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Those who do not eat vegan food are amassing the karma of

cruelty to animals





Attacks on Baba are done by the same disinformation campaign

of international capital cartels' intelligence agencies

which drove the Labour Party out of Australia in 72

... which attacked Chile and Alliende in 73.. Guatemala

in 54..


When the CIA dropped counterfeit money on India

in order to destabilize the regime during the rulership

of Indira Gandhi, the dharma of India caused the counterfeits

to stimulate the economy.


Sai Baba has said that conspiracy theories have a foundation

of truth.. but 'one must see agents as God and speak to them

of God'.


Those who believe the allegations are like people passing

a Cosmic Mirror.. describing their own faces.


Sri Sathya Sai Baba, only being in recorded history to have

over 100 million followers believe Him the Avatar, has

said "Caesar is the detonater.. Caesar is the diaspora".

He said this before the Oklahoma City detonation.. long before

the WTC detonation.



What does Colombo ask when he investigates a murder?

1. Who benefits?

He never eliminates anyone as an initial suspect.

Is it the Chinese govt? Ariel Sharon's agents? Al Qaeda?

Who benefits?

Who wants to make DC a police state? Which AG has asked for

more power?

Which party benefits if the sniper and not issues

are in the media?


God give victory to the black Senate candidate in Texas

... & to most Democrats..






Captain Corelli's Mandolin with Nicholas Cage Penelope Cruz and

John Hurt is a masterpiece.. dealing with issues of pacifism and

nonpacifism at all times, specifically the Italian and German

occupation of Greece. The scenes of the blue sea and blue purple

mountains beyond are exquisite. The actors are brilliant.

The screenwriting is mystical. This little known chapter of history,

the German massacre of thousands of Italian soldiers in Sept of 43,

deserves more attention.

Captain Corelli of the Italian army has never pointed a gun at anyone.

(prefer movies without topless actors)


Mondo Kane

is a classic about torture of people and animals around the world.


Please vote out the governors who have conducted executions

(Repub Taft of Ohio, Rep Perry of Texas, Repub. Bush of Florida)

http://www.internationalanswer.org Millions protesting

Bush administration violence toward other countries


--- End forwarded message ---


Warren had a tax amnesty this month.


Warren residents held a candlelight vigil this month

for victims of domestic battering.


Return WKBN to local control


In predominantly Democratic NEO, Clear Channel has

virtually no Democratic hosts.


Tim Hagan even in the polls





Burnside and Black.. Democrat judicial candidates

for Ohio Supreme Court.


Rep Sherrod Brown will speak at the following peace gathering:

Oct 26 Protest Bush wars http://www.internationalanswer.org


Purina Mills was shut down last year for Mad Cow







http://www.internationalanswer.org http://www.indymedia.org

Connie Chung said in October of 2002 on a US network news show that

Mad Cow is in the US. She showed film of cows stumbling as their back

legs did not support them, as well as film of a Florida woman

diagnosed with the disease and her family. The woman, in the final

stages of the disease, was biting her family members.

However, the show erred in several respects.

1. This Florida case is not the first case of Mad Cow in the US, but

one of thousands or tens of thousands repressed by the Centers For

Disease Control.

CDC is the agency which supplied anthrax to Iraq in the hopes

that it would be used against Iran.

CDC is the agency which promotes toxic price gouging animal

abusing pharmaceuticals.

CDC is the agency which has attempted to protect the multi trillion

dollar animal slaughter and meat industry by lying about Mad

Cow to the American people.

Health departments in many states have been negligent

or have criminally suppressed evidence of Mad Cow.

2. The show attempted to blame the UK for Mad Cow in the US while the

US meat industry has many spongiform encephalopathy engendering

practices such as using roadkill, pound slaughtered,

and slaughterhouse trash in animals' food.

3. Howard Lyman's lawsuit by Amarillo cattlemen was thrown out

by the 5th Circuit which held that he cannot be guilty of libel

when he told the truth about Mad Cow in the US.


4. Mad Fish in the US comes from the practice of factory farming

fish. Bone meal from other animals is often fed to the fish.

5. Mad Elk and Mad Deer came originally from the factory farming

of deer in Saskatchewan, Alberta and many US states.


