Guest guest Posted June 8, 2002 Report Share Posted June 8, 2002 India has the highest percentage of vegetarians in the world, as well as the highest number of vegetarians. Only Lord Shiva and His masters know the exact numbers. If we say that there are 300 million vegetarians and 700 million Hindus who abstain from cow flesh, it is only our guess. Please disseminate the following article to many, to spread Gopal's universal ahimsa. PLEASE POLYPOST: (7000 vegan MD's) WHAT'S IN A BURGER? BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS (AS WELL AS BIOTERRORISM) I INTRINSIC IN ALL ANIMAL FLESH .. THE BLOOD is called juice after its chemical nature changes from cooking. .. SWEAT OR PRE URINE is uric acid or trixoypurine.. more addictive than caffein (dioxypurine). It is the primary cause of arthritis and rigidity as it crystallizes into needles jabbing the joints. Uric acid would have been eliminated by the animal's muscle cells had she not been butchered. .. TEARS THE ADRENALIN secreted by terrorized animals survives cooking.. since it is a protein enzyme.. only some of whose links are broken.. it is the ingestion of anger, terror, and agony. Such meat adrenalin has been correlated to violence. A recent Maryland prison study reported reduced violence in those eating vegetables. Ingesting meat causes the body to be a constant state of unnatural alert. /messages/teachnonviolence .. THE FECES poured out by terrorized animals has traces in the ecoli or colon bacteria.. not only their own waste but that of other cows on which they often slip as they are being skinned alive at Iowa Beef Processors or other sites. Dr. John Harvy Kellogg, affiliated in the last century with Kellogg cereals found that after a few hours ecoli (colon or intestinal bacteria) can multiply into the billions. SENILITY .. ALzheimer's Disease is caused by ALcohol, cooking with ALuminum, and the prions in ALlanimal protein. .. The animal fat in meat clogs cerebral arteries. (Wm Shakespeare in "Twelfth Night": "He is a heavy eater of beef. Methinks it doth harm to his wit." ) .. NO VITAMIN C C is in no animal products.. It speeds up the flow of brain snyapse messages and promotes connective tissue in the skin, said two time Nobel Laureaute Linus Pauling, who defined an orthomolecule as a molecule in fruit. C is a toxin bouncer. ..THE ANIMAL FAT CAUSES HEART ATTACKS Animal fat clogs the arteries causing heart attacks and strokes, which are the single major cause of death in the world. Meat deaths per year outdo alcohol, tobacco, and accidents combined. It is not just the animal fat in meat which causes this, but the uric acid (trioxypurine) is an unnatural stimulant, as is the adrenalin enzyme. Adrenalin mobilizes the body for fight or flight. Meateating puts the body in a constant state of stress. CANCER Countries with the highest meat consumption have the highest rates of intestinal cancer. Canada, Australia, the US, Argentina, and Chile are some of these. OVERWEIGHT: Dr Mervyn Hardinge working at an Ivy League university found that vegans weigh 23 lbs. less than nonvegetarians while dairy vegetarians weigh 12 lbs. less. Fruitarians weighed least. In the 3 month study, the groups were all given the same number of calories per day. The increased bulk and lack of constipating flesh in vegetarian and vegan diets is a factor. .. ANTHRAX, SMALLPOX (COW POX), TULAREMIA and other forms of bioterrorism all originate in the consumption of animal flesh or contact with their skins (hides, leather making, wool sorters' disease) The USDA which protects the multi trillion dollar meat industry while attempting to prevent diversity in fruit seeds from entering the country attributes only 700 deaths in animals to anthrax last year (500 in Texas) while virtually only NBC reported the anthrax in November 2001 in 21 California cows. II TOXIC ADDITIVES STERILITY: A Canadian study has found that female hormones flushed come into the water supply and cause sterile fish. Hundreds of times that amount of female hormones flows into streams from the urine of billions of cows given female hormones in the US. (Perhaps this is one way the kinder inherit the earth) In addition, new studies are finding that herbicides as well (such as Roundup) are causing sexual deformities in fish and that they continue to have power on the human population in parts as