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Digest Number 618 and further thoughts on liberation

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Moksha or Liberation

According to Indian Philosophical Systems



This world is called realm of painful suffering - Samsara. 'Samsara'

is a Sanskrit word meaning 'repeated passing of souls through

different worlds,' which also means going through the cycle of

repeated births and deaths. This world is also metaphorically called

as 'bhava-sagara' or 'samsara-sagara,' ocean of worldliness.

Individual soul cannot cross it without the knowledge of his true

nature, that is Divine Self, or without the Grace of the God. The

soul swims without any specific direction, gets exhausted, and

perishes without crossing to the shore of Infinite Bliss, only to be

reborn again and again to repeat the same cycle. Many a verse and

parable is written to exemplify the plight of ignorant beings in

their unsuccessful attempt to cross this 'ocean of worldliness' by

various means. For instance, some think that bliss lies in sense

enjoyment, some try to earn name and fame, power and position, still

others believe that the goal can be reached through such endeavors as

acquiring knowledge of physical sciences and scriptures. However, all

such crude or refined acts, in the last analysis, do not release the

soul from fateful cycle of birth and death.


Then, what is Liberation? How does and by what means does one achieve



Different schools of Hindu philosophy give different answers to these

questions. Although they might appear disparate, one common basis

about Liberation in all these schools is that the soul attains to

Moksha when it realizes God, thus becoming free from the ignorance

about its true nature. What is this ignorance, and what is the real

nature of the soul? And how does ignorance veil the mind and

intellect of the soul? Various Teachers and founder persons of six

schools of thought discuss and elaborate these points in their own

peculiar way, and accordingly the definition and means to achieve

Freedom also appears different.


Liberation according to the Dvaita School of Philosophy


Dvaita or dualistic school of Vedanta maintains that the soul gets

freedom only after the death. A person cannot become totally Free

from the Ignorance while still living in human body. However, the

human body is essential for the purification of mind, and thus making

the aspirant fit for Liberation. These spiritual disciplines and

scriptural injunctions a sadhaka has to undertake or follow are 1)

internal and external purity of body, mind, and speech, 2) leading

ethical and moral life of austerity, non-violence, non-attachment to

senses, 3) total surrender to the Will of God, forbearance, and

devotional worship and meditation on the Chosen Deity (like Vishnu,

Hari, Sri Krishna). Following such not so easy life pattern the

aspirant becomes fit for release or Moksha through the Grace of God.

Some Dvaita philosophers maintain that everybody cannot attain to

Moksha, only a select few become Free with God's Grace. Further, we

find four grades of Moksha:

Salokya - soul reaches the world of Ishta Devata and enjoys life


Samipya - soul enjoys extreme proximity to the Lord,

Sarupya - acquires the form of God and enjoys intense Bliss, and

Sayujya - soul becomes blissfully one with God.

Moksha according to qualified non-dualism (Vishishthadvaita



This school of thought also does not accept Liberation while still

living in the body. A person can be liberated only after the death.

The concept of Moksha is more or less similar to Dvaita system.

However, no great emphasis is laid on grades. The soul through

spiritual disciplines and most importantly by way of total surrender

to God and by His Grace reaches Vaikuntha, the world of Vishnu, and

blissfully lives forever in a spiritual body in the company of his

chosen Ideal. The soul acquires many divine powers, but cannot

create, sustain, or dissolve the world as Ishwara or God can do. The

individual soul does not become God, but is subservient to His Will.

The only path to reach the Lord and attain Moksha is through Bhakti

Yoga, and Karma and Jnana are but aid to Bhakti or devotion.


Moksha according to Advaita Vedanta (Absolute Monism)


The Advaita or non-dualistic school of Vedanta believes that by

getting rid of Ignorance or Avidya, which has caused the soul to

forget its true nature, leads to Freedom from samsara. Indeed, there

exists none other than One Supreme Self after the lower self has

gained the knowledge of its true nature. It is the superimposition of

the multifarious world on the Self that leads to suffering and

transmigration from one birth to the next.


Spiritual disciplines by way of four Yogas; Jnana Yoga of

discrimination and renunciation in particular, lead to purification

of the mind and sharpening of 'reason'. This newly acquired

purification makes the sadhaka ready for intense meditation on

Impersonal aspect of God (Atman, Brahman) and thus gain 'Atman-Jnana'

or 'Brahman-Jnana' on the basis of 'universal intuition' of Oneness.

He becomes free from Avidya or Maya or Ignorance, and becomes One

with Supreme Self, which is none other than Absolute Existence,

Knowledge, and Bliss.


