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Mother's guidance??? Where is Mother NOT???

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Ammachi, Ellen Lamb <jyotsna2> wrote:

> Yes, I understand your question perfectly.

> Personally, after 6 years as an Amma devotee I've

> had to revert to attending a group that DOES

> support meditation. Singing bhajans is simply not

> enough for me.


> Jyotsna


> --- sprose1@a... wrote:

> > In a message dated 1/19/02 3:44:34 AM Eastern

> > Standard Time,


> > No real support for

> > one's meditation is given. This seems to bother

> > only a few though.

> >

> >

Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!



Namaste darling sisters and brothers!!!


i have been reading this little thread referring to Mother's

guidance....with some disbelief...and some empathy...and some "how do

you not see?"


darling sisters and brothers....Mother is giving us guidance every

single moment of the day...with EVERY thing that is happening to

us...we have only to pay attention as she has requested so often...

Shraddha, children....we must have more shraddha...


Mother's guidance is easily enough sought....it can easily take the

form of ongoing prayer, or writing Her a letter...(email or hard

copy)...and then either sending it or putting it on the altar...and

burning it after prayers..


we are looking for quick fixes...and a dedicated phone line to

GOD...but we are looking, darling children, in ALL the wrong places!!!

we are looking outside....and the magical phone line is

INSIDE...Mother Herself has stated this so often...that we must FIRST

have faith in OUR OWN SELVES...and NOT in an External GURU, or

GOD...because we all have within our own selves that very same Devi,

which has manifested openly as Amma....we too, have Lord Siva sitting

in meditation, and Lord Krsna playing His Flute....all the Devas and

Devis are WITHIN US!!! and US alone...


so when we are looking for guidance from Mother, and we KNOW that She

is Avatara of the Divine Mother...the Adi Para Sakti...Maha Laksmi,

Maha Kali...Maha Maya, how can we question that she is giving guidance

to us always??? we whould rather question as to why WE are unable to

receive or UNDERSTAND Mother's constant and ongoing teachings....


Mother is not answering our questions necessarily with Her OWN loving

words...sometimes they are the loving words of our darling child...or

our beloved spouse...or our annoyed boss...or......or it can be even

seen, dear ones in the way that Nature Herself is moving...and the

events that transpire as we might take a walk to work...all of these,

dear Ones are Only Amma's teachings to us DAILY...only WE are

currently unable to discern this...and foolishly think that we must

ask Her in person for Her teachings...and that She must answer in

Person for us individually....Mother's teachings are available to the

reader thru Her books...thru Her videos, thru Her songs...thru Her

everyday commitment to Her darling children...what more guidance do

you NEED??????


MOTHER'S life ITSELF is ALL the guidance that ANYONE should need...She

doesn't even need to speak...HER ACTIONS SPEAK....EVERY SINGLE BREATH

that Mother is taking is ONLY for Her children...this is guidance for

us also...it is a teaching for US how to live in dedication to our

sisters and brothers...what MORE teachings do we NEED?????


As Amma has said so often, dear ones....if we expect to sit with

closed eyes and meditate and achieve liberation thru this alone, we

are sadly deceiving ourselves...because the issue is what we

DO....daily, hourly, minutely...what we DO with our coworkers, our

families and so one..HOW DO WE BEHAVE DAILY ...are we a message of

Divine LOVE>>>>>>>


or are we just another downer to add to the downers of the world....


how do we need Mother's verbal guidance in this???


All the great Masters have said the same thing that we are in essence

nothing but SATCHITANANDA....Being (Truth) Consciousness BLISS...and

if we are listening to our OWN SELVES...in the depths of our

hearts...following as best we can in our Mother's footsteps, why then

can we not give Her a little room in the questioning line



Do we REALLY need to ask Her all these trivial questions about our

lives...our jobs...our relationships and so on???Mother's guidance is

ALWAYS with us..only we have to tune into it...then we will


ongoing guidance...right now She is giving...but we are not tuned to

the right station...so all we are getting is static..