little as 1 per billion. .. THE FEMALE HORMONES given the cows become prostate, breast, and uterine cancer as well as nonreproductive cancers. Gynecomastia is male breast swelling from such hormones, which increase sexual pressure and are correlated also to rape. In Puerto Rico 2 year old children have developed sexually. The European Union has banned these hormones and has been more honest about Mad Cow in its meat supply. Tens of thousands of MEN are contracting breast cancer annually. IMPOTENCE is also a byproduct as male testosterone level is reduced. A 2nd cause of impotence is animal fat blockage in prostate arteries. FLY DUNG The dung of the cows is not the only waste which splatters onto the carcass. .. THE ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE in the animal's flesh is passed onto the humans devouring them HEAVY METALS IN MEAT & FISH (arsenic chromium mercury pcb's lead cadmium etc) cause memory loss, seniity and brain damage. The inaction of the unelected Bush administration in this matter has been well reported. GELATIN. THE MAD COW* proteins can incubate for 50 years said the World Health Organization's communicable disease division on the CBC. (Gelatin containing Mad Cow is found in jello, gelcaps, soaps, toothpastes, soups etc. Vegans are catheterized much more seldom than nonvegans. However if by chance a vegan is unconscious and catheterized against her will, often the gels used against her will are animal derived. The 5th Circuit has just upheld Howard Lyman after Amarillo cattlemen sued him. The Court held the truth is not libelous. GANGRENE The downed cows passed into the human meat supply by the corrupt USDA are often gangrenous. SONGLESS Susan Miller, voice specialist with Georgetown Univ Hosp (a vivisecting institution) has spoken of the rigidity of vocal chords caused by dioxypurine (caffeine). Trioxypurine (uric acid in meat) is even more damaging. PUTREFACTION: Like any corpse, animal flesh (meat) deteriorates after death. Even when the cadaver is frozen, creiophilic bacteria multiply. (see below) The inability of the body efficiently to digest animal flesh is a cause of appendicitis. When the animal flesh is heated, thermophilic bacteria develop. Dr John Harvey Kellogg found that billions of ecoli bacteria multiply in the body after the animal is dead a few hours. PERITONITIS When George Wallace was shot, he never completely healed from peritonitis caused by the bullet ripping through his intestinal tract after he had just eaten a hamburger. The bullet carried colon bacteria throughout the body. .. BENZOPYRENE, a carcinogen, applies only when meat is burned on the grill. NIH has added grilled meat, but not yet all meat, to its carcinogen list. Dr Samuel Epstein testified before Congress about inhalable benzopyrene, but ingested benzopyrene has been underreported. .. WASTELAGE In addition to the waste secreted by the cow is the waste fed to the cow. It is legal in many states to add the waste of many animals to the feed (a chauvinist term for food when given to animals). .. IMMUNE EXHAUSTION Just as polysexuality requires that the immune system adapt to the bioorganisms of each new partner, so does the eating of animals require the body to adapt to the bioorganisms of each slaughtered animals. The immune system can be healed by avoiding animal products & eating uncooked fruits such as nuts, peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, oranges, mangos. .. THE PRIONS cause cancer (recent Nobel Prize given to SF researcher re prions) .. SMALLPOX (COW POX OR KINE POX) Edward Jenner developed the first vaccinations against this meat consumption disease Meat industry money has changed the name from cow pox and kine pox to smallpox. .. LIPS, SNOUTS, EYES, INTESTINAL LININGS, SPINAL CORDS, BRAIN STEMS Common to hot dogs are 'trash' meats which contain many pieces of animal correlated to Mad Cow and other diseases. .. AIDS Dr Anthony Fauci, animal abuser at NIH, stated at a press conference that monkey meat consumption was one cause of AIDS. While cows' meat is not monkey meat, it does contain BLV or bovine leukemia virus, the same disease as the HTLV with only a name change. For example, leukemia virus in horses is called ELV, equine leukemia virus, in pigs PLV porcine leukemia virus, etc. (Most AIDS was caused by smallpox vaccine from the World