...especially as i have felt SO

connected to Sri Ramakrsna and His devotees...in fact i've often felt

myself to have been one of them...or one of the ones who got diksha

from Sri Sarada Devi....i don't know why i feel this way..but i

DO...and i have quite strong jyotish chart connections with all of the

above Mahatmas...(well i haven't checked it out with Sri Sarada Devi,

because i've not been able to obtain an accurate birth time....


if anyone knows of an accurate birth time for Sri Sarada Devi...will

they PLEASE pass it on to me??????


so despite all the indicators, Jyotish and otherwise...such as Sri

Ramakrsna telling his devotees that he'd be back in a hundred (some

say TWO hundred years...., and that He'd be recognizable because He'd

be travelling with a band of musicians and He'd be from the

NORTHWEST...well Amma is travelling thru India with a "band of

musicians" every year.....but She is from the SOUTH west...i wonder if

Bhagavan was trying to put the dogs off the scent....


in closing i would invite all the Amma children who are tortured, or

perplexed by that question...just WHO is that cute Little Lady from

Kerala, Who just turned my life upside down...and She's giggling...to

just go to the Amritapuri site (if the story is still there) and read

about Swamiji's Christmas Message...Wherein he stated that it's ALWAYS

Christmas around Amma...and went on to speak of how God is NOT boring,

or dull....God is very creative, intelligent...fun loving...likes to

play...so if we think that He's gonna come back as another Christ on

the cross, or a Krsna with a flute...we are sadly mistaken...because

God is far more inventive than that...just look at our Mother ....See

what i mean (paraphrased by memory with my own colours here and

there...from Swamiji's Christmas message...)



i know that hasn't really settled anything for anyone...(nor has it

for me...i still like to pull out the charts, and comparing them, my

jaw drops open a little wider each time....i personally believe that

all of the above Mahatmas, as much as we love Their HUMANNESS as well

as Their Divinity...actually were not in essence "persons" like you

and i, but were rather manifestations of Divine Mother Kali's

irresistable urges to Play with Her children...to really play well

with them She has to take on a Human body......and sometimes that body

might be male and other times female...but it depends on just what She

intends to achieve...to make it really good, She has to appear to go

thru all the human troubles that we endure, because if She didn't we

wouldn't be impressed with Her enough to listen..."Oh Yeah!! well

you're God...and you've got it easy...so what would you know about the

miseries that us humans go thru?" said with a trace of sarcasm....you

know what i mean...So She has to take the whole show...the body, the

illnesses and death...and use it ALL to show us how to do it

rightly....no matter HOW tough Her body is having it...


to settle this question for once and for all (HA HA HA HAHA nice try

visvanathan!)...i've included below here a nice quote from an Immortal

Bliss magazine a few years ago, excerpted from one of Swami Nealu's

Satsangs (Swami Paramatmanandaji)...it's now in his collection of

satsangs which was put into book form....


Who really is Amma?



In Immortal Bliss, Swami Paramatmanandaji talks sometimes about

the early days with Mother in Kerala. He told about the time that Amma



"Even before Creation, Lord Siva had related what was inevitable. And

even afterward, He gave the necessary instructions about how one

should live here in this world.


Question: What do You mean Mother?


Amma: Before Creation, Sakti (the Primordial Nature, Cosmic Energy)

heard a voice saying, "There is only sorrow in Creation; You should

not undertake it."

It was the voice of Siva (pure consciousness). Sakti replied, "No, it

needs to be done." Thus even before Creation, Siva had given hints to

Sakti regarding the nature of Creation. It was only after the warning

that He granted permission to create.

After Creation, He, the Pure Consciousness aspect, receded. In

reality, He has nothing to do with all these things happening around

us. Later Sakti ran to Him, complaining, "I have no peace. Look here,

the children are scolding Me. They blame Me for everything. Nobody

takes care of Me."


Siva said, "Didn't I tell You that it was going to be like this and

that You should not pursue it (Creation)? Now You create an uproar

having gone ahead. Aren't You the One Who is responsible for all this

having happened? There was no problem when I was alone, was there?"


Amma: Sometimes, here in the Ashram, when the children's longing for

God declines, Mother cannot bear it. She feels inexpressible pain. At

these times, Mother tells Her children, "Alas!!!Siva told me not to

depart from Him and

bother with all this. Look here, now I am suffering."(All burst into


Now how can I go complain to Him? He will ask, "Didn't I warn You

about this earlier?"




there, now doesn't that just settle all the dust?


in Her Divine Love,

and in Her Service


as ever,

your own self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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