we have to tune our "radio" ourselves...if by meditation, then by

meditation...but as Amma has also said..Bhajans first...then

meditation...it is NOT that we are supposed ONLY to sing Bhajans...it

is only that the Bhajans are an AID to concentration...cause the world

around us is so noisy that it is difficult for beginners to

concentrate on God, when the traffic is roaring by outside....the

sirens of the police cars...the ambulances...etc...so Mother Knowing

how difficult it is to jump RIGHT into meditation...has prescribed in

Her kindness a medicine which will help us to concentrate

better...that medicine is called "Bhajan"...but when the medicine has

done its work...we can move forward...to concentration and

meditation...this is a NATURAL progression...which one notices quite

quickly when one sings for Amma...in the satsangs or alone...


it is a natural feeling to want to sit peacefully silent, blissfully

tasting the nectar of Amma's DIVINE presence within one's own self,

after singing the Divine Names of our Mother....it is also natural to

want to sit in a blissful silence enjoying Her Presence which is so

Intoxicating after the Bhajans....


and it is truly fine also if you can blissfully sink into that silence

and joy, without having to sing the Names or Bhajans...but that may be

difficult for many....and i would seriously advise AGAINST giving that

kind of advice...Most will merely writhe around in their own fantasies

and so on...distracted by every sound...even the breaths of their

neighbours...it is too much to ask...and so we have been prescribed

with those medicines...Bhajan....and the Names of Devi...and THEN



it is up to us, as to whether we will RECEIVE Mother's well known

guidance in this department or not...and if we will not follow Her

advice in even the simplest sadhanas.....then who are we, to expect

Her to give us verbal advice in Darshan...She knows we won't listen



So to say that Mother is not giving us guidance daily is really to

betray one's innocence of WHAT Mother is about here....She has been

coming to America for SO MANY YEARS now...and how many realise that

REALLY She has NEVER arrived, NOR departed America...because She was

ALWAYS here...and yet we are complaining about how hard it is between

the summer showers of Her visits...


Perhaps we need to think about Mother's purposes Here...just as

Swamini Krishnamrita Prana a long time ago in the Matruvani wrote,

Mother's comings and Her goings are all equally Her gifts to

us....When She is coming, we are all so happy...and when She is

going...so sad...and yet in Her going is one of Her greatest

gifts...because HOW CAN WE MISS HER IF SHE DOESN"T LEAVE....(for those

of us who identify solely with the OUTER Amma)...thus She HAS to

leave...just as Lord Krsna HAD to leave Brindavan...so that the Gopis

could mature in their Prema Bhakti to Him,....so Mother offers us the

gift of Her absence...so that we may go within to find Her REAL

PRESENCE which just as She always promises, is "always with us"....and

when we find Her Presence WITHIN us...then a part of Amma's work is

done...and we will thank Her for Her goings just as much as for Her

comings...because each is a great gift to Her Darling Children...


Each step Mother takes...each action She makes...every breath She

breathes...every word She utters...every Glance of Love, and

Sympathetic Smile is a guidance to each and every ONE of us, Her

children as to how to LIVE ourselves....we do not need Her to

literally TELL us this in words...She IS telling us by HER VERY LIFE



Thus darling sisters and brothers...instead of complaining that Amma

is giving no guidance, i would implore you with all the love in my

heart...to LOOK WITHIN...and see what Amma has to say to you...and

look carefully at what is happening in your everyday life...to see

what Amma has to say to you...She is speaking with every word that

anyone says...every action that anyone makes...the entire Creation is

Nothing but Amma's Teachings and Her Beautiful Graceful Leela to those

who can Look and see this....and if all that be too difficult, merely

regard our Amma Herself...and therein one may easily see JUST HOW TO

LIVE...with compassion and Divine Love.


and darling ones...if even THIS gutter lying child of Amma's can learn

to see and feel this...then what is the problem with all the rest of

you who have NOT been spending so much time in the gutters???

or are there special teachings courtesy of Lord Sani...IN the

gutters?? if so, may all experience the grace of the gutters!!! (just



but i DO see Mother's ESSENTIAL teachings as having MUCH more to do

with ACTION....Compassion in Action, Seva, the "fragrance" of the gold

of meditation.....and that Meditation practice is more to support

that...than a goal in itself...in reality, are we not supposed to be

in meditation throughout the day, during our everyday

activities....other wise we may be PRACTISING it...but are we actually

MEDITATING....it is NOT something that we DO...it is something that we

ARE....and it should be manifesting throughout all our everyday

activities, and NOT just on the meditation cushion...it is a HOLISTIC

kind of approach rather than the usual western "dice it up and examine

it" kind of approach...the WHOLE of one's life must be in tune with

this...not just a sunday bhajan kind of thing...when we are ready to

dedicate ourselves in this way to the Divine Mother, then we will see

and hear Her guidance all the time, and we will feel Her Love for us

too...in the way the whole universe is dancing...in the beautiful

Nature...in the Loving smiles of our children...