Health Organization says Pierce Wright, former science editor of the London Times.) .. THE SODIUM NITRATE.. red dye no. 2..forms nitrosamines in contact with animal protein. These nitrosamines are carcinogenic. In addition are many other carcinogenic. FOOD COLORING AGENTS .. PRESERVATIVES which keep meat from rotting.. also turn the body into a wax mummy .. MEAT TENDERIZERS such as MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE which break down animal flesh.. also break down the brain's necessary cellular proteins. Chinese restaurant meat (where MSG is used) is known to cause MSG headaches. .. THE METHYLCHOLANTHRENE AND MALANALDEHYDE are 2 carcinogens created by heating animal flesh and fat above 300 degrees while the ecoli is caused by just the opposite: undercooking. .. MERCURY at toxic levels is in much of the world's water. Fish are at the top of the ocean food chain, while meat is at the top of the land food chain. Mercury harms brain function. A class action suit against vaccines containing mercury has been filed because of correlation to children's neural damage. Rep Dan Burton's courageous fight against Henry Waxman to bring out this truth has been underreported. Countires with the most fish consumption have the most stomach cancer. .. POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENOLS are found even in the livers of polar bears. They are a byproduct of the lumber ](treekilling) industry as well as of GE and other transformers. They harm brain function. .. ARSENIC a poison.. in all the waters of the world. One source is the lumber industry. .. CHROMIUM a poison expelled by some steel manufacturers .. MONONUCLEOSIS Like AIDS whose meat eating origins have been obscured, mononucleosis was called the kissing disease when in reality this immune depression disease was more frequently caused by rare meat. .. INSECTICIDES AND HERBICIDES in the grain such as Roundup by Monsanto are concentrated in the milk and the meat of the animals. Each average weight 1000 lb. cow ate 21,000 lbs. average before being forced to the slaughterhouse. As fish are at the top of the ocean food chain, animal products are at thetop of the Mother Earth food chain, concentrating many times more insecticides than non organic fruits and vegetables. It is best to eat organic food, for the sake of all beings. ACIDITY: Meat is one of the most acid of foods, raising the body's acidity level. Acidification is a major cause of aging. Animal protein is high in sodium, affecting negatively the sodium potassium balance. NAMES OF FOOD POISONING DISEASES ..Brucellosis, ptomaine, salmonella, trichinosis (pork flesh worms), hoof and mouth, toxoplasmosis (a rare meat disease) and many other food poisoning viruses, bacteriae are the names of some of the ten thousand diseases which can be transmitted to humans by eating flesh. Crieophilic bacteria in meat can resist freezing while thermophilic bacteria can resist boiling and baking. Dr Owen Parrett in the book "Diseases of Food Animals" mentioned many. MOLD OR MICOTOXINS Many meats have mold on their surface. SYPHILIS: connected to cow pox as well as to sexuality MUCUS: correlated in teens to it accumulates in the lungs and respiratory tracts and intestinal tract it can literally suffocate us. WORMS (in the bacon) are called trichinella and lead to trichinosis. (* NIH is finally after decades is readying to put grilled meat on the list of carcinogens) ALCOHOLISM: Several studies have been done on the relationship of alcohol to meat and their mutual craving. General Bramwell Booth, Russian mental health therapists and others have treated alcoholism with vegetarian diet. Alcohol is very expansive or yin. Meat is the most yang or concentrated of all foods. ADDICTION: The trioxypurine (uric acid) in meat is more addictive than the dioxypurine (caffein). OSTEOPOROSIS: The trioxypurines in meat are a cause of osteoporosis. GANGRENE OF THE BOWEL: Human beings have the longest intestinal tracts of any mammal. These tracts are designed for frugivores or fruit eaters. Gangrene of the bowel is one of many intestinal diseases caused by eating animal flesh. BUTYRIC ACID This ingredient of animal fat causes bad odor. It used to be that Asians complained of this in Westerners, but now Japanese meat consumption is requiring more deodorants. .. What's CREIOPHILIC bacteria? What's