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Amma's birthday (From today's edition of The Times of India)

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Spiritual love


[FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2002 12:15:55 AM ]


Today is Mata Amritanandamayi's Birthday


Spiritual love is so deep and expansive that it cannot

be measured. It is limitless. Worldly love is

superficial and shallow. It is also not constant, it

comes and goes; the beginning is always beautiful and

exciting, but slowly, it tapers off. In most cases, it

ends in hatred and deep sorrow, causing great

emotional upsets.


Pure love has nothing to do with the body. It binds

and unites the soul of the lover with the soul of the

beloved. But pure love does involve a tremendous

amount of self-sacrifice; it may cause great pain, but

pure love always culminates in everlasting bliss.


All impurities melt and disappear in the heat of the

pain of separation and longing. This suffering is

known as tapas. The gopis became totally identified

with Krishna through this pain. Their pain was so

excruciating and intense that their individuality

disappeared completely and they merged with their

beloved Krishna.


Pure love removes all negative feelings. Destroying

all selfishness, it expects nothing but gives



In order to gain the highest form of bliss one has to

undergo purification. Purification is heating up the

mind in order to remove all impurities, and this

process inevitably involves pain.


Mata Amritanandamayi









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