In OUR Amma's Divine LOVE

and in Her humble Service,

as ever,

your own self,


silly me...




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah

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Dear Visvanathan,

What a truly beautiful reply, and what great understanding!

Thank you for taking the time to remind us all that our lives are our

sadhana--our Teacher,our personalized lesson plan, and our homework.

How amazing it would be to always be totally surrendered to the grace

present in every moment of my life, and to act from the highest

understanding I can muster of what it means to 'Let go and let God'.

If I can give my whole heart to That which exists in everything in my

life, then there would be nothing left for me to desire, nothing more

for me to seek. It is already right here, perfect, whole and

permeated completely with Divine Love. How lucky is that?!! Love,

Pam >





> Namaste darling sisters and brothers!!!


> i have been reading this little thread referring to Mother's

> guidance....with some disbelief...and some empathy...and some "how


> you not see?"


> darling sisters and brothers....Mother is giving us guidance every

> single moment of the day...with EVERY thing that is happening to

> us...we have only to pay attention as she has requested so often...

> Shraddha, children....we must have more shraddha...


> Mother's guidance is easily enough sought....it can easily take the

> form of ongoing prayer, or writing Her a letter...(email or hard

> copy)...and then either sending it or putting it on the altar...and

> burning it after prayers..


> we are looking for quick fixes...and a dedicated phone line to

> GOD...but we are looking, darling children, in ALL the wrong


> we are looking outside....and the magical phone line is

> INSIDE...Mother Herself has stated this so often...that we must


> have faith in OUR OWN SELVES...and NOT in an External GURU, or

> GOD...because we all have within our own selves that very same Devi,

> which has manifested openly as Amma....we too, have Lord Siva


> in meditation, and Lord Krsna playing His Flute....all the Devas and

> Devis are WITHIN US!!! and US alone...


> so when we are looking for guidance from Mother, and we KNOW that


> is Avatara of the Divine Mother...the Adi Para Sakti...Maha Laksmi,

> Maha Kali...Maha Maya, how can we question that she is giving


> to us always??? we whould rather question as to why WE are unable to

> receive or UNDERSTAND Mother's constant and ongoing teachings....


> Mother is not answering our questions necessarily with Her OWN


> words...sometimes they are the loving words of our darling


> our beloved spouse...or our annoyed boss...or......or it can be even

> seen, dear ones in the way that Nature Herself is moving...and the

> events that transpire as we might take a walk to work...all of


> dear Ones are Only Amma's teachings to us DAILY...only WE are

> currently unable to discern this...and foolishly think that we must

> ask Her in person for Her teachings...and that She must answer in

> Person for us individually....Mother's teachings are available to


> reader thru Her books...thru Her videos, thru Her songs...thru Her

> everyday commitment to Her darling children...what more guidance do

> you NEED??????


> MOTHER'S life ITSELF is ALL the guidance that ANYONE should


> doesn't even need to speak...HER ACTIONS SPEAK....EVERY SINGLE


> that Mother is taking is ONLY for Her children...this is guidance


> us also...it is a teaching for US how to live in dedication to our

> sisters and brothers...what MORE teachings do we NEED?????


> As Amma has said so often, dear ones....if we expect to sit with

> closed eyes and meditate and achieve liberation thru this alone, we

> are sadly deceiving ourselves...because the issue is what we

> DO....daily, hourly, minutely...what we DO with our coworkers, our

> families and so one..HOW DO WE BEHAVE DAILY ...are we a message of

> Divine LOVE>>>>>>>


> or are we just another downer to add to the downers of the world....