Liberation according to Samkhya Philosophy


This system posits two absolute realities 1) sentient Purusha, as

Self or Spirit, and 2) insentient Prakriti as Matter of which human

body and mind are the highly evolved stages. Purusha is Pure

Consciousness but due to lack of discrimination (aviveka), It falsely

identifies with Prakriti (and its manifestations as this world), and

thus experiences joy and happiness, pain and sufferings. Only when

the Purusha acquires the knowledge that It is completely different

and distinct from Prakriti, It becomes Free (enlightened). The

knowledge that leads to Liberation is Viveka Jnana (knowledge through

discrimination). When a Jiva (individual self) identifies with

Purusha and not with Prakriti (insentient principle - matter in its

manifold expressions as names and forms) the individual becomes free.

This clear dichotomy between Purusha and Prakriti brings Supreme

Knowledge and Bliss to the individual Jiva. Thus, Jnana Yoga and Raja

Yoga mostly are the means advocated by Samkhya for Moksha. Such

Liberation leads to complete freedom from pain and suffering. This

state is called state of Kaivalya. Like Advaita Vedantins, Samkhya

also accepts possibility of Liberation while still living in the body

(Jivan Mukta; Free while living). After the body falls, it becomes

Videhi Mukti (Free after death).


Sri Krishna in the Gita defines knowledge as 'the knowledge of

Kshetra (Field, Prakriti, Matter) and Kshetrajna (Knower of the

field, Purusha, Spirit or Self), which is considered as the true

knowledge.' (Gita XIII. 2) That which is perceived as the matter

having names and forms, that is called the 'Field' or Kshetra, and

one that engulfs, pervades, that which is in and out of the 'Field'

and by which ones come to realize the 'Field', is called the 'Knower

of the Field' - Kshetrajna.


A person (sadhaka or spiritual aspirant) who experiences such

distinction between matter and the spirit, the person who has become

like a dried coconut in which the inner pulp has separated from the

outer shell as two distinct entities, and the person who identities

with the outer shell (i.e. spirit) such a person is known to have

gained the knowledge. He has become the liberated yogi par



c s shah

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Hello Group,

My name is Robin. I was in an Egroup about a year ago. And my life is in such

upheaval that I thought Id come back and see if anyone can help. Im totally

lost in life right now. Darkness all around me. I pray and pray but find no

answers, at least not that Im aware of, or maybe I am and I'm afraid to answer

them. I am 28 years old been married for eight and now divorcing. I have two

daughters five and four. Im so stressed out about money, and am dating someone

for almost three months which I have doubts about. It seems all simple but its

all first times for me. I feel so ALONE in life, sometimes I want to give up,

the only thing that keeps me going is my girls. I barely have any friends, don't

know where to meet anyone, and with my girls its hard to get out. Ive been

living with my mother in a one bed room apartment, its so crowded. I sleep on

the couch, and there hardly a minute alone. I cry all day everyday. It never

seems to leave. Im so scared. I just want to be held. It would be nice to be

held by Amma, but if it were to be, then I would have a way to be there. Which I

don't. I just want to find my place in this world, something Im meant to do,

something Im good at, and I want someone to share it with, who loves, respects

me the way I would them. Someone with simalar beliefs, openminded. I feel so

alone. Please send me help of some kind. I really am a spiritual person, but

have some how lost my way. I see only darkness and lonliness. I know what to do

and what not to do. I just do not know how. I have been smoking which I havent

done in about ten years.






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Sorry somehow my message was cut off. Please send some help. I need love, light,

and most of all ..Hope. Hope for the future, hope for someone special, and hope

to be happy again. Someone please bring me back home.

With all the love and devotion I have for now, Robin

Robin Wilson


Hello Group,

My name is Robin. I was in an Egroup about a year ago. And my life is in such

upheaval that I thought Id come back and see if anyone can help. Im totally

lost in life right now. Darkness all around me. I pray and pray but find no

answers, at least not that Im aware of, or maybe I am and I'm afraid to answer

them. I am 28 years old been married for eight and now divorcing. I have two

daughters five and four. Im so stressed out about money, and am dating someone

for almost three months which I have doubts about. It seems all simple but its

all first times for me. I feel so ALONE in life, sometimes I want to give up,

the only thing that keeps me going is my girls. I barely have any friends, don't

know where to meet anyone, and with my girls its hard to get out. Ive been

living with my mother in a one bed room apartment, its so crowded. I sleep on

the couch, and there hardly a minute alone. I cry all day everyday. It never

seems to leave. Im so scared. I just want to be held. It would be nice to be

held by Amma, but if it were to be, then I would have a way to be there. Which I

don't. I just want to find my place in this world, something Im meant to do,

something Im good at, and I want someone to share it with, who loves, respects

me the way I would them. Someone with simalar beliefs, openminded. I feel so

alone. Please send me help of some kind. I really am a spiritual person, but

have some how lost my way. I see only darkness and lonliness. I know what to do

and what not to do. I just do not know how. I have been smoking which I havent

done in about ten years.






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Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!











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Namah Shivaya dear daughter of Amma,


Please send some help. I need love,

> light, and most of all ..Hope. Hope for the future, hope for someone special,

> and hope to be happy again. Someone please bring me back home.



I have put your name on our altar and pray daily over it. Invite others on

this list to do the same.


Where are you geographically?


I remember a period of great darkness after I separated from my first

husband. Like you, it was my love for my son that got me through. That was

more than 10 years before I met Amma, though I do believe She was caring for

us even then.


Ask Amma to guide you and I will pray the same for you. Sometimes asking for

help can be the hardest. Thanks for turning to this list. Most communities

have resources for people who need help. I encourage you to inquire until

you find a network of caring people who can support you. Perhaps there is a

church community (with childcare) that you would be comfortable with?


May Amma's grace bring you comfort and the glimmer of hope you deserve.


Sending her love to you, your daughters and your mother.


Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah

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I am very honored. I think many are praying for me now and I think I feel the

love welling up inside me. Ill need it for the next few weeks so please do not

stop. I have had many responses to my letter and they all make me smile. I

havent feel this good in months. Today it was like I woke up and I could see the

light peaking through. I feel that Amma is with me and giving me the strength I

need. Thank you so much for your prayers. Robin


I live in St Louis MO

Kenna <kenna wrote:Namah Shivaya dear daughter of Amma,


Please send some help. I need love,

> light, and most of all ..Hope. Hope for the future, hope for someone special,

> and hope to be happy again. Someone please bring me back home.



I have put your name on our altar and pray daily over it. Invite others on

this list to do the same.


Where are you geographically?


I remember a period of great darkness after I separated from my first

husband. Like you, it was my love for my son that got me through. That was

more than 10 years before I met Amma, though I do believe She was caring for

us even then.


Ask Amma to guide you and I will pray the same for you. Sometimes asking for

help can be the hardest. Thanks for turning to this list. Most communities

have resources for people who need help. I encourage you to inquire until

you find a network of caring people who can support you. Perhaps there is a

church community (with childcare) that you would be comfortable with?


May Amma's grace bring you comfort and the glimmer of hope you deserve.


Sending her love to you, your daughters and your mother.


Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah




Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!











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I know that things may seem dark and hopeless, but please know that

Amma is always with you, guiding you and smiling down upon you. I'm

sure that there is not one person on this list (or in the entire world

for that matter) who has not at some point felt exactly the same as you

do now. The only advice that I can give you is to focus on the

positive things in your life. You should feel blessed to have two

beautiful children and a caring mother to provide a roof over your

head. Although things may be bad for you, there are people on the

earth who have it much much worse. Please do not take this as

insensitivity. . . It's just that when I feel at my worst, it helps to

remind myself how lucky I am to have food, clothing, shelter, and a

family who cares about me.

When I feel especially hopeless I chant my mantra and picture Amma

smiling at me. Please know that any feelings you may have are only

part of a greater plan to lead you to enlightenment.

Without darkness there is no light.

Without sadness there is no joy.

Above all, please know that you are not alone in your struggle.


In the warmth of Amma's loving embrace,


On Sunday, October 13, 2002, at 03:18 PM, Robin Wilson wrote:



> Hello Group,

> My name is Robin. I was in an Egroup about a year ago. And my life is

> in such upheaval that I  thought Id come back and see if anyone can

> help. Im totally lost in life right now. Darkness all around me. I

> pray and pray but find no answers, at least not that Im aware of, or

> maybe I am and I'm afraid to answer them. I am 28 years old been

> married for eight and now divorcing. I have two daughters five and

> four. Im so stressed out about money, and am dating someone for almost

> three months which I have doubts about. It seems all simple but its

> all first times for me. I feel so ALONE in life, sometimes I want to

> give up, the only thing that keeps me going is my girls. I barely have

> any friends, don't know where to meet anyone, and with my girls its

> hard to get out. Ive been living with my mother in a one bed room

> apartment, its so crowded. I sleep on the couch, and there hardly a

> minute alone. I cry all day everyday. It never seems to leave. Im so

> scared. I just want to be held. It would be nice to be held by Amma,

> but if it were to be, then I would have a way to be there. Which I

> don't. I just want to find my place in this world, something Im meant

> to do, something Im good at, and I want someone to share it with, who

> loves, respects me the way I would them. Someone with simalar beliefs,

> openminded. I feel so alone. Please send me help of some kind. I

> really am a spiritual person, but have some how lost my way. I see

> only darkness and lonliness. I know what to do and what not to do. I

> just do not know how. I have been smoking which I havent done in about

> ten years.






> Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos, & more

> faith.








> Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!


> Ammachi






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aum namah sivayah:

----------she was caring for us even then, hope your the "even then" should not

be there, no must not be there ,that made and makes u confused .be in her

hands,then leave it to her, without even then, AMMA says to doubt is the main

business of mind. we are all her children so she will take care of us

be always with AMMA

aum namah sivayah:


Robin Wilson <lilymoonjewel wrote:

I am very honored. I think many are praying for me now and I think I feel the

love welling up inside me. Ill need it for the next few weeks so please do not

stop. I have had many responses to my letter and they all make me smile. I

havent feel this good in months. Today it was like I woke up and I could see the

light peaking through. I feel that Amma is with me and giving me the strength I

need. Thank you so much for your prayers. Robin


I live in St Louis MO

Kenna <kenna wrote:Namah Shivaya dear daughter of Amma,


Please send some help. I need love,

> light, and most of all ..Hope. Hope for the future, hope for someone special,

> and hope to be happy again. Someone please bring me back home.



I have put your name on our altar and pray daily over it. Invite others on

this list to do the same.


Where are you geographically?


I remember a period of great darkness after I separated from my first

husband. Like you, it was my love for my son that got me through. That was

more than 10 years before I met Amma, though I do believe She was caring for

us even then.


Ask Amma to guide you and I will pray the same for you. Sometimes asking for

help can be the hardest. Thanks for turning to this list. Most communities

have resources for people who need help. I encourage you to inquire until

you find a network of caring people who can support you. Perhaps there is a

church community (with childcare) that you would be comfortable with?


May Amma's grace bring you comfort and the glimmer of hope you deserve.


Sending her love to you, your daughters and your mother.


Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah




Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!











Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos, & more





Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!











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Namah Shivaya,


> Thank you all for your prayers thank you so much I can't even tell you how I

> feel right now


hope that means you're feeling better! Please do keep us posted.

In Amma's grace,


Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah

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Thank you all for your prayers thank you so much I can't even tell you how I

feel right now

jayraj puoleri <jayrajpuoleri wrote:

aum namah sivayah:

----------she was caring for us even then, hope your the "even then" should not

be there, no must not be there ,that made and makes u confused .be in her

hands,then leave it to her, without even then, AMMA says to doubt is the main

business of mind. we are all her children so she will take care of us

be always with AMMA

aum namah sivayah:


Robin Wilson <lilymoonjewel wrote:

I am very honored. I think many are praying for me now and I think I feel the

love welling up inside me. Ill need it for the next few weeks so please do not

stop. I have had many responses to my letter and they all make me smile. I

havent feel this good in months. Today it was like I woke up and I could see the

light peaking through. I feel that Amma is with me and giving me the strength I

need. Thank you so much for your prayers. Robin


I live in St Louis MO

Kenna <kenna wrote:Namah Shivaya dear daughter of Amma,


Please send some help. I need love,

> light, and most of all ..Hope. Hope for the future, hope for someone special,

> and hope to be happy again. Someone please bring me back home.



I have put your name on our altar and pray daily over it. Invite others on

this list to do the same.


Where are you geographically?


I remember a period of great darkness after I separated from my first

husband. Like you, it was my love for my son that got me through. That was

more than 10 years before I met Amma, though I do believe She was caring for

us even then.


Ask Amma to guide you and I will pray the same for you. Sometimes asking for

help can be the hardest. Thanks for turning to this list. Most communities

have resources for people who need help. I encourage you to inquire until

you find a network of caring people who can support you. Perhaps there is a

church community (with childcare) that you would be comfortable with?


May Amma's grace bring you comfort and the glimmer of hope you deserve.


Sending her love to you, your daughters and your mother.


Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah




Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!











Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos, & more





Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!











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Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!











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When I feel the time is right to tell everyone how I am I will do so...Your

prayers are helping termidously! And I don't know who it was that told me to

write things that I want and don't want down....Thank you ....I think it is

working...and the right path is coming back.....In Ammas arms....Robin

Kenna <kenna wrote:Namah Shivaya,


> Thank you all for your prayers thank you so much I can't even tell you how I

> feel right now


hope that means you're feeling better! Please do keep us posted.

In Amma's grace,


Aum Amriteshvaryai Namah


Aum Amriteswarayai Namaha!











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