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Censorship in Amma's publications

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Namah Shivaya, Dianadevi,


When I said that censorship goes on all the time in Amma's

publications, I was merely pointing out a fact. I was not

implying that it was a bad thing. After all, I censor the

TV content my son sees, because I think that it is best. Maybe

I shouldn't, I don't know.


The divine mother, by hiding

behind maya, is perpetually censoring the divine truth. Those

who have the faith that Amma is doing all for our good, and

who have surrendered to her, will accept it -- it is their

dharma. For others, their dharma will be to question everything.


I enjoy reading Matruvani and such less and less these days simply

because the stuff in there is too general -- watered down and

cleaned up for the 'general public', perhaps.


To the person who sent me the private email (I have put them

on Bcc: ) -- I am not offended by your 'chastisement'. I appreciate

your point of view and your candor, too. Give and take between

Amma's children!


Love and regards,



Vallath Nandakumar



>Sat, 12 Oct 2002 17:05:27 EDT


>Vakratunda Mahaakaaya Suryakotee Sama Prabha

>Nirvighnam kuru mey Deva

>Sarva kaaryeshu Sarvadaa


>Oh my dear Self Vallath,


>You are wrong, the humorous story of Religious leaders, for example I've


>quite a few times on the web. And perhaps it's OK to smoke sometimes, but

>isn't that an improper thing to appear to endorse generally if you are


>There are so many souls on so many levels, isn't it better to be discreet,

>when you are as big as Amma Devi? Some information may trip up and confuse

>some, but is perfectly fine for others, don't you think it's better to omit

>such things on the larger scale rather than cause damage?


>I am secretary to 2 people. With one boss I share internet jokes and off

>color humor, with the other boss it's completely unacceptable and

>inappropriate. For example, if I get work dumped on me, I have discriminate

>between responding "Oh, what a dud, thanks a lot you creep!" or "Yes ma'am,

>I'll do my best." I like and respect both bosses equally. They are just

>different, requiring different information for our mutual progress. You


>say I'm rude to one, you could say I'm phony to the other. But the truth is

>not limited to such small perspective - it's bigger.


>Sorry, one more example. Damage of right information gone wrong:

>An acquaintance prostituted herself as a teenager (inner city girl). She

>never recovered from the thought "I am a whore" because she engaged in

>exchanging sex for money, even though perhaps many people are libertine in

>this age. All I could see was a clean, smart, nice person. She told me


>she was so unhappy because everytime she met a nice guy, she felt obligated

>to "warn them" about her past, then they'd avoid her. I begged her to keep

>this information to herself in the future. It was not good or helpful for

>anyone to know (especially me, a friendly, but passing stranger at a bus

>shelter)! Now *please forgive me* this dramatic example, but I wanted to

>paint a picture, as I understand, of how "truth" and "perspective" can get

>corruptible, thanks to ego, thanks to Maya. Therefore it's necessary to


>discrimination, which is not necessarily censorship.


>Mother bless us so that we may understand You!



> Message: 3

> Fri, 11 Oct 2002 16:52:55 +0000

> "Vallath Nandakumar" <vallathn

> Re: Digest Number 621



> Avram,


> Censorship goes on all the time in the Ammachi publications. I can give

> lots of examples. For example, Amma did not want live webcast of Devi

> Bhava, for fear that it would be misunderstood (I heard this from

> a member of the webpage staff).


> In another case, there

> was a story about my smoking on amritapuri.org, where Amma asked me to

> sit behind her and smell a rose instead of smoking a cigarette. There

> was some stuff added at the end about temporary worldly pleasures that

> Amma had never told me. Also omitted was the fact that Amma explicitly

> asked

> me NOT to stop smoking -- she asked me to simply reduce it. Amma told me

> that she and Janani wrote this web story together.


> I personally have other such examples.


> And the Swamis, in small closed gatherings,

> often share happenings around Amma and advice from her

> that they do not want published or even discussed outside.


> Most important (and often unimportant) articles are presented to Amma for

> her approval. So she probably approved what the web people did with

> her speech. Also, in her Parliament of World Religions (?) last year

> or so, there was a humorous story in her Malayalam version that was


> in

> the English translation that I give below.


> I think the whole Women Leaders speech may still be on ammachi.org, by


> way.


> Story: Three leaders from religions that had a history of conflict

> had a peacemaking meeting. An angel who

> saw this was so pleased at their efforts that he came down and

> offered each of them a wish. The leader of religion A said, "Destroy

> all adherents to religion B." The angel was very disappointed, and

> turned to leader B. He wanted the angel to destory all adherents of

> religion A. With growing disappointment, the angel turned

> to leader C.


> "I don't want anything for myself," leader C humbly said, heartening

> the angel for a moment.


> But then leader C continued, "Just fulfil my two colleagues' wishes."


> Nandu

> Vallath Nandakumar

> >>





Vallath Nandakumar





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