> how do we need Mother's verbal guidance in this???


> All the great Masters have said the same thing that we are in


> nothing but SATCHITANANDA....Being (Truth) Consciousness BLISS...and

> if we are listening to our OWN SELVES...in the depths of our

> hearts...following as best we can in our Mother's footsteps, why


> can we not give Her a little room in the questioning line

> department???


> Do we REALLY need to ask Her all these trivial questions about our

> lives...our jobs...our relationships and so on???Mother's guidance


> ALWAYS with us..only we have to tune into it...then we will

> SPONTANEOUSLY RECEIVE and UNDERSTAND that we ARE receiving Mother's

> ongoing guidance...right now She is giving...but we are not tuned to

> the right station...so all we are getting is static..


> we have to tune our "radio" ourselves...if by meditation, then by

> meditation...but as Amma has also said..Bhajans first...then

> meditation...it is NOT that we are supposed ONLY to sing


> is only that the Bhajans are an AID to concentration...cause the


> around us is so noisy that it is difficult for beginners to

> concentrate on God, when the traffic is roaring by outside....the

> sirens of the police cars...the ambulances...etc...so Mother Knowing

> how difficult it is to jump RIGHT into meditation...has prescribed


> Her kindness a medicine which will help us to concentrate

> better...that medicine is called "Bhajan"...but when the medicine


> done its work...we can move forward...to concentration and

> meditation...this is a NATURAL progression...which one notices quite

> quickly when one sings for Amma...in the satsangs or alone...


> it is a natural feeling to want to sit peacefully silent, blissfully

> tasting the nectar of Amma's DIVINE presence within one's own self,

> after singing the Divine Names of our Mother....it is also natural


> want to sit in a blissful silence enjoying Her Presence which is so

> Intoxicating after the Bhajans....


> and it is truly fine also if you can blissfully sink into that


> and joy, without having to sing the Names or Bhajans...but that may


> difficult for many....and i would seriously advise AGAINST giving


> kind of advice...Most will merely writhe around in their own


> and so on...distracted by every sound...even the breaths of their

> neighbours...it is too much to ask...and so we have been prescribed

> with those medicines...Bhajan....and the Names of Devi...and THEN

> meditation...


> it is up to us, as to whether we will RECEIVE Mother's well known

> guidance in this department or not...and if we will not follow Her

> advice in even the simplest sadhanas.....then who are we, to expect

> Her to give us verbal advice in Darshan...She knows we won't listen

> anyways!!!


> So to say that Mother is not giving us guidance daily is really to

> betray one's innocence of WHAT Mother is about here....She has been

> coming to America for SO MANY YEARS now...and how many realise that

> REALLY She has NEVER arrived, NOR departed America...because She was

> ALWAYS here...and yet we are complaining about how hard it is


> the summer showers of Her visits...


> Perhaps we need to think about Mother's purposes Here...just as

> Swamini Krishnamrita Prana a long time ago in the Matruvani wrote,

> Mother's comings and Her goings are all equally Her gifts to

> us....When She is coming, we are all so happy...and when She is

> going...so sad...and yet in Her going is one of Her greatest

> gifts...because HOW CAN WE MISS HER IF SHE DOESN"T LEAVE....(for


> of us who identify solely with the OUTER Amma)...thus She HAS to

> leave...just as Lord Krsna HAD to leave Brindavan...so that the


> could mature in their Prema Bhakti to Him,....so Mother offers us


> gift of Her absence...so that we may go within to find Her REAL

> PRESENCE which just as She always promises, is "always with


> when we find Her Presence WITHIN us...then a part of Amma's work is

> done...and we will thank Her for Her goings just as much as for Her

> comings...because each is a great gift to Her Darling Children...


> Each step Mother takes...each action She makes...every breath She

> breathes...every word She utters...every Glance of Love, and

> Sympathetic Smile is a guidance to each and every ONE of us, Her

> children as to how to LIVE ourselves....we do not need Her to

> literally TELL us this in words...She IS telling us by HER VERY LIFE



> Thus darling sisters and brothers...instead of complaining that Amma

> is giving no guidance, i would implore you with all the love in my

> heart...to LOOK WITHIN...and see what Amma has to say to you...and

> look carefully at what is happening in your everyday life...to see

> what Amma has to say to you...She is speaking with every word that

> anyone says...every action that anyone makes...the entire Creation


> Nothing but Amma's Teachings and Her Beautiful Graceful Leela to


> who can Look and see this....and if all that be too difficult,


> regard our Amma Herself...and therein one may easily see JUST HOW TO

> LIVE...with compassion and Divine Love.