THERMOPHILIC bacteria? Creiophilic bacteria survives freezing in the pieces of animal called meat. Thermophilic bacteria survives 300 degrees. ttp:// /messages/nomow/119 WHAT ELSE? DEFORESTATION: . the sounds of trees being felled The cattle industry is one of the 3 greatest pressures on the world's forests, and therefore a cause of DROUGHT, FLOOD, HURRICANE and TORNADO FAMINE: . the cries of hungry children Meat yields 100 to 1000 lbs an acre, while fruit and nut tree products can yield 450,000 lbs or more if the trees are allowed to grow. ENERGY WASTE: A lb. of meat takes an average 80 times the production energy of a pound of fruit, as animal flesh must be refrigerated in slaughterhouse, warehouse, truck, grocer and home freezer, and then cooked, after the captive animals have required a short lifetime of veterinary care, antibiotics, feeders. CHILD ABUSE A spokesperson for the Minnesota Dept of Health stated on a network television show that giving ones child rare meat is a form of child abuse because of the dangers involved. PAIN: . the pain of cancer, heart disease, food poisoning arthritis, kidney disease, and all the other diseases associated with the consumption of animal flesh (Ironically, while the adrenalin enzymes make people angry, some joke that the female hormones make the men nicer) HIGH COSTS: The US pays the highest health care costs in the world, partly as a result of the USDA, NIH, CDC promotion of toxic animal products, partly because the US government is controlled by multinational pharmaceutical companies who pricegouge and stifle alternative healing methods. WHAT'S IN CHEESE Mastitis or infections of the udders of cows subjected to cruel milking machines which give them blood encrustations.. often drop those encrustations into the milk. These coagulations are stirred into the milk in general. WHAT'S IN WATER Not all the blood etc is in the meat. Slaughterhouses dump feces, urine (ammonia), blood, and infectious pus into the waterways, contaminating drinking for all. .. NO BULK OR FIBER Meat with no fiber is the leading cause of intestinal cancer. The countries with the most animal flesh consumption have the highest rates of intestinal cancer. THE BRAIN Brain destroying chemicals in meats include mercury, pcb's, cerebral artery clogging animal fat, meat tenderizers which break down brain tissue, the absence of vitamin C and other neuraltransmitters Albert Einstein, Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Ramanujan and other noted mathematicians were vegetarian. Da Vinci was a fruitarian. * Kuru, a disease contracted by cannibals' brain consumptionwhich has an incubation period of 50 years, is closely linked to Mad Cow. ** (for 30 years. this Nobel prion researcher found his work suppressed at Harvard which is invested heavily in the meat industry as are Univ of Texas and Stanford *** some items on this list are intrinsic to all meat.. **** There is no such thing as organic meat.. for insecticides are in all the waters of the world. ***** DES, diethylstilbestrolone female hormone, has been banned but many variants have taken its place THE FILM at shows animals being branded (castration not included in this video), debeaked, hung upside down by 1 hoof, struggling to pull away, defecating in fright, urinating in terror, being stunned with a stun gun, squealing, shrieking screaming Please ask PETA to reinstate the ability to see it on the web for free. FOOD RECALLS The USDA has a meat recall list at Sara Lee just recalled many thousand lbs. of meat (So called organic meat has no insecticides in the grain..and no hormones.. but everything else on the list) The body can be healed. Just as uric acid, cholesterol, and bacteria accumulate in the body, a vegan diet gradually eliminates them. Positive thought, prayer, and spiritual healers can all undo the past. FATHER MOTHER GOD THANK YOU THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY WILLED AN END TO ALL SLAUGHTERHOUSES, WAR, EXECUTION, DOMESTIC BATTERING AND OTHER FORMS OF VIOLENCE ON THE PLANET AND THAT YOUR PEACEABLE WORLD IS MANIFESTING NOW. (Despite reports liking hepatis vaccine to multiple sclerosis and other brain malfunctions, the CDC is continuing to promote the dangerous vaccine, reported NPR) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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