6. Republican governors such as Pataki, Taft, Perry and Keating

have increased the practice of canned hunts in which animals

huddle at the side of fenced in enclosures in which they are

trapped.. for trophy seeking hunters. Many of the animals for

these hunts come from factory farms.

In the US deaths from Mad Cow are diagnosed as

meningitis, West Nile, encephalitis, brain tumor, leukemia,

food poisoning, dementia.

In the case of the Florida woman featured on the show, the physician

had prescribed an antidepressant for her, perhaps through

negligence or ignorance. The government of Canada

finally admitted this year to Mad Cow.

Jeb Bush has received the support of the Florida beef industry

as his brother received the support of the Amarillo feedlot,

Texas beef, and US beef industry.

Connie Chung's husband Maury Povich has many times made his

airwaves available to vegetarians.


http://www.mad-cow.org 7700 articles on Mad Cow in US


















One of Mad Cow's causes is the feeding of parts of some animals

to others. Just as cannibals who eat human brains contract

kuru, a brain disease, other spongiform encephalopathies

occur in different species. Cervine spongiform encephalopathy

is Mad Deer Disease. http://www.maddeer.org

Piscean spongiform encephalopathy is Mad Fish Disease.


Mad Pig Disease, Mad Elk Disease, Mad Sheep Disease, Mad Chicken

Disease, Mad Turkey Disease are simply different variants

of the same disease.

To avoid Mad Cow become vegan and detoxify with vitamin

C, fresh fruit, prayer, positive thought, forgiveness exercises




http://www.vrg.org/recipes ...



Vote Democratic for decriminalization



Many Hindu gurus say not to eat anywhere that meat is served.

Whatever our faith or lack thereof, if we were to follow this

practice we would be protected from

.. Chinese restaurants in which vegetarian dishes are cooked

in beef stock and labeled vegetarian.. unwitting

patrons are drinking cows' blood

.. Mexican restaurants in which burritos are called vegetarian

though cooked in lard

.. the salmonella and worms and other problems associated

with a cutting board which is used for both meat and vegetables

.. when we avoid meat restaurants we remove capital from

the butcher networks.. it is better to bring our own food

or to eat only at vegetarian restaurants.

.. the flesh of dogs, cats, horses being marketed as the flesh

of innocent cows, pigs, sheep

.. the anger of the cook enters the food in subtle ways













http://www.mad-cow.org 7700 articles

(Connie Chung has reported Mad Cow in the US)
















640,000 foreclosures in US in last year

2.5 million Americans at least 1 mortgage payment behind

despite record low interest rates

2 million Americans out of work since Bush was illegally appointed

Tens of billions diverted from health, education, etc.

to warmonger profiteers such as George Bush Sr., Lynne Cheney,

Frank Carlucci and John Major.



OCALA.. a group funded by McDonald's which

is fighting against lawsuits about their

cancer heart disease diet


http://groups.msn.com/ar9/ in the pictures folder

a picture of a sweet little piglet caught between 2 pieces

of bread




Jesus told stoners

to put down their stones

Jesus told Peter to put down his sword.

Thou Shalt Not Kill.. said God to Moses

Peace is the Way of the Lord.



Father in Jesus' name bless listmembers' parents whether alive or not,

our ancestors, and all beings now and forever with joy, peace,


peace, supply, healing, miracles, eternal and infinite love. Show

Yourself to all atheists. Be with all the lonely.


Matthew 17 implies that epilepsy is caused by demonic

possession. Jesus says 'this kind come out through prayer

and fasting'.


First Do No Harm with Meryl Streep is a wonderful movie

... about the fight of a mother to keep a hospital

from kidnapping her epileptic child legally, trying to

perform potentially lethal surgery on him, bankrupting her,

discrediting her mental health to buttress their legal attempt

at custody. She relies on Matthew 17

and a therapy done at another hospital.

My criticism:

1. The movie is a promo for Johns Hopkins, an institution which

has itself researched on people and animals, and was given

over 100 million by Mayor Bloomberg to inflict pain on

voiceless animals.

2. It is a promo for animal fat..


20,000 year old Sanskrit for black is Shyama.. the color

of the Avatar.. Sathya Sai Baba. Ancient Sanskrit scripture

speaks of the black curly hair of the Avatar.





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