> and darling ones...if even THIS gutter lying child of Amma's can


> to see and feel this...then what is the problem with all the rest of

> you who have NOT been spending so much time in the gutters???

> or are there special teachings courtesy of Lord Sani...IN the

> gutters?? if so, may all experience the grace of the gutters!!!


> kidding!)


> but i DO see Mother's ESSENTIAL teachings as having MUCH more to do

> with ACTION....Compassion in Action, Seva, the "fragrance" of the


> of meditation.....and that Meditation practice is more to support

> that...than a goal in itself...in reality, are we not supposed to be

> in meditation throughout the day, during our everyday

> activities....other wise we may be PRACTISING it...but are we


> MEDITATING....it is NOT something that we DO...it is something that


> ARE....and it should be manifesting throughout all our everyday

> activities, and NOT just on the meditation cushion...it is a


> kind of approach rather than the usual western "dice it up and


> it" kind of approach...the WHOLE of one's life must be in tune with

> this...not just a sunday bhajan kind of thing...when we are ready to

> dedicate ourselves in this way to the Divine Mother, then we will


> and hear Her guidance all the time, and we will feel Her Love for us

> too...in the way the whole universe is dancing...in the beautiful

> Nature...in the Loving smiles of our children...


> In OUR Amma's Divine LOVE

> and in Her humble Service,

> as ever,

> your own self,


> silly me...


> visvanathan


> Om Amrtesvaryai Namah

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Jai Visvanath:



> we are looking for quick fixes...and a dedicated phone line to

> GOD...but we are looking, darling children, in ALL the wrong places!!!



How most beautifully said, how very real.


Thanks for your wonderful posting. It's a keeper!






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Namaste Sri Viswanathan!


Thank you very much for your rather profoundly

insightful mail. Truly like Lord Viswanatha at Kasi,

you are an embodiment of wisdom.


I did start looking at the whole world as being filled

with the Divine Mother. And formerly in my dealings

with other people, where the ego asserted to show my

superiority, knowledge etc.., when I started looking

at them as also part of Amma, a deep humility replaced

it with some understanding and love. And most people

have hidden fear however belligerantly they may claim

otherwise, but what is there to fear when you are in

the lap of the Divine Mother all the time. Nodoubt I

am only making a beginning and have a long way to go

but so far it has been good.


Though I still feel that Amma must do something to

give guidance in meditation for people who cannot go

to Amritapuri.


Again I want to express my gratitude, and look forward

to more posts from you of a practical nature.


Aum Namasivaya,





Great stuff seeking new owners in Auctions!


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Namah shivaya


There is a nice cassette of Guided Meditation given by Big Swamiji,

that's very helpful also. You can listen, enjoy and practise at your



just fyi:




Ammachi, Yoga man <childofdevi> wrote:

> Namaste Sri Viswanathan!


> Thank you very much for your rather profoundly

> insightful mail. Truly like Lord Viswanatha at Kasi,

> you are an embodiment of wisdom.


> I did start looking at the whole world as being filled

> with the Divine Mother. And formerly in my dealings

> with other people, where the ego asserted to show my

> superiority, knowledge etc.., when I started looking

> at them as also part of Amma, a deep humility replaced

> it with some understanding and love. And most people

> have hidden fear however belligerantly they may claim

> otherwise, but what is there to fear when you are in

> the lap of the Divine Mother all the time. Nodoubt I

> am only making a beginning and have a long way to go

> but so far it has been good.


> Though I still feel that Amma must do something to

> give guidance in meditation for people who cannot go

> to Amritapuri.


> Again I want to express my gratitude, and look forward

> to more posts from you of a practical nature.


> Aum Namasivaya,

> Vijay




> Great stuff seeking new owners in Auctions!

> http://auctions.

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