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First I want to clarify that my suggestion to Ekanath that he talk to

Dayamritaji was not a criticism of him for discussing his problems in this

forum. Rather, it was offered in the context that we both attend the San

Ramon Satsang on a regular basis and I thought it might be helpful.


When I first met Amma, I wondered what the Swamis had to offer me. They

seemed to be ordinary mortals like myself and after all, I knew a lot about

spirituality already, I thought. Over time I came to realize that what they

have to offer is that they have completely dedicated their lives to Amma and

thus are powerful conduits for Her Love and energy. They have also spent

considerable time studying Her teachings and have many personal experiences

to share for our benefit. I am not saying that they are perfect, in fact they

are awesomely humble, in my experience. In that humility lies their wisdom.

They always begin their talks with salutations to their brothers and sisters

and are usually the first to admit their own faults and limitations. Much of

what they say validates things I have figured out but often I learn something



As for Br. Dayamrita, he is called Swamiji with respectful affection because

of the role he plays as Amma's representative here in the US. (note: He is

usually referred to as Dayamrita Swami not as Swami Dayamrita.) This is a

very difficult position for him. His personal preference would be to be with

Amma. Just last month, in the first Satsang he gave after tour, he talked

about how much he wanted to run and jump on the plane with Amma back to

India. What keeps him going, he said, is his gratitude for all She gives him.

I find this kind of sharing of his process to be valuable and validating.


I was also a member of the Santa Fe Satsang during part of the time that he

was there a lot. I remember when I had a meeting with him about a problem

that my son and some of the other kids were having. After I described the

problem, he sat quietly for quite some time before answering. At the time, I

thought he was thinking about what I had said. Later it seemed to me that

rather than thinking, he had been listening inside for Amma's guidance. In

the time that I have known him, I feel that he has grown tremendously.


I have been blessed to be first in Santa Fe for three years and then to have

been able to attend satsangs and Mother's programs in San Ramon for the past

four years. I was able to be here for a year and a half of Swami

Paramatmananda's time giving satsangs and teaching classes and also to be

here in the spring of 2000 when Swami Amritaswarupananda was here for several

months. Anyway, I just wanted to share my perspective on this.


Om Amriteswariye Namaha, Amalia

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