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Fwd: from Amritanand in India

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Dear Ones,


Singapore was beautiful but it was time to move on to

the real object of my trip, India. This fall people

in the US have been complaining about all the security

they have to go through at the airport due to 9/11.

But I'm reminded in leaving Singapore of all that is

involved with security in taking a flight to India.


For instance, in Singapore, I had to put my bags

through an x-ray scan at the ticket counter - that was

just the checked baggage. Then I had to put myself

and my carry-on luggage through the security gate and

get scanned with the wand. Then out at the gate I had

to get frisked and my carry-on searched again.


Same thing upon entering India, on top of going

through customs and immigration. We could learn some

things from India. The security checks are especially

meaningful and somehow reassuring with the recent

attack on India's Parliament on the 13th.


Entered India at Madras, spent a comfortable night

there but was glad to move on due to extreme auto

pollution and mosquitoes even in a nicer hotel.


Arrived in Calicut on Tuesday the 18th. I was very

glad to see the beautiful coconut palms and relative

lack of pollution of this area -glad to be back in

sunny Kerala.


There are many Muslims here, but also Christmas is

celebrated. Shops are selling these big lighted and

highly decorative stars that you can light up and put

in your window. They have a beautiful newer (1988)

airport here, very clean and relaxed. Lots of smiling

and helpful people in Kerala. Other sounds of Kerala

are the ubiquitous crows and the rooster and the local

train horn that wake you up in the morning. Glad to

make use of the pool at the hotel to take some



Yesterday was the first day of the programs in

Calicut. The devotees here are known to be especially

devoted to Amma. Since it was my first time seeing

Mother this trip, I was allowed to go for darshan.

That will be my last time for darshan until I arrive

in Amritapuri. Mother widened her eyes and laughed in

recognition of welcome.


It was her special resolve for me to be allowed to sit

on a very crowded stage for a half hour and then to be

allowed to hand her candy prasad for a few sweet

minutes! Thank you Amma!


During the rest of the day I had a few happy reunions

with other Americans I know from the San Ramon satsang

and the US tour. It is a very sweet bond being on

tour. Everyone is so welcoming and cordial. The

typical day here this week includes about 6 rounds of

archana during the day, with a daytime program

beginning about 11:30 a.m., with a talk by Amma and

bhajans, then darshan, then a break with archanas, and

tea. The evening programs begin about 8:30, with

devotee talk, Amma talk, bhajans, ending around 9:30,

with dinner afterwards.


As in my visit here 3 years ago, I notice the grace

and graciousness of the Calicut devotees in dealing

with the Westerners - everyone is relaxed and helpful.


It was good to talk to other Americans and swap

arrival stories. One person had not gotten a visa to

visit India and had to get one in Singapore in just a

few hours. Another person had to wait for multiple

stand bys out of Singapore before arriving in India.

It is not always easy to get here in December when so

many want to travel.


I am very glad to be back in India. Despite the

challenges, this is an intriguing country and I feel

at home in so many ways. Of course, being with Amma

(who looks relaxed and vibrant, by the way) is the

true gift and I thank her on this forum for allowing

me to be here with my other sisters and brothers, it

is a very sweet time. I'll be here in Calicut until

Sunday when we go back in the bus to Amritapuri,

arriving back there late at night.


Greetings to all and Happy Holidays,



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--- adarl52357 wrote:

> Dear Ones,


> But I'm reminded in leaving Singapore of all that is

> involved with security in taking a flight to India.


Thanks for sharing your india experience. Makes me

want even more to return to the embrace of Bharat

Mata. It was 6 years ago this month that I visited

India. spent Christmas day 95 in Bombay, riding the

local train between Churchgate and Bombay Central

station, visiting Elephanta Caves, and betting a few

rupees at the Mahalaxmi Race Course. My horses didn't



Since an Air India 747 was blown out of the sky in

1985 (almost all the victims were Indian-Canadians),

security on Air India is second only to El Al. On my

flight home, I was frisked by an Indian army G.I. (or

"jawan" to use the Hindi term) with a rifle slung over

his shoulder, and a fixed bayonet to boot!


Jai Ma!


Keval (Mike Brooker)

Toronto, ON Canada




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