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Yoga and mind

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Many commentators on the yoga sutra of Patanjaii, talk

about five states of human mind. They are Ksipta, Mudha,

Viksipta, Ekagra and Nirodha.


Ksipta, is a very agitated and disturbed state of mind. Mudha is a

state of mind that is comparable to that of a fool. Viksipta is

when the mind is in a disturbed state, but is able to think. Ekagra

is a state where one is able to focus in one direction. This state

is closer to the Nirodha state. Nirodha is a state where the

mind is completely absorbed in only one direction for a length of





Mind can be understood by what it does. Patanjaii categorizes

the different activities of the mind into five.


(1) Pramana,(2) viparyaya,(3) vikalpa,(4) nidra,(5) smrtayah


Pramana is correct perception. This is possible either through

direct perception, or inference, or through a reference.


Viparyaya is wrong perception. This occurs when the mind perceives

something, which is not consistent with the reality. Either it is

partial perception or wrong perception.


Vikalpa is imagination. Imagination can be, based on fancy. So often

we imagine about different things, which probably we never have seen



Nidra is deep sleep, absence of mental activities, because of inertia.


Smrti is memory. This is perhaps the most powerful activity of the

mind.We are able to retain, what we have experienced.


Patanjali asserts that memory is never lost.




Patanjali in his Yoga sutra describes the different characteristics of

the mind - its strengths, its weaknesses and its apparently

ever-changing nature. When disciplined, it functions as a faithful

servant. Otherwise it becomes a cruel, master - the cause for much of

human suffering.


In his sutras, Patanjali declares that human mind, which is the cause

for much of the suffering we undergo, can also be disciplined in a way

that it becomes a tool to get rid of suffering.


However the path towards happiness is not easy. There will be a lot of





Patanjali in his sutras lists nine obstacles that one faces in the

pursuit of disciplining the human mind.


Vyadhi or disease is the first obstacle. In his commentary on the Yoga

sutra, Vyasa has defined vyadhi as the imbalance of the dhatu, rasa

and karana. Dhatus are the building materials of the human body - e.g.

Bone, skin, flesh etc.Rasa is the fluid in the body like blood, water

etc. Karana are the senses.


Styana is heaviness or laziness which prevents us from acting.


Samsaya or doubt is the third obstacle. When we are in doubt we do not

know which way to follow. This is the state of confusion.


Pramada or haste is the next one. Often our actions are hasty. In many

cases, we first act and then only think. This is our big obstacle.


Alasya is lack of enthusiasm. We start of with lot of enthusiasm, but

slowly it weans away. This is another obstacle to progress.


Avirati is lack of discipline. We are tempted by objects of the



Bhrantidarsana is illusions. We often live in illusions far from

reality. When confronted with reality, it is too much for us to handle

or accept.


Alabdhabhumikatva is lack of progression. We proceed with a plan, and

we do not progress in it. We get disappointed because of this.


Anavastitattva, is our regression. We sometimes progress, but

sometimes we fall back. Our inability to accept this is also an

obstacle to progress.


A person with any of these obstacles is considered a disturbed or a

sick person




Though the obstacles are quite deferrer from each other, their

symptoms are similar Patanjaii lists only four symptoms that can be

associated with persons with any of these obstacles.


Duhkha is a feeling which is not comfortable. The person is feeling

suffocated and wants to get out of this situation. There is pain which

is either physical, mental or emotional.


Daurmanasya is depression and other stress related symptoms, pessimism



Angamejayatva is physical trembling, rise in temperature, shivering,

unsteadiness of the physical parts of the body etc. For example -

inability to sit quietly.


Svasaprasvasa is disturbance and/or difficulty in breathing. Symptoms


gasping, panting, short of breath etc.




Patanjaii offers a range of solutions to those who are affected by

these symptoms.


1. Tat pratisedhartam ekatatabhyasah


One of the first solutions he gives is, proceed in one direction.

Often when we, are trying to reach a goal, and when not successful, we

try to change our direction, Patanjali warns us against it and urges

us to continue in the same direction.


2. Maitri karuna mudita upeksanam sukha duhkha punya apunya visayanam

bhavanatah citta prasadanam


Another solution Patanjaii offers is the cultivation of some attitudes

(bhavana). You are successful in your work, but when you see someone

else more successful, do not consider him as an enemy, consider him as

your friend. This will rid you of unnecessary tension. Similarly when

someone you know is suffering, show some compassion instead of

criticizing or making merry with his downfall. Also if one is doing

good things, Patanjaii suggests that you must appreciate the person,

and if some one is doing bad things, keeping a distance is suggested.


3. Pracchardana vidharanabhyam va pranasya


Here Pataniali offers the importance of conscious regulation of

breath, with special focus on exhalation, through what is known as

pranayama.It has been often reiterated in many Indian texts that

breathing has a direct effect on the state of mind. The more disturbed

the breath, the more disturbed is the mind. By regulating the breath,

we bring some order to the breath. This in turn makes the mind more



4. Visayavati va pravrwmtpanna manasah sthiti nibandhini


Another intriguing solution is the inquiry into the objects that we

are attracted to. We many objects whether are often attracted to we

require them or not. This often leads us into trouble. An inquiry into

the need and role of these objects might steady our mind and hence

reduce the disturbances.


5. Visoka va jyotismati


What happens to me in my dream state is completely different from what

happens to me in my awakened state, or in my sleep. But a part of me

is always conscious to experience each of these different situations.

There is a part of me that is changing always and something else that

is experiencing this change.


An inquiry into this is, another solution offered by Patanjaii to

reduce our mental disturbances.


6. Vitaraga visayam va cittam


We can learn from others who have been through similar suffering

but are out of it. Their experiences might throw light on how we

can function so that we do not undergo similar suffering.


7. Swapna nidra jnanalambanam va


Often our disturbances or our states of mind are reflected in our

dreams. An inquiry into these may also prove to be helpful.


8. Yathabhimata dhyanadva


Patanjaii's yet another solution is to meditate on anything pleasant,

that can offer help. It could be a rising sun, a full moon, a

hillside scenario.


9. Isvara pranidhanadva


One of the most important solutions offered by Patanjaii is to have

complete faith in lsvara or God. Here god is the all knowing teacher.

One who has this complete faith is beyond these obstacles.

The obstacles don't disturb them at all. However faith must be

strengthened by devotional attitudes at all times.



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