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Excerpts from Amma's Satsang on New Year's Day 2002

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"Be Like a Rainbow"

Jnanamritam New Year's Day 2002


Excerpts from Amma's Satsang on New Year's Day 2002

Today, we have stepped into the year 2002. When the New Year arrives, we

always aspire to something new. We feel that something new may happen. But by

the mere change in numbers, nothing much is going to change. Two plus two has

been four, is four and will always be four. We cannot expect it to become

five. Likewise truth is unchangeable. In the past, it was; in the present, it

is; and in the future, it shall be. Nothing can be added to or subtracted

from it. A new truth cannot be provided.



The real change has to come from within. Even though the external environment

may change, we may not become more happy or peaceful within. The inner realm

has to change for the better if we are to accept situations in life with

proper understanding.


We usually do not count our blessings, but are ever ready to complain. This

attitude is wrong. God has given us so much in life—healthy bodies, sunshine,

air and water. Yet, we do not express our gratitude towards God. We should

try to cultivate a heart filled with gratitude and love for God.


Once, there was a little girl whose legs were paralysed. She was destined to

remain in a wheelchair for her entire life. This little girl used to watch

other children playing every day in the playground near her house. Because

she was unable to join in their play, she always felt sad about her plight.


One day, as the girl was looking out of the window, it started raining even

as the sun was shining. A beautiful rainbow appeared, and the little girl

became overjoyed to see it. She forgot her own sadness and pain for a little

while. After a few moments, the rainbow vanished. The girl became sad again,

and hoped that the beautiful rainbow would appear again.


Every day, she would gaze into the sky hoping to see the rainbow, but it

never appeared. And the girl would approach her mother, asking, "Mom, when

will I be able to see the rainbow again?" The mother would console her

daughter, saying, "My child, when it rains and when the sun shines at the

same time, the rainbow will appear again." The little girl continued waiting

in anticipation.


By doing this, she forgot her pain, sadness and suffering. Even though she

still saw the children playing in the nearby playground, she stopped feeling

sad about her disability. Instead, she was filled with hope and expectation,

full of dreams that the beautiful rainbow would appear again.


Suddenly, one day, it started raining while the sun was still shining, and

the rainbow appeared again. The little girl was so excited. She wanted to go

as close to the rainbow as she could, and she insisted that her mother take

her near the rainbow. The mother knew the rainbow would disappear very soon.

Still, she did not want to disappoint her daughter. So they drove down the

streets, and finally the mother told the daughter, "My child, let us stop

here. From here, we have a beautiful view."


The little girl stared up at the rainbow in rapture. In a soft and gentle

voice, she said, "O Rainbow, how did you get these beautiful colours? How did

you become so beautiful?"


The rainbow replied, "My child, I used to be as sad as you. I used to feel

pained at heart seeing all the scenes of celebration around me. But one day,

I thought to myself, 'Why should I feel unhappy? Why should I be sad?

Although I only appear for a few seconds before disappearing, I can use that

short period of time to make others happy. I should forget my sadness and

make others happy.' When that thought arose, I became determined to make

others happy. I became more and more beautiful, because I became more and

more open. Just the thought of making others happy made me so colourful."


Even as the rainbow was talking to the girl, it was slowly vanishing. When it

had completely disappeared, the little girl took an oath: "Like the rainbow,

I too will make others happy. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I will try

my best to make others happy. I will remain open so that others can be

benefited from the happiness that I feel within."


We may be able to think of countless reasons for feeling sad, upset or

depressed. But instead of brooding over our own problems, let us think, "What

can I offer to the world? What can I do for the world?" And just that

thought, that positive thinking, will help us to feel happier, will help us

to remain more and more open to all circumstances of life, which in turn will

help others as well.


Last year, there were so many inhuman, bloodcurdling acts. Many innocent

people died in earthquakes, wars and terrorist attacks. Let the New Year be

filled with God's love and grace. Let us pray to the Divine that such

incidents never happen again. But Amma also wants to remind Her children

that, as ordinary human beings, we cannot put an end to such happenings.

Earthquakes, wars or terrorist attacks may occur again. We should try to

acquire spiritual power or inner mental strength to overcome such situations.


We all have to die one day, and, in fact, we are getting closer to death

every moment. But even though the body perishes, the soul continues to live;

it is deathless. This is just like the electricity that continues to exist

even when the bulb burns out. This is the essential principle of spirituality.


Actually, we are not afraid of death. We are afraid of the loss we will incur

when we die. We are too attached to the world and to the objects of the

world, and we are afraid of losing everything. It is this attachment that

causes the fear, not death in itself.


However, whatever we are attached to—whether it be our house, wife, children,

relations or worldly objects—is not going to accompany us. When we leave the

body, we have to leave all of these as well.


So, in the short span of time given to us, let us strive to become like a

beautiful rainbow that makes others happy. May the Supreme bestow grace upon




Amritapuri.org Page Posted on Thursday, January 3, 2002 .

© Mata Amritanandamayi